My Life

My diary is now locked.

I just changed the password. You can write me at [email protected]

My favorite diaries:

girlsmad profile - diary
comments: My Sister. Honest documentation of her life, dreams, aspirations and upcoming experiences of college in Manhattan. She moved, her new diary address is in my private folder.
lettynow profile - diary
comments: She's been through alot and has come out strong on the other end. She's such a cool person and amazing Mom with a very honest and powerful diary. Read her!
Alicefalls profile - diary
comments: a great diary and a good friend!
Yelayna profile - diary
comments: Think: Bridget Jones with a twist. She's insightful and funny. Reading her diary is like reading letters from a close friend.
beachbride06 profile - diary
comments: I think we were seperated at birth. (locked)
InsaneGerbil profile - diary
comments: She doesn't give herself enough credit. Her writing is honest, poetic, scattered and random, like thoughts swirling. A great read and also a very cool girl
Dangerspouse profile - diary
comments: Damn! He's funny!
luna-obscura profile - diary
comments: A fellow artist, documenting her travel to America and arrival at Artschool. an interesting read plus we might be related..
Tuff517 profile - diary
comments: Her diary is always chockful of funny tales and song quotes. Always makes me laugh.
Whereibegin profile - diary
comments: She's insightful ,really knows herself, and very eloquent.
Betchy profile - diary
comments: If you're not reading this diary yet..what is wrong with you? She's a little bit of Carrie Bradshaw and a little bit of Bridget Jones. Great read! Great friend.
TranceJen profile - diary
comments: Who isn't reading her? All I can say is..I love her diary
heidiann profile - diary
comments: From the first time I discovered her, I was pulled into her world
Goingloopy profile - diary
comments: I (HEART) Going loopy! She's entertaining, Witty and original! I admire her too, she always speaks her mind!
Juddhole profile - diary
comments: What can I say about Judd? He's simply an awesome awesome guy with an awesome awesome journal. He's two "awesome's" worth of alot of things:). If you're not reading him yet, Get with the program
Katm6 profile - diary
comments: I can't describe adequately in words how much her warmth, kindness, open heart and compassion means to me. She's a beautiful friend.
ventichai profile - diary
comments: I'm so glad she's back and I'm always looking forward to her updates!
Kiosh profile - diary
comments: He's a true kindred spirit with the right perspective on life. He always inspires me, and lifts my mood.
Retailharlot profile - diary
comments: She's witty, funny, intelligent and has some priceless observations on life. A great read.
myself--asis profile - diary
comments: Simply beautiful.
Augustdreams profile - diary
comments: She has such a big heart and such an enchanting view on life. (she also has the cutest guineapig)
oladybug0 profile - diary
comments: I never know what little gem I will discover when I click on her journal, beautiful photography, poetry, quotes, links and observations from life
sapphyr profile - diary
comments: She's so wonderful, compassionate and good-hearted., We're really on the same wave-length. She describes her love of Muse, her child and life so eloquently
singlegirl profile - diary
comments: I can really relate with her. Her real honesty and openness is inspiring. It's rare and special.
ameliorating profile - diary
comments: I'm really looking forward to reading this diary! I'm glad she's back:)
starlight42 profile - diary
xanti profile - diary
Poopiebitch profile - diary
Darktruth profile - diary
coldandgray profile - diary
wordsofmine profile - diary
krugerpak007 profile - diary
nightmare54 profile - diary
geekgurrll profile - diary
chicagojo profile - diary
ladiebug profile - diary
alwaysinhim profile - diary
theflyingrat profile - diary
retrodiarist profile - diary
Mzletty profile - diary
Blazingstar profile - diary
YeahImADork profile - diary
heelandlass profile - diary
culotte profile - diary
vla profile - diary
girl-bones profile - diary
ironic-lips profile - diary
Cybil-522 profile - diary
warcrygirl profile - diary
kristintracy profile - diary
Candoor profile - diary
sandandfog profile - diary
chakra-chick profile - diary
portia12 profile - diary
f1shb0wl profile - diary
Jumblygiant profile - diary
reynedecoupe profile - diary
la-blue-eyez profile - diary
Beckers-j profile - diary
ochweidnit profile - diary
bluemeany profile - diary
mozangeles profile - diary
smiletenshi profile - diary
drewa profile - diary
Lerin profile - diary
janetplnetoc profile - diary
princessreva profile - diary
thehour profile - diary
meine-kleine profile - diary
nogooddaddy profile - diary
myownjourney profile - diary
smedindy profile - diary
all-on-paper profile - diary
xeroxjunkie profile - diary
Vicola profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Clash
Red hot chili peppers
The doors

My favorite movies:

Requiem for a dream
Reality Bites
Girl, Interrupted
Vanilla Sky
Breakfast at tiffany's

My favorite authors:

Emily Bronte
Virginia Woolf
Jane Austen
Stephen King
Jennifer Weiner

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last updated: 2010-10-10 23:34:24
this user's total entries: 544
user since: 2004-02-02

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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