GuEss WhoS bAck.....Back AGaIn

If you know my old diary name;

my user name is that. and my password is that as well HOLLA!~

My favorite diaries:

snshyne profile - diary
comments: PArtNER In CriME
singlegirl profile - diary
comments: We ARe So AlIke...I love her!
clarity25 profile - diary
comments: Her LifE IS So SuRREal.. I LIve VicaARiouSly THrough Her
spoildangelz profile - diary
comments: BeAutiful......
Aliboomboom profile - diary
comments: Great GIRl, Great read and adorable son!
alwaysaurora profile - diary
comments: Its Like A Really Good BOOk, I never want to Put dOWn
newlyweds profile - diary
comments: First Discovered Her in a Book I BouGHt From B&N...... She IS a Great REad
Bethany9 profile - diary
comments: My Fave ChICago Girl, Her LIfe is So FUn and Love The PIcs
partygirl profile - diary
comments: I Used to LOve to REad her... where Did She go???? cOme BACK!
crazy4muffin profile - diary
comments: Very INtRiguING...
Jess1976 profile - diary
comments: Great REad.. PlANning A wedDIng ALso! :)
littlelizzi profile - diary
comments: Love her! :) sorry kids, its locked!

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last updated: 2006-07-05 17:39:23
this user's total entries: 63
user since: 2005-08-12

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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