Welcome to the JuddHole

I started this thing like all the other wanna-be-the-funniest doofuses (or is it "doofi?") on the block.

Then I met Her, Married Her, and now live 10,000 miles from my home.

Still stupid, still ocassionally funny, but happy as hell.

My favorite diaries:

porktornado profile - diary
comments: Amazing fuckin guy. Truly.
kristintracy profile - diary
comments: This is one of the coolest chicks I've ever even heard of.
ochweidnit profile - diary
comments: My sister-in-law and one of my favoritest people ever. Far and away the funniest fuckin' username on Diaryland, nay... the entire web.
reynedecoupe profile - diary
comments: My wife. My life. I did INDEED marry a D-lander. Heh.
bingoguy profile - diary
comments: Cool motherfucker, and not just 'cause he's a hockey player.
marzipanmind profile - diary
comments: Funny ass Aussie. I like 'er 'cause she gets hit in the face with frisbees.
chicagojo profile - diary
comments: She's funny, cool, and a hottie. Hard to consider her a Texan, so I don't.
chickie-legs profile - diary
comments: Some of the funniest shit I've read on this site. Silly, witty, insightful. Oh, she's smokin' hot too. THAT never hurts.
idiot-milk profile - diary
comments: Makes me feel like I'm on the sane side... by showing me the side that I know I'm not.
incredipete profile - diary
comments: I wish I could be IncrediJudd and he could be PeterHole, 'cause that's some funny shit.
bigpimpinmba profile - diary
comments: Good guy that writes some entertaining shit.
mousemilk profile - diary
comments: Heh. Brits talk funny. And have bad teeth. I can't tell if he's got either going on, but that's what I like to envision while I'm reading it.
nogooddaddy profile - diary
comments: Him's a Good Daddy. He hardly EVER spanks me. At ALL.
doctoredjnr profile - diary
comments: Loves me somma dis boy. 'Cept for that time he tried to rape me.
digitalsoap profile - diary
comments: The only non-related and non-pole-smoking male that I inherently trust around my wife. I love this guy.
plopphizz profile - diary
comments: Bitchass punk. Shoulda told me you was back.
myownjourney profile - diary
hooch21 profile - diary
comments: Fucking awesome. No other words right now, so go read.

My favorite music:

Opie Gone Bad
comments: Local band, but they'll be big someday...
Big Head Todd
comments: 'Nother local band, already big.

My favorite movies:

Blues Brothers
comments: Low brow humor? Maybe, but possibly one of the greatest of all time. I spent High School trying to make our car do those things.

My favorite authors:

Jim Harrison
comments: Sometimes depressing, but has a way of capturing how everything tastes.

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diaryrings which juddhole belongs to
diaries which list juddhole as a favorite diary
last updated: 2009-09-12 07:10:54
this user's total entries: 112
user since: 2004-05-12

AOL IM name: What do YOU think?
ICQ number: ICQ? Fuck that.
Yahoo Messenger name: FiggerItOut
MSN Messenger name: I yell "BILL GATES" when masturbating in the... wait.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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