The Hand that Cradles the Rock

Hail, sallow-jawed vicarious thrillhunter! Your atrophied mind is my plaything.

Herewith: ongoing proof that my life is more exciting, glamorous and fulfilled than yours.

Pallid websnared parasite! Gorge at my polysensual fount of experience! Live by proxy!

And for God's sake open a window.

My favorite diaries:

porktornado profile - diary
comments: I came for the album covers, I stayed for the greatness.
kristintracy profile - diary
comments: Everything she does is funky like Lee Dorsey.
juddhole profile - diary
comments: It's a dirty name, whatever his lame sports-related excuses.
ienjoycorks profile - diary
comments: Brevity is the soul of wit.
thedailywtf profile - diary
comments: Upholding Christian values
weetabix profile - diary
comments: I wish I had a better attention span cos she writes long and good.
stayinschool profile - diary
comments: The new name for ienjoycorks (say that in a deep advertising voice)
bingoguy profile - diary
comments: House!
facepunch profile - diary
comments: The picture alone is worth all the world's gold.
realjesus profile - diary
comments: I believe!
anisettekiss profile - diary
comments: Look, I can't
dooki profile - diary
comments: think of pithy and
girlsdontcry profile - diary
comments: complimentary things to say about
discothekid profile - diary
comments: all these people
onewetleg profile - diary
comments: right now.
pollymagoo profile - diary
comments: But if they don't stay
twelvebeer profile - diary
comments: on their game they
expatrica profile - diary
comments: are DEAD TO ME.

My favorite music:

60's garage
comments: Sonics, Elevators, Electras, Litter, Them, Kinks, Who
More 60's
comments: Beatles, Stones, Velvets, Stooges, Move, Zep, Can
Hey. it's the 60's
comments: Fleur de Lys, Thor's Hammer, Fire, Knickerbockers, Remains
But not just the 60's
comments: The Fall, Teenage Fanclub, Sonic Youth, Radiohead
and currently
comments: Go! Team, Joanna Newsom, Kaiser Chiefs

My favorite movies:

comments: My favourite film of all the times.

My favorite authors:

leave a note for mousemilk
diaryrings which mousemilk belongs to
diaries which list mousemilk as a favorite diary
last updated: 2007-05-26 12:12:51
this user's total entries: 112
user since: 2004-06-02

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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