messages to leesah-likes:
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from killsoft :
skeet skeet
from secret-motel :
Hello pretty lady. Thank you for the kind note. Appreciation, from my blue eye to your's.
from leesah-likes :
uandersn1: i can't find you, but i'll answer you here... the song is "Inuit" by Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band
from uandersn1 :
I've heard the lyrics that you put in your 12-31-09 post about winter love...oh, let's go roaming in the fallen snow and you look like an eskimo in that winter coat...Can you let me know what song and group this is from?
from bolivraga : Can you tell me who Cleary Cortez is? She seems to write rather similarly to you... Jamie [email protected]
from erk0 :
Hey! I was in Chicago last week. Cool eh?
from errantnights :
so just say how to make it right and i swear i'll do my best to comply
from kiki2007 :
I thnk you have the same thing as me. I'm home sick too...but am so dizzy that i can't even stand for more than 3 minutes...being sick sucks...
from kiki2007 :
Wow the new pictures in your journal are beautiful! Did you take them! Anyway i love them. The colors are amazing. I personaly love fall it's always beautiful. Anyway just wanted to tell you that.
from kiki2007 :
Hey Lisa! It's Kelly! Adams friend. Just saying hi. You got rid of the watermelons? OH well i like the one you have now too! It's very pretty. Well i'm off now. Stop by and read my diary if you like! Toodles!
from citrinious :
Snap! Maybe you sholuld make another private blog. Personally, it feels great and you can really pour yourself out. I sence a heldbackedness in your blog. The whole idea of it is to let go.
from jack-the-man :
Wow, looks like a lot of fun to read. What exactly was it that you were looking for when you stumbled upon that? Just curious.
from needle-n-eye :
yeah... Walkie Talkie Man rock it... so does your diary... keep on keeping on... Later Days~andra

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