messages to lizzie217:
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from lowercaseg :
just in case you still check your notes, thank you so much for your note! Congratulations on your little one! So exciting! I will have to email you soon. :) take care!
from mellieemo :
liz, thanks for your note. i miss your diary!! i was suprised to read that you're still reading mine. drop me an email sometime if you want: [email protected] take care!
from mellieemo :
Hi Liz ~ Sorry I haven't dropped by in awhile...I have not had the internet for a long time, ever since I was fired from my job. Speaking of which, I hope your job is going o.k. for you! I'm on the prowl for a new job now...Take care!
from theditz :
Hey! Thanks for the note! Yeah, I saw that list on a couple of people's diaries, so I did it too. Apparently it was put out there to circulate, and so people could see how many other people had seen those movies, etc...yeah. What you said. That didn't sound retarded, I had kinda wondered too. Heh.
from critterstars :
hi liz - thanks for your really nice note on my other diary site. How are things going for you these days? How's the job search going?
from critterstars :
I hope you have a nice trip! It sounds sooo fun!
from critterstars :
your survey was really cool - i liked your answers, too!
from critterstars :
Wooow! I like your new layout!
from basilicaa :
Hi Lizzie:) I'm glad you guys are still alive after that car accident! I can't believe your car was totalled, it must have been a pretty nasty little situation. I hope both of you can still make it to the reunion, I miss you guys!
from critterstars :
sorry to hear about your car accident. I'm glad no one was hurt. Things will work out...they always do. Take care!
from critterstars :
hey again! Sorry to hear about your hair cut. Are you liking it any better now? That's always one thing I hate about beauticians - they always put so much crap in your hair. It's like...when you get home you're going to wash it again anyway!
from suchapoet :
You know people that go to Meridian now? Like who? I didnt go to elementary school in Idaho. I moved here from Texas almost 6 years 7th grade year. But thats cool that you went to Capital. I only knew one person from Capital and I hated her because she broke my brothers heart..
from suchapoet :
Hey, I go to Meridian High...I've heard the Suicide Machines before but I dont remember what they sound like. But I'm sure I'd probably like them! :)

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