messages to loupo:
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from loupo :
Hi Nic, I think that you'll have found my message by now but thanks for your note. I've had to lock the diary because it was discovered by a family friend on another site so I've gone underground for a while. I'm sure that nobody would be offended but I don't want to have to think about how PC each entry is before submitting! If anyone reads this note who has been following the diary I apologise for being such a secret society! It does go against the grain slightly but being anything less than honest in this diary would hurt too much! Lou xxx
from nic-24-7 :
Hi Lou It's me, Nic. trying to read but it won't let me have there a problem? Nic
from loupo :
Thank you, again, I'm really flattered. I only wish I had half of your writing talent but really appreciate your lovely words. Lots of luck again for your book. Lou x
from repandant :
Thank you so much for your kind words. I linked to your diary because it is so honest. It comes off very beautifully, really. It's one of the most interesting diaries I've read.

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