messages to loztsoul:
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from calico7 :
oh baby, sweet,sweet baby! i just read your last few entries from '04 and they are beautiful...i miss you.
from calico7 :
mmm hmm, still adoring you.
from calico7 :
nibbles and kisses and deep, dreamy sighs. ~~~happy v day~~~
from calico7 :
for some the game of life may consist of a job ( necessary to obtain creature comforts ) and work ( things they are here to do that feed the soul ) yes it would be grand if we could be monetarily compensated for those precious, intangible things we do so well - like listen, hold a hand, provide some mirth - but so often this can't be. the trick may be finding that 'job' that doesn't drain us to the point of not being able to rejoice in our 'work.'
from calico7 :
let's drink one - to chaos! cheers, >^..^<
from calico7 :
constructive criticism and an all-out trashing are miles apart in both merit and manners. putting yourself OUT THERE takes a tremendous amount of courage and if you aren't feeling particularly thick-skinned at the time it can be upsetting to receive more than what you may have invited. perhaps you should not give up entirely on those who adore you - some are likely to tell you not so much that something is 'bad' or 'wrong' but how it might just be better. long, languid kisses all over. c
from calico7 :
i clack away at a computer all day with furious fingertips so i'm likely at any given time to sing it's praises. they do, however fail to compete - by a long shot - with what i traced my fingertips over last night.*sigh*
from calico7 :
those jogging idiots care only for the toned muscle that will show on the outside - not the pair of brown lungs forming on the inside. burn one for me bebe...rather burn one with me! long, languid kisses, calico >^..^<

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