messages to maryboleyn:
(click here to add new message):

from megsworld2 :
Finally. Something to sink my teeth in to this morning while I drink my first cup of coffee.
from feileacan :
Prithee, wilt thou return to share with us your thoughts, my lady? Thou art most certainly missed and thy writings doth brighten the most shadowed of days.
from bill13 :
Hello. After filling out your survey on royalty, I read your answers and found them intriguing. However a few questions popped up, of which this is one: would you not agree that the Inquisition and the Crusades were not so much royal "foul ups" as they were papal mistakes? Continuation of this discussion upon request
from sunnflower :
This is such a delightful diary to let languish. I hope you update again soon!
from sunnflower :
Your culinary advice was delightful.
from sunnflower :
And where art thou? Hope all is well.
from sunnflower :
Thanks so much for your kind thoughts and prayers for my friend. I think all of that really makes a difference. Her surgery went very well and I am going to fly out to visit her tomorrow. Thanks again!
from m0nique :
Just wanted to say Hello !. And that your diarys great . Nice change from all the internet slang that people use .
from sunnflower :
What a great idea it is to get questions from your readers and then enlighten all of us. I always feel very edified by your explanations!
from poeticstance :
Hi, I've created a topsites for creative sites, feel free to join!
from starlight42 :
Interesting diary. I actually borrowed "the other boleyn girl" from the library and will start reading it soon. What a coincidence!
from sunnflower :
I sent you an email with a banner for your Mary B diary attached. Let me know if you get it because it got sent back as undeliverable the first time.
from ladyriddle :
How do you get the syntax down as well as you do. This is going on the favorites.
from brian1237 :
Dear Mary Boleyn, honoured am I to be speaking to such a prominant member ogf our sovereign's cause and I am your humble servant. Goodbye now!
from squirrelx :
I'd love to capture a few of Licorice Kitty's more hostile facial expressions and send 'em to My Cat Hates You, but soon as he sees a camera pointed in his direction his countenance immediately goes blank. I'm not quick enough to seize Kodak moments, I guess. Maybe I should try layin' in wait. As ever, Xtine
from en-trance :
cool diary mi lady
from squirrelx :
Your diary is revelation. Thank you so much for leavin' me a guestbook message which included your URL. I'm profoundly grateful. Your fellow Westie lover, Xtine / Squirrel X
from spiders55 :
Your diary is awesome, very profound, and interesting. I love to read about that era, and the Boleyn family has captivated me for quite some time. Keep up the excellent work! <Bethany>
from calpyto :
Thanx I bet it will hold my interest for quite some time. ~*~Cassie~*~
from poeticstance :
Don't have to miss them, they are back.
from bowie-firey :
Oh my god! I love your diary! I'm in love with history as well, i'm reading this book on the history of Elizabeth! Keep up your diary!
from calpyto :
Hello I just needed to say that your diary is quite pithy and holds great intrest in my mind. I wanted to aplauded you on your knowlegde of the French History. ~*~Cassie~*~
from sunnflower :
I just wanted to let you know how great I think your diary is - just so well done! I hope you'll stop by Suburban Island some time and see how the masses do live in this fine century. Be thee always merrie and well.
from frank :
I love it! I'm just another Tudor-fanatic and giddy that I found your diary! :D
from not-ur-gurl :
you have a very unique diary.. i like it. ciao.
from girl-aflame :
*giggles* Thou dost fancy the noble Sir Jones? Ah good, then I find not myself alone.
from evermind :
Do purchase more banners in order to perserve thy name. The insription upon them ought to be somthing that takes away all doubt of whorness: (picture of you: I only do what thou asks of me) or such. I quite enjoy your entries dear, and may God keep you well! Cheers
from bettyalready :
YEA! Another worm saver! And no, you do not look like you're a part of the SCA. I much prefer Renaissance. You look wonderful!
from herobv :
Awesome diary, like catzi, i saw the banner and just haaad to check it out. The theme itself is original, funny, original, and very good, and original. LOL ^_^ I love it. Erm, okay, I'm done gushing. Bai! ~SSC
from catzi :
Saw the banner and had to see what your diary was about. Very neat, I love it. I'll be back to read more. >^..^<
from raven72d :
Tones on Tail, yes! And I hope you've read George Garrett's "The Succession"...
from anm727 :
just wanted to say the way to write is very neat. I liked it.
from paddie :
(AS PARAPHRASED BY HER SCRYBE:) The esteemed Lady Mary doth praise me well above my humble deserts. In sooth I blush with pleasure to learn of thy esteem. Lady Elspeth Edwina Paddington-O'Doors (EXACTLY AS QUOTH THE LADY PADDIE:) T'ank Dee Mis-Mis Ma-wee. Paddie love de tu. Paddie
from maryboleyn :
I daresay what a smashing idea. Others shouldst leave word with me if they do wish a boon from His Majesty.

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