
An American married to a Canadian, living in Ottawa. funfunfun, eh?

Some of my favourite diaries no longer exist, but I can't bear to take them off the list. :(

My favorite diaries:

sinnamon profile - diary
unclebob profile - diary
suave profile - diary
comments: My darling husband. :)
bluekitten profile - diary
marn profile - diary
annatto profile - diary
bento profile - diary
comments: My dear sister.
iniquity profile - diary
kelly profile - diary
comments: Woo! I've met her in person. nyah nyah.
oddgoogle profile - diary
buscemi profile - diary
fakeplastic profile - diary
pasteismeal profile - diary
minnow profile - diary
jonascord profile - diary
andrew profile - diary
mrcadbury profile - diary
menstruation profile - diary
diaryanon profile - diary
haters profile - diary
unsentletter profile - diary
lifeanew profile - diary
bettyalready profile - diary
classicmyass profile - diary
maryboleyn profile - diary
satchmo3 profile - diary
oliana profile - diary
porktornado profile - diary

My favorite music:

soul coughing
Big Sugar
Billie Holiday
comments: not a band :P
violent femmes

My favorite movies:

Say Anything
What Dreams May Come
Defending Your Life
Groundhog Day

My favorite authors:

Tom Robbins
Phillipa Gregory
Gregory Maguire
Mark Strand
Tracy Chevalier

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diaries which list frank as a favorite diary
last updated: 2008-01-17 15:32:43
this user's total entries: 302
user since: 2000-03-09

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Recently updated
update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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