messages to mew-mew:
(click here to add new message):

from marianakeyes :
hey! I like your site! Do you work with Elizabeth at Fred Flare?
from katherinhand :
excuse me, but i had a dream about you last night! crazy considering i don't know what you look like! i know! we were on some kind of crazy beach field trip, all east coast style with sand and reeds and big old houses, and i think there was a part when we were hiding by a huge piece of driftwood trying to start a fire. hooray for dream field trips! hooray for my best mate miss m.m.!! (ps. recalling now there was some kind of board game antics, too. very nice.)
from fandangogirl :
Oh I am so glad to see you've returned!
from hthespy :
hey! such a nice note you left for me. i really true-ly appreciate. i really like what i have read of yours so far as well. sincerely, m.r.
from jetlagdream :
hi, thanks for the note. i've been meaning to update for a while now. i've got to get the intertia going again. your note meant a lot. take care, --akemi.
from weeme :
I'm so pleased to have ensnared you. of all the people I wish to charm, you've gotta be in the top five. I love the way you write... very evocative and stream-of-conscious. Juicy! keep updating!
from hopscotch :
Silly me, sorry.
from hopscotch :
Oh, I-95 north. I remember the first time last summer when I felt the ocean nearby just over the tops of pine trees and the misty rain washing over us. That may be more north. But certain roads, like dreams.
from hopscotch :
Oh, I-95 north. I remember the first time last summer when I felt the ocean nearby just over the tops of pine trees and the misty rain washing over us. That may be more north. But certain roads, like dreams.
from hopscotch :
Oh, I-95 north. I remember the first time last summer when I felt the ocean nearby just over the tops of pine trees and the misty rain washing over us. That may be more north. But certain roads, like dreams.
from weeme :
just discovered you via meism. You're delicious!
from mew-mew :
" ruddy-faced English schoolboy jigging around to some kind of nascent electroclash record." ____ Justin Quirk
from mew-mew :
" ruddy-faced English schoolboy jigging around to some kind of nascent electroclash record." ____ Justin Quirk
from mew-mew :
from mew-mew :
In my email, Jan 4, 2003: !!! /-=-=-[advertisement]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\ Improve Your IQ with Genius Code Amplify your genius and increase your intelligence with Genius Code. Improve your IQ, problem solving, and creativity. This outside-the-box audio course is the cutting edge of personal development. Click here to learn how to make your life extraordinary: \-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-/
from beloit08 :
mew-mew!!!!! o_O
from dontwakemeup :
this is the perfect taco.
from balefire :
as always i am e n a m o r e d with your words. now we can talk about the old days when you were 20something. those were the days ... maybe ... love to you always. ~*
from melpomene :
your writing still charms me, months on. you make me think of pink argyle vests over collared shirts, ponytails, and milkshakes.
from iheartakane :
you left me a crazy weird message on my diaryland. i did not understand it at all. it is sweet though. if you want to talk or something email me [email protected]
from iheartakane :
hi, i am wondering who you are because you have my old diary linked from your diary and i cant figure out who you are. i never read these things so if you are interested in communicating it would be optimal to utilize electronic mailing or text messaging. thank you! -jackson
from elcamino :
i am madly in love with your diary. i want to kiss your diary passionately while waves crash over our heaving bodies and sand collects in our undergarments.
from thesedays :
hey.. so i think i am a complete idiot, and still havnt been able to get to your guestbook. ack! anyway, i keep liking your diary more and more. take care, jeff/.
from thesedays :
hey. i stumbled onto your diary. i like it horribly. you made my day. really. do you have a guestbook? couldnt find one so ill leave this note here - although ive always been baffled by this internal diaryland guestbook thing (im easily baffled). anyways. -jeff/
from steampowered :
re:entries I do believe S&TC is ruining, teaching, perhaps,that in order to have something to DO, once must always be slightly miserable. The antithesis of one gruff Southern Writer's statement about people "doin' the best they can do with what they got." Wanting more is fine. Waiting for it is not. Also, would never accept "I love you sometimes." That = melodrama and stinks of a sly, clever statement. Oh look! how clever! That all said, mew-mew, let yourself fall. It only hurts if no one catches you.
from mew-mew :
I know there must be SOMETHING you want to leave here for me to read....

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