messages to michikodesu:
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from whystinger :
Be true to yourself and be the "real yourself." If he can't love that, then that is one thing you will find out. Good chance he can or will love the real you, but ya gotta start being real now. It sucks not being the real person we are. One thing to remember: love grows when two people work towards a common goal when they are married. I think you mentioned that you two have kids together? There is your common goal, raising your kids. A good friend married his gf, whom he got pregnant at 16. Everyone said it won't last, including those two. They agreed to stay together and raise the kids, until the kids were grown. The kids were their priority and they worked hard together to raise them and low and behold, when the kids were grown, they realized that they were in love... My story did not work out that way, but yours can.
from jaysthoughts :
Of course dangerspouse is here. They're everywhere. And now, so am I...
from dangerspouse :
What did you end up doing? I'm guessing "Dr. Who".

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