messages to miguelito:
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from againststuff :
i wish i could read all that because it looks interesting.
from tunguskan :
oh no, I'm sorry to tell you that the Stephen Fry novel you have (titled "The Stars' Tennis Balls" outside the US) is absolutely dreadful and a bit on the scary side.
from tunguskan :
it's been awhile, but yeah, I probably stared at some guy's ass for the whole show. that, and I probably got drunk, because you drove. I do remember how fucking steep that parking lot at the House of Blues was, though.
from tunguskan :
you know, today I was reading the local <a href="">fishwrap</a> and saw that the Reverend Horton Heat is going to be here this weekend, and I flashed back to that Rev show we saw at the House O' Blues on Sunset, and how my ears rang (rang? more like screeched bloody fucking murder) for days after, and how that one show probably accounts for the fact that I have permanent tinnitus and about 25% hearing loss. but fuck, that was a good time! oh, and that Screen Gems thing? it's really goddam weird to hear something for the first time in like 25 years.
from dpentacles :
You are one of the few member in diaryland who talks about important issues. Keep us update. "Philosophy triumphs easily over past,and over future evils,but present evils triumph over philosophy."
from espagnola71 :
Hi!. Did you know that a GOYA is the Spanish equivalent to an Oscar award??? ;-) By the way, Miguelito, do you know Mafalda??
from soulsurvivor :
como estas... escribes bien.

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