messages to moobiejoe:
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from genusevil :
Are you? Well, I suppose I could peruse a resume.
from sunstargirl :
lol, that's pretty funny. great minds think alike.
from sunstargirl :
ah, too bad, I shall miss reading your thoughts but I understand. Have a good one. :)
from sunstargirl :
stop changing your password! aggh!!
from genusevil :
Beware the Navy � they lure you in with crockery, and then expect you to dicker around with boats for months at a time while wearing silly uniforms that small children wear because their mothers� think it�s �cute.� I want a cookie too.
from genusevil :
I find your kindness unnerving.
from genusevil :
As you should. I'll have your password now.
from juddhole :
fine, list me as a fave and then tell me I gotta "note" you for the damn password. Do I even need to remind you that I'm DURNK? Goddamit. Gimme the goods soon, or I'm likely to forget that I even have a doggam diary.
from sunstargirl :
well sweet! I think your compliments just made my day.
from sunstargirl :
yup yup, I'm looking forward to the trip! your PWs don't work for me anymore. me sad. no more secret candcastle. :(
from sunstargirl :
cool sand castle.
from sunstargirl :
haha, glad to know I passed the test. Sure, I would love to be in your secret club, as long as there aren't any retina exams or fingerprinting involved. I'll add you as a buddy.
from sunstargirl :
yes, thank you is the correct response. :)
from sunstargirl :
amusing profile at least.
from camelssmell :
'allo there. i've seen some of your comments on some people's diaries. this is a little weird since i don't know you, but you do seem cool... perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing your pw? ^_^ can't hurt? - erin
from punktheboy :
Thank you. :) Thanks for the Northern State mention too. I've just read a few articles on them and they sound like my kind of group. Have you heard Gravy Train? They have a few sample on mp3s on their main page. Not political, but entirely fun. PS: Can I have a password to your diary?
from o0sunkiss0o :
Glad to see youre back and updating! Hope you had an awesome time in Thailand. -rl
from o0sunkiss0o :
what exactly did hamilton accomplish though? I preferred Reagan over Hamilton, he was a pretty good president, maybe he does deserve to be put on currency? Ah who knows.
from o0sunkiss0o :
i know a girl that looks EXACTLY like fivel... however that animated mouse is just a tiny bit more easy on the eye. Huddathunkit?
from o0sunkiss0o :
Of course I would flog someone for ya.. id flog someone for anyone.. it just seems like too much fun to miss out on. Anyways, its cold and ice. Kinda dreary at the moment going through some.. technical difficulties with the boyfriend but it'll get back to normal soon I suppose. Happy reading!
from freaktard :
I honestly didn't give anyone your password.
from freaktard :
I like reading your diary, but if that's what you want, then ok.

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