messages to mornin-glory:
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from kitten4gd :
hello. It is good to find someone who is around my age, a parent, AND loves CSI and William Petersen. He is my fantasy...sigh. Anyway, just saying hello.
from kitten4gd :
hello. It is good to find someone who is around my age, a parent, AND loves CSI and William Petersen. He is my fantasy...sigh. Anyway, just saying hello.
from katzbet :
Hi I've got wrist braces on so can't type too well. I cleaned a house yesterday and now my tendonitis is flaring. Not doing well on the productivity front, behind in a lot of areas(two cars need washing and the laundry has multiplied beyond belief)such as homework too, but I'm so glad you wrote me. I value my friends here and it is always an uplift to hear from you. Ummmm. .. . looks like you were in the thick of it and I don't know why this crap has to happen to good people. I must be slow or something mentally because I still don't get the point of hurtful crap. I haven't learned my lesson yet apparantly 'cause its happened twice to me recently and I'm still in shock trying to figger it out. I've always worn my heart on my sleeve which is part of the problem, I guess people feel cause I'm open and giving it's time to take advantage. . .only problem is, I want to give, so nothing can be stolen. But I have lost sleep, and had heartache over two "friends" who turned out to be less than that and it has caused me to look within at my own lacks and try to understand how I can better proceed in future. I feel bad for MSA because he didn't do anything to warrant such an attack and in my situation, I honestly didn't either. Still trying to understand why when people are loving other people try to hurt them, viciously. Hope you have a good week ahead, and try not to let all this get you down. I don't see how you or MSA could have done anything to provoke this crap.
from msa :
Hi Liz, it must be that time of the year or something. Everyone seens to be having second thoughts lately. Hang in there things will get better. At least some people can see though the lies that some of the phonies over in OD are spewing. Hugggggggs.
from katzbet :
hey, liz, I'm glad I was able to find you here today. . . I'm hoping you & MSA are only on private at OD and nothing is wrong. I too need a break from the puter but I felt a little lonely and sleepy and lazy so I thought I'd perk up if I visited a few friends here:)
from sleepingic :
I'm re-evaluating how much time I spend at the computer too. There is no reason to anymore.
from indigogypsy :
Wow! It is an adventure going to work. Now, Liz, are you going private, too? I saw your name lit up on OD, but your diary is on private. Looks like I'm gonna have to restart my diary here so I can be where my friends are.
from katzbet :
hi liz, i just wanted u to know you're on my mind so i hope you're okay. Thanks for the back rub, it's really helping! I'm going to drink the tea now and go to bed. . . somehow I picture you on the couch with your feet up and flannel pjs and old socks, so i guess you're relaxing too! have a great weekend and don't forget to sleep in tomorrow:)
from katzbet :
dear wondrous petalwoman,i am like a speeding locomotive of thought,u are rite!sometimes i fail to channel the ideas into real energy, but i try. . .i'm glad Indy is better, read her entry and am sure she is going to be okay; thankx for yr note. i am off to work this am so can't chat longer, but might check back here this afternoon. Luv yas!
from msa :
Funny story Liz, I will make sure I don't chase any squirels up trees old as I am. No danger squirels here in Hawaii.
from katzbet :
mornin, mommaflower, how are ya doin'today? i can't summon up the energy to take a shower or eat breakfast or write in my diary, but thought i'd say howdy before i turn in for the day. Just got up and thinking about going back to bed!!! HAH!!!
from msa :
So well said Liz, and I imagine that so many Americans are feeling the same way as you. To know that we have not seen the worst yet is so scary. You sure have done your part and I know that America thanks you. Now we can only take one day at a time and hope for the best. Aloha
from un-bad :
Mmm... that Stevie Ray Vaughn. The poor dead genius blues man.
from indigogypsy :
I look so bad in red -- it'll just have to be an accent piece. :) This is a wonderful idea. I will pass it on.
from msa :
I will wear my flag T shirt tomorrow Liz. Good idea.
from katzbet :
hey, hon, I'm glad u wrote and hope u are fine also. So far our Universities are closed and the shopping centers, but everything is is normal. . . if u can call this normal!
from katzbet :
hey, party down, GIRL!! I am having a blah Monday and it's nice to know you are with a buddy having FUN. . .drink one for me!
from msa :
Boy....I would love to know who wrote that entry. It has to be a doubt about it. No one ever spoke truer words. I am not into denigrating the other services...but as far as what was covered there is 100% true. Sounds like it written by a Marine DI. I could say so much more but I will leave it at I already said that I am not into denigrating the other services....I mean the troops as they do their is the leadership philosopy that sucks. They all are trying to copy the Marines...but don't have what it takes. Ok...shutting up. Aloha
from katzbet :
hey,i am awol forever, so these rules don't apply to me, okay? Okie-dokie,shore 'nuff ma'am!(salute me, LOL). . .btw, i LUV CSI!J
from indigogypsy :
I'm just waiting to see the glee in MSA's note re the basic training rules. Oh, wait! I'll check your guestbook. ~rubbing hands together in anticipation~
from indigogypsy :
Sounds like morale might be low in your company, which is why people didn't want to participate and just grumbled. Must be all that unnecessary training.
from katzbet :
Mornin',Liz! Actually I use the breadmaker too, and baked all those loaves in a round of three hour shifts. . . plumb wore me out. Last night I made turkey soup, peach lattice pie, popovers from scratch and set a fully dressed table. It wore me out too, so I'm not sure I'll labor on Labor Day! Hope you are relaxing and resting today before the onslaught of work. Hugs:)
from indigogypsy :
I have signed the petition also. This is just so wrong -- I am sad and angry about the healthcare system -- angry because it's so commercialized, sad for the people can't get what they need.
from msa :
I signed your petition. I have not been able to get into OD again. I hope the people over there start getting over here to open dairies. It is getting worse and worse over there...takes forever for pages to change, when then change, half the time you can not post notes. I believe that these pop ups have just added to the problems that they already had and no one in the OD management seems to care. Well I am caring less and less myself. It may be free but I do not like having my time wasted day after day, and putting up with their incompetency and lack of caring to keep us informed as to what is going on. I feel that their continued silence is an omen. So much for my rant...had to do it here as I can not get in there. Huggggggs
from sleepingic :
Yep, it's me :) I'm incognito...LOL
from seadawn :
Thx for your note here, I agree, it will take awhile before it will be as easy to use and as much fun as OD, but maybe..... it seems that the webmaster is very interested in making this work, so we'll see. Enjoy seeing your notes wherever they fall in the diaries. Have a super week and weekend. :-)
from indigogypsy :
I wonder why they're not telling you much about your new boss. Now, *I* could have fun with that one. Especially since you haven't had a "Bureau Chief." What mysterious title is that? (Please forgive me. I'm in this really weird mood where thoughts are just flying around in my head and none of them make any sense, but they're joined together by these weird threads . . .)
from msa :
Damn Liz, hope you did not have to do without some nourishment at lunch time today. The cake did sound good but think I would have passed on that...well maybe a little piece lol. Make sure you have a good dinner now. Huggggggs.
from indigogypsy :
Thank you for visiting!! It's good to see you here. I have to agree with number 9 on your list, so, so much. I was just thinking about that today and about all the "friends" that you lose because of it. ~sigh~ Terrific observations, but so sad that they are true. :(
from katzbet :
Herro, happy lady!I want to see what happens when the curtain is pulled back! luv your queries,especially the one about the change/second childhood LOL!So true. . .i think i'm experiencing both so does that mean i'm bi? JOKING!N
from katzbet :
RYN:we just missed each other! Why was it the vacation from hell? Did u survive? Hope you're getting the sand out of your suit and the seaweed out of your hair! So glad u stopped by,huggs and welcome home:)
from katzbet :
that looks like the famous elephant in New Jersey, at least i think that's where it is. I saw in on Discovery Channel a few weeks ago! Hope you are having FUN!!
from msa :
Hey...sounds like they are glued to you. I sure hope you do have some fun at the beach. You might have to use some pull some evasive tactics on them. Have a ball Liz. I know we will hear from you one way or another. Huggggggs
from msa :
How about that. We gotta quit meeting like this lol

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