messages to mothers-hope:
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from steelcollar :
So you're on lockdown? I hope everything is okay. I've not heard from you in quite a long time now. Have a nice holiday.
from steelcollar :
I *do* love you, dear girl. You are beautiful in ways you can't see. You're passionate and caring, you're a good mother, and you're a real woman.
from steelcollar :
There is nothing I'd like more than to hold you tight so you can just let it all out... cry with all your might. I love you. *hugs*
from maxsmom :
i totally get the stress/anxiety thing. i finally went to the doctor last fall and she put me on medication and i'm feeling 100-percent better. it's hard when you have to shoulder all of the responsibility. hang in there.
from steelcollar :
welcome back beautiful
from steelcollar :
Thank you. And you are very beautiful too.
from steelcollar :
I'd kill to weigh 156 pounds!
from steelcollar :
I think I may need to hit the ladies' room now! You are my kinda girl. ;)
from steelcollar :
Yes! Unfortunately I'm at work without access to that (sad face) but if we use our imaginations, maybe we could find a way to entertain one another throughout the day! (evil laugh) :)
from steelcollar :
Baby, drop me a line! My yahoo handle is in my profile! ;)
from steelcollar :
*kisses* You are so cute! :)
from steelcollar :
you *are* cute, silly girl!
from blab :
Happy to oblige. /blab
from steelcollar :
Thank you for the AWESOME compliment!
from janitor-x :
>I'm not sure I'll ever figure out this diary >stuff. I looked under my stats today and it >looks like someone is actually reading my >boring life. That was probably me. I browse 'em pretty much at random. I'm not a stalker; so don't worry. >Well .. I'll TRY to be interesting! ! ! Everyone's life is interesting in some way so no pressure. If I tried to be interesting I would fail pretty painfully. So why try, right?!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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