messages to muhr:
(click here to add new message):

from beetlegeuse :
Awww I'm happy for you... although after most of that post about Silent Hill... slightly worried as well... lol Congrats on her moving there!
from beetlegeuse :
I swear to Buddha, I thought the same thing watching that movie. And yet, I was entranced. This Batman gave me a sightgasm. Wow that was gay... lol
from beetlegeuse :
Hey gorgeous... Ok so AIM is kaput on my comp, we've messed with it a ton and it won't work. So... you need to call me. I don't have ur number anymore. I dunno what happened to it. That and I get on yahoo messenger a ton. My name on that is glitters15 *hint hint* Call me sometime either this week or next, I'll be in Denver Tues- Friday next week and thursday and friday this week. I get outta class around 5 or 6 *hint hint* - Melissa
from beetlegeuse :
Sweetie... I went to this site right after you logged off... I am so sorry and you know that if you need someone Im here for you, even though it may not seem like it. My prayers are with you and your family... Love, Melissa
from blue88 :
Another convert to the cult of The American Astronaut.... Welcome Welcome.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
from beetlegeuse :
Goodness... Im really sorry to hear about all that stuff thats going on with your dad... that's definitely some scary stuff... I hope everything works out...
from beetlegeuse :
I miss you. Come down here.
from smittyclone :
Oh, hey, what part of Denver? That's where my parents are... I'm in that city all the time. Sweet. And I forgot to mention, your latest entry about Gargoyles brought back so many childhood memories...
from smittyclone :
Okay, this is a little random, but are you going to UNC in Greeley? I'm a music major there... saw your blog and liked the stuff you had to say a lot. So I guess I'm just saying hi to a possible fellow Greeleyite. Hey.
from beetlegeuse :
I was in Vegas until sunday night/monday morning... So no I didn't read it until I ran into him, went home, and got online... lol Im sorry to hear about all that though .... At least you all are okay...
from boogeyman-- :
actually i didn't kill anything in the mirror. Unless you're talking about the girl on the carosel... in which case i did... but i had to run from the sink. EH!
from beetlegeuse :
Oh my god... Jason told me you were in a bad accident, he scared the crap outta me... I am so glad you are okay!
from boogeyman-- :
oh and silent hill 3 sucks in the good way. I hated the haunted mansion. Donovan jumped off the couch.
from boogeyman-- :
Well i guess you wont be coming down here anytime soon. I'm glad you're ok. Hope to hear from you soon. B.
from beetlegeuse :
We can totally boost your ego if you uhm... come down here... lol yay :)
from beetlegeuse :
You seem depressed... don't do that. And we're just friends. And you need to come and hang out with us because we both miss you... as do countless others down here. Id like to hang out with you again...
from beetlegeuse :
So Im becoming friends with Jason. He seems awesome... so you need to come down and live here and hang out with me. That makes no sense... but yes. I miss you. *Tear* lol
from beetlegeuse :
well im going to vegas from the 28th til may 2nd... So anytime after that definitely. Is jehuvhd or whatever the jason I met at the party?
from beetlegeuse :
You actually remember me singing that song? Yeah.. it always becomes my anthem when Im depressed. Garbage always seems to capture my feelings perfectly... You should come to the Springs soon. Yep.
from beetlegeuse :
Awwww I feel all gushy FOR you guys when I read that... too awesome! Talk to me sometime you weasel. Blargh.
from boogeyman-- :
MMMMM new featurette!
from boogeyman-- :
Interview with ron pearlman. Thought you might be interested.
from boogeyman-- :
"You've defeatred the Evil.... congradulations" Whoa. I just had the weirdest dream EVER. I was IN silent Hill. I killed "the evil" (pyramid head) but it had a completely different ending. there wasnt some wris floaty chick. I stuffed someone into a plastic bag, who then turned into a whipppy thing and then i beat the shit out of all these other creepy things with it. As i hit them the number of my whipppy things got longer. So yeah. Then i watched the credits.. ? And as i was exiting, you know opening the last door, a body fell into my arms wearing a red jumpsuit. It said something but i dont rememebr what. I know it was important too. There was a song playing too. I think it was from I was probably listenening to it last night. But it was slow and creepy enought to work for the game. There were lyrics... "there she goes.. there she goes"... Sorry. Ok im all done now.
from boogeyman-- :
wanna read something REALLY FUNNY? Guess who this is? Go and read the latest.... CLASSIC!!!
from boogeyman-- :
Dude... im totally raiseing my hand for the volunteering. I imagine there would be two of us. I'll have a digital camera by then. LET ME KNOW and i will do my damnest to be there. Gary.
from beetlegeuse :
Make sure you call meeeeeee
from boogeyman-- :
uh.. ok.. thanks for responding or something? B.
from boogeyman-- :
its good to see you back on the horse again... or whatever. i look forward to reading the blog once more. B.
from robertelm7 :
well.. ok. I guess it was nice knowing you? Call me the next time you're in town or sumpin. I still consider you MY friend. G.
from anita-blake :
Hee, my favorite quote from last nights adult swim is "The past is just the future that's already happened." --Warren on Space Ghost. Hopefully I'll get to call you tonight. tons to tell. I was too tired last night. Bah, Finalfinals BAH.
from frreakchild :
wow...havent used AIM in a long ass time...forgot my password and everything. which is just stupid because it the same password i used for everything for fucking two years. but yeah
from frreakchild :
im not sure...i think i was just wandering around diaryland one day and stumbled upon you. it was a few months back. i have trouble remembering yesterday let alone a few months ago. i added you to my msnm list because, well, im bored and i cant sleep. you ever heard of paradigm? kickass comic, you should find it and read it, you'd prolly like it. the guy that draws it is kinda an ass sometimes, but i suppose i cant promote his comic for him anyway. god damn im bored....
from frreakchild :
oh yes forgetting things again...for the password if you want one you fucking needs to email me cuz im not putting it in here. so THERE. *runs away*
from frreakchild :
ah, well, i have a link to your diary because quite honestly it entertains the hell outta me. literally. your diary is as entertaining, yet not as morbid, as most the others i read, and so it puts me in a good mood. and when im in a good mood its easier to ignore my hallucinations. wee. oh yes, and roo dog, evil kitty, evil maggie and evil duckie say hi. must go no so i can read my nny before bed. i will give you a password to my diary in case you want to see how truely fucked i am:)
from robertelm7 :
some people are already mad. it just takes a certain someone to push them over the line.... isn't that right? Dude, weak dude. BoOgEyMaN
from blucinnamon :
everything recycles, over & over & over again. It is almost enough to make a person mad. It would be nice to hear from you. blu
from blucinnamon :
'Tis a shame you have disappeared. Gregee Baby, come back soon. blu
from robertelm7 :
you silly fool. Buffy is not on fridays. And i didn't have to be at work untill 12:00 tonight. Although it wouldn't have mattered really because despite the fact i did FINALLY get my raise this week, next week is rent. So regardless I have no money. If I'm luck I'll get money from my family members for my birthday. So why did I leave you this note you ask? It's simple really. To let you know that, yep, you could have called me and to irritate you because of the whole e-mail, theres a new note, thing. BoOgEyMaN
from robertelm7 :
sounds like you had a good time. Lots of free stuff huh? WOW. LOTS OF FREE STUFF. GOOD THING I GAVE YOU THAT E-MAIL HUH?... mm free stuff. Coupla posters too huh? Cool. Well, I guess I'll see you later tonight. B.
from robertelm7 :
see? BoOgEyMaN
from robertelm7 :
so.. you're going to pull a gary and run away from your problems? trust me, not a good idea. BoOgEyMaN
from anita-blake :
Kid Rock's in a new movie about Bikers called (it's so god-awful) Biker Boyz. Please shoot me because I know this. Just end me now.
from anita-blake :
They do a 24 HR comic here each quarter. It's really neat. I wish they'd publish them. I wrote a story before lecture yesterday. I'll send it to you today. I started to write it like a comic script, but then I decided you should just interpret what I wrote. I want to see what you do with it. It's got a lot of city scape imagery. And class is starting; so I go.
from blucinnamon :
By far the best entry ever written. I thank you for the fantastic read. blu
from robertelm7 :
I'd like to see her try... BoOgEyMaN
from robertelm7 :
Going to IHOP tonight (wednesday night). Are you? BoOgEyMaN
from robertelm7 :
Hey.... that chess thing is due in a few days. Do you want it? (the job I mean) call me later on today.. prolly bout 4:00ish. Discussion. BoOgEyMaN
from robertelm7 :
Bloggin not satisfactory anymore? Ugh. Anyways.. wheeew! That smells! (I farted) Just seein whats goin on. How are things between you and my sister? BoOgEyMaN
from robertelm7 :
oh. yeah. duh. Goin to IHOP tommorrow night. Would very much like company. Wanna go? Gold Camping sounds fun. Hows the CD? BoOgEyMaN
from blucinnamon :
Greetings, you should come in to the video store to see me. I need to talk to someone about various things. Thought I would leave you a note on this because you say no one leaves you notes. Blu
from robertelm7 :
thinkin of goin to IHOP tonight. I have the night off and I'll be preparing jenn's new shirt today. Gotta go make copies too. Wanna go? KrUeGeR
from anita-blake :
When you said cowboy on the phone, yeah, I did think Mulhulland Drive. Immediately. Cowboy plus businessmen equals bad. Must remember that.
from anita-blake :
I get to leave the first note. Hurray! Um, calling you very shortly. Am eating soup. Have a headache. Things and stuff. And update! Lov, Dov.

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