Indecisive Device 2:Electric Devicaloo

Illustration student, writer, and an all around confusing, oblivious, flaky, wreck of a human pile of flesh. I wear clothes and think food is good.

"The memories are short but the tales are long."

My favorite diaries:

jehudvd profile - diary
comments: My friend Jason that inspired me to blog in the first place. Always hilarious. Except when he's not. This blog is also dead but chock full of funny and some not funny. More funny that not, though. The not being blah blah girl garbage.
crow-t profile - diary
comments: My friend Izzy and his strange, entries. He's the next Owen Wilson, I swear. You know, if Owen dies and then the Wilsons adopt Izzy for some reason and he assumes all Owen's acting roles. Which will happen.
defcode68 profile - diary
comments: my gasmask/nun fetish-lovin' friend that's a girl-person, Natalie. She pops in and out of my life as often as a poppy thing.
countfrogula profile - diary
comments: Angela: "A *good* one." "It's not like you can avoid it." ex-flame and non-ex psychic soulmate.
blucinnamon profile - diary
comments: Another Angela. People in my life need more original names. I swear. She's really awesome I just wish she's let herself know this.
beetlegeuse profile - diary
comments: Ah, Melissa. Words can... totally describe her. She has since disowned me, but check her out anyway. She's hot. You'll like what you see. Yup. The checking out of her you will do. Expect some heaping piles of "blah blah guy garbage".
dwpr profile - diary
comments: DOWN WITH PAUL REISER!!! This is my friend/brother Kel's blog. One of the funniest joes I know. Join the revolution. Membership information available here.
wal-martsc profile - diary
comments: Some disgruntled cashier that works at a Wal-Mart in Greeley. I'm pretty sure I've met this person on many occasions... never knew the secret hatred...
guywithpants profile - diary
comments: The pants have spoken. Brother J's clean break.
pikchick profile - diary
comments: Angela H's sister. She's a physical trainer and can kick some ass and often does.She's the muscle in many Denver-based protection rackets. That's what I'm guessing anyway. I only met her on two whole occasions.
userlain profile - diary
comments: Kat's new, shiny blog. Swank-ass girl that I once worked with at the Lounge that keeps on saying she'll kidnap and marry me. Schway.
freepoison profile - diary
comments: Jeremy is finally in the blog bidnizz.
frreakchild profile - diary
comments: One good turn deserves another.
ravenheart profile - diary
comments: I think I'm in love... wait, no... indegestion.
smittyclone profile - diary
comments: I tend to link the few people who reach out. And here's another: A fellow Greelite that's a little more than unknown now.

My favorite music:

comments: Angie Hart. What more can I say?
comments: Just amazing. Continues to break the modern conventions of what music can be.
Tom Waits
comments: Raspy oddness that echos from ages ago.
Oingo Boingo
comments: Never before has a group produced so many songs that adorn the soundtrack of my life.
comments: I find myself singing more songs from these puppets than any other established musician.

My favorite movies:

Lost in Translation
comments: It's subtle. And in that subtlety, I thrive.
Run Lola Run
comments: I knew I'd love this movie within the first 3 minutes of it. Incredible exercise too. Much of the running is had by Lola...
The Royal Tenenbaums
comments: Like I predicted, this movie knocked Rushmore out of my favorite movie of all time spot. Family isn't a word. it's a sentence.
Donnie Darko
comments: Never the same each time you watch it. Also helps to get over break-ups. Just watch endlessly and repeatedly until sleep takes you. Lather, rinse, repeat.
The American Astronaut
comments: Best musical sci-fi western in space I've touched eyeballs with.

My favorite authors:

Jack Kerouac
comments: A huge inspiration in my day to day approach to life
Neil Gaiman
comments: Brilliant comic writer turned novelist.
Grant Morisson
comments: All hopes of being an established writer are promptly smooshed to bits by this man's HUGE ideas and quick-paced, immense story arcs.
Steve Martin
comments: My mentor. And yes, the comedian.
Milan Kundera
comments: French Author... and prolly the writer of the book of my meager existence.

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last updated: 2006-07-10 00:55:51
this user's total entries: 230
user since: 2002-04-04

AOL IM name: bloopityblahblah
ICQ number: 23369594
Yahoo Messenger name: bloopityblahblah
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