messages to muppet23:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
The hotel fire images are affecting....
from raven72d :
I just discovered your DL diary. Powerful, haunting things. I hope you won't mind if I read along...
from whystinger :
I am sorry that your child knocked loose a tooth. That is not fun. As my preacher says "religion is dead, long live God!" I think that message is have your own relationship with God and don't sweat the flavor of religion.
from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from fifidellabon :
Hallo, Fifi here. I just wanted to let you know that I am the one who is about to cruise through your archives, so that you won't worry. /Fifi
from deareddie :
Your writings make me think that you are SPECTACULAR. Please keep it up, I smile so widely when reading your adventures. And, also, of course, you do, obviously, kick a$$.
from cocoabean :
good luck on stopping smoking... I found when I quit that I could drink more without getting as drunk... one of the better side effects of quitting!
from annanotbob :
Good on you for stopping smoking. Best wishes
from omfggwtf :
i wish i had the determination to quit smoking aha, good luck. xo.
from berryredlips :
I just read your last post... what a strange guy. I'd tell him to take a hike.
from mia14 :
I'm a new member of diaryland.... Hope u know it.... u don't know who i'm? So do I, i don't know who r u.... but, we can still give a message each other.... I'm learning 2 get start in this Diaryland. I just like a nerd....
from plopphizz :
Sorry, it was a little javascript toy, but it isn't working right. It would not have made any sense to give you a link to a broken page. When I get it working, I will let you know. -- Ploppy.
from media1001 :
Sorry, my layout is still messed up.
from plopphizz :
Yes, I miss you...send me a response at plopphizz. I wrote the latest entry for you.
from jonquill :
So, you ever going to tell me what a bottle of wine and playscript format makes? Kind of curious, though I guess my thoughts on the matter were more pointly babbled in further entries.
from plopphizz :
Congrats, you have been Quoted: Thanks for the great writing. -- Ploppy.
from plopphizz :
Hmmm, it's not ringng any bells. Sorry, don't know what you are referring to. -- Ploppy.
from plopphizz :
What drummer link are you referring to? I don't know from your description. You will have to give me more to go on and I will see if I can dig up the link you are referring to. -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
Has anyone ever told you that your unique style of expressing affection and appreciation borders on unnerving rage? To respond to your last comment, I wrote an entry, just for you :). -- Ploppy.
from chicagojo :
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message. You're totally right about no one updating their damn diaries these days. How am I supposed to distract myself at work?!
from smedindy :
Hey, question, are you familiar with Weetacon? It's in Green Bay in February. We may be heading up there.
from smedindy :
I can give you plenty of hints and stuff. Some of the albums in my lists may not be available legitimately online.
from smedindy :
Thanks for the comments and all! Have a good Holiday!
from f-i-n :
I loved that story about your first friend.
from smedindy :
Saw you comment at Ploppys. Hey, I LIKE Christmas. See my December 14 entry, amongst others. (Oh, and December 18th about carols!)
from heartisbroke :
Wow, am I braindead or what? haha thanks for the stupidity check lol. -Heather
from heartisbroke :
Thanks for understanding what I'm going through, but how did you know his name was Ian? I never wrote it in my entry. I'm just curious. Thanks, -Heather
from f-i-n :
that last entry rocked
from beckers-j :
You write beautifully. I hope you won't mind that I've added you to my favorites.
from jonquill :
Okay...I added a few comments to see if it would seems to now. I'm glad the addition doesn't live in the land of suck.
from jonquill :
Also, I'm not sure why you couldn't comment on the elipsis. It starts the same but it's a lot longer. There's more after the opening story.
from jonquill :
What did gayla find? Iz confused. The good story is my cowboy picture on your site. Your mom going: "Wow, John's attractive!"
from plopphizz :
You know what? send you number to my email address, [email protected]
from jonquill :
New thing on the elipsis...want your opinion.
from jonquill :
I'm still about and babbling aplenty.
from jonquill :
Amy Who?
from jonquill :
Who's There...
from opiod :
patterns always emerge, if you pay attention you will see. this is called awakening!
from for-you-only :
Your words are well writen. I like how you write, it keeps your reader interested even if your subject isn't the most promising. ~Pink
from blueavenue :
i'm gonna look into this haloscan thingee. i'll letcha know what i find out. i love music wars. sounds like you and john had a great time! and it also sounds like you make friends VERY easily. that's awesome; i love people like that.
from plopphizz :
Is it my imagination or did you just artfully dodge answering one of my last questions? Just send me an email at [email protected]. Oh and like I told Blue, you two should look into HaloScan Comments to do "per entry" comments. I know Zitro and Bony use it, maybe one of them could get you pointed in the right direction. -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
I assume tia is the baby? It that a family member or a friend or what? That's a great picture, too. She's so tiny! Maybe you should post more pictures. Unless you already did post these and I just haven't hit the entries. And, of course, now that I have been baited, I have to ask how tall is "very tall"? Yeah, a motorcycle pic would be cool, too. You should get one with a biker gang. -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
So *that's* what angst looks like. I think it suits you. Actually, all the pictures are good. You do appear to have a wide range of approachability depending on whether you are smiling or not. -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
It's so funny how people on this site look different in different pictures. I'm assuming "Some HOT chick" is you although you do look different when you smile versus when you don't (in the profile). Now if I can just mentally mesh your in-your-face wit and sarcasm with your pleasant, smiling face, I will be set ;). -- P.P.
from blueavenue :
yay! pictures. you KNOW how i love pictures. so yay! and damn school. i want more updates!
from plopphizz :
Thanks for the bird picture. My wife thought it was funny, although she also muttered "Damn Birds!" at the same time. I think the experience brings back a lot of mixed emotions for her ;). -- P.P.
from jonquill :
Try it now. Nat Sheman MCD's...the smokes by the library.
from jonquill :
The Elipsis is back. By the way, they were Nat Sherman MCD's.
from blueavenue :
ah. i love love LOVE reading your stuff. you make me smile and laugh and yeah. yay. so i'm all caught up now, and i want to know MORE. i am now even MORE sad than before that we didn't get to hang out while you were here. =( but i won't pout too much longer, i guess. hmmph. ok well, can't wait to read more! and i am so sorry you're still sickly. boo! very boo.
from plopphizz :
You really are a good writer. Are you journalism or writing major or something? -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
Ah, if only you were here and you could cough in my face and shared your germs with me as well. Oh well, maybe some day. Until then, sleep drink lots of fluids and take your zinc and vitamin C. It seems like you have been sick for quite a while and need to beat this thing :). -- P.P.
from blueavenue :
hey girlie, i've been short on time here with this damn JOB thing. ha. i still haven't read your latest entry yet. poo. but i'll be back soon! hope you're feeling peachy. thanks for your note. =)
from plopphizz :
Pushing Tin. I know the asynchronous nature of these notes makes it impossible for you to tell if I was quick, but I do know that movie. Good movie, not my favorite from each of them individually, but not bad. John has a number of films I love, but one that isn't on my movie list (no room, need to rewrite it so there is room) is High Fidelity. And B.B. I really liked in A Simple Plan, again, totally different character. -- P.P.
from jonquill :
sweepy...made cool...I think the dinosaurs took your workers comp...damn Albanians...
from blueavenue :
well at least you're writing! yay. don't die, k? can't wait to hear the rest of your trials and tribulations. it's only to be expected in this blessed and (yet) God-forsaken city. oh MAN i have to go to bed; i'm bout to pass out. get better!
from plopphizz :
I'm not talking behind your screen, I'm answering a question asked about you in front of someone else's screen. I haven't even figure out *how* to get behind your screen, is there like a secret latch or something? -- P.P.
from blueavenue :
lol. i just left you a note in MY notes. i'm cool like that.
from plopphizz :
I don't think any muppet could ever replace Grover in my heart. Plus, you don't look like a muppet at all. No colorful fur or distorted facial features or wires on your arms. Which muppet are you most like and where did you get your user name? (what does the 23 mean)? -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
You made a valid point, so I updated with a profile picture and an entry. Now, see, wouldn't you have felt bad if I had been a bald guy with an eyepatch? And yeah, I would raise your marriage expectations just a tad so you don't get stuck with someone like me. I'm just fortunate the drugs I slipped my wife kicked in just before the shotgun wedding. -- P.P.
from blueavenue :
boo snow!! and guess what! i think i may have a job! at a hotel! in manhattan! whoo! ok girlie, here's to hoping your flight is hitch-free/safe and i see ya real soon...G
from plopphizz :
Hah, lady, you are a kick. I love that picture of Steve. Actually, you can renew your respect for me because Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors. He goes into my versatile actors favorite list, a person that can play any role. In fact I just recently saw Slingblade again on HBO, and it reminded how versatile Billy Bob Thornton is as well (plus you gotta respect any guy who is successful despite a name like "Billy Bob"). Then I have my favorite actors who can make any line they deliver believable, the two main examples are Ed Norton and John Cussack. Now, having said all that, I still make fun of things I like, and Johnny *still* looks utterly ridiculous in that trailer, but I will reserve my final judgment until after I see the whole movie. On a totally unrelated note, have you looked into getting haloscan so you can have comments for each entry. I don't know exactly how to use it, but I saw it on bonypony and galaxyrabbit, maybe there is a link there or something. Aren't I helpful? -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
Thanks for the note and the add. Your survey answers cracked me up (no one ever seems to take it, so thanks for that). My return to work after the holidays has left me little time to participate in DL activites this week, but I will probably play catchup on the weekend. I did see you hit Europe fairly recently. I went to Amsterdam a while ago, so we will have to compare notes -- since it is like, the most bizarre place on the planet. We also hit Paris and Madrid. So it will be interesting to here what you though of it all. Cya P.P.
from invisibledon :
I completely agree I think life should be much more like movies especially the really cool movies - I would like my movies to be in french some times because it just sounds really cool
from invisibledon :
you have them all done but one now and I must say I have enjoyed reading your answers - I too have forgotten important things at the store due to the annoying behaviors of other people. Liked the other theme song too that you left as a note
from blueavenue :
just sent ya an email. =)
from blueavenue :
we should definitely try to get together sometime. how long are you here for? that's so great you've caught the bug. i've caught it myself, but i haven't actually ACTED on it yet. =) other than the whole moving to NY thing, which sort of counts as "travel" i guess for a southern baptist like me. ha. i'll be writing an entry on my new year's debacles soon...
from invisibledon :
Happy January one - thanks for doing the oddsandends survey - oh and gaffers are lighting people - comes from the days when street lights were gas operated and had to be lit by hand every night by a gaffer - just one of those completely ramndom things I've picked up and has very little real world use
from blueavenue :
what's going on in nyc? why you comin'? that's awesome. yeah,big airports suck. just say no. i'm visiting a friend in D.C.right now, on the lookout for someone to kiss at midnight, though the odds aren't looking to be in my favor...but i'd like to forget about the person i WON'T be kissing, who is back in dallas. damn it all to hell. invisibledon has great surveys.
from invisibledon :
Just read your answers to the trulymadly and judgenot surveys - so pajamas to school a day early, how very risqu� and no the intent of the trulymadly one is not to depress people - I wasn't in a relationship when I wrote it and still not but it was around valentines day and I decided to write a survey or rather another survey. Are you skipping the theme song one? most people skip that one.
from invisibledon :
Sorry about your friend passing - I know that loss all too well I'm afraid, How ever Paris is a wonderful City I've been there three times and would go back again and again. All my pics from that are from regular film and not on digital format or a disc *frown*
from invisibledon :
Oh too cool that you posted those - small world huh that you would randomly select to do a survey on diaryland and end up having been in the same town that the writer was in and have photos to boot. Never been to WI but I was in Paris about two years ago
from invisibledon :
Excellent band site. Would you have been to any of the shows which they have included in the photo section? My favorite local band is the StarCity WildCats (they play rock-a-billy) - I've been to the shows but not captured on film. Yes the band did pick the name because Roanoke is nicknamed the Star City because of our star that you have seen sorry about the motorcycle crash though - ouches and stuff.
from invisibledon :
Who is the favorite local band??? what style of music do they play? I too however will be without someone to kiss at midnight too but will have no pillow to clutch on too - Say have you seen the movie Love Actually?
from muppet23 :
I am, as of yet, torn. I could go to my favorite local band's gig or spend the evening with my parentals, gorging myself on such snacks as tiger meat, herring, chips and dip along with the occasional relish of cavier and saucing myself up with a few bottles of champagne. The latter function would be coupled with yelling HAPPY NEW YEARS! at the top of lungs while secrectly wishing I had someone to kiss instead of one of the plush pillows on the couch... woo freakin' hoo
from invisibledon :
YAY! Ok forget I said YAY twice now and I didn't have to beg all Spike Lee style - as for New Years - I'm volunteering at a big party to check ID's and put arm bands on people who are 21 and over - fun stuff I know I can hardly wait until tomorrow night and the best part, Yes you guessed it, it's all outside. Seriously it should fun - what are your, as you've hinted, lack luster plans?
from invisibledon :
Thanks for doing my noreally survey - I enjoyed reading your answers - would you please do more of my surveys, don't make me beg like Spike Lee- Oh and Happy New Year too
from blueavenue :
ooh! pictures from paris! yay! i bet you miss it terribly...
from blueavenue :
ugh. c-mas is so over. thanks for your encouragement, and hope your funk has passed, or at least momentarily subsided. =)
from jonquill :
I look hot...Winky ain't bad hisself! Merry Christmas.
from blueavenue :
oh yes, and thanks for takin' my survey! =)
from blueavenue :
yay! i can see your writing now. i just read your 2 most recent entries, and i find your writing lovely! i loved reading your thoughts on Paris. i'll be back to read more soon...happy c-mas eve!
from blueavenue :
hey there, thanks for adding me! tried to check you out, but it appears you're not appearing. hmm. take care...
from jonquill :
Think I should toss in a plug? The elipse should be back to normal.
from jonquill :
Under elipse I put it...yeash...
from jonquill :
Nearly asleep at work, I require banter to mantain conciousness.
from jonquill :
Comments removed, new elipse.
from jonquill :
I was of the sick yesterday, but, i continue to type on comments.
from jonquill :
I continue the commenting concurrently.
from jonquill :
banter provided, form of...comment.
from jonquill :
There's another two francs worth.
from jonquill :
Yeah, that will work fine. Was that only two francs worth, I may still owe you.
from jonquill :
I basically wrote you an e-mail on the elipse. You paid your five francs for it.
from jonquill :
I kinda wanted to go for mislead, just so when she calls me over it's a little more of surprise, mirror my reaction. I tried for something. I've been to strip clubs a few times since, and yeah it's usually a good time, depending on the company. But I'm a lot happier when I'm not part of the show.
from jonquill :
Nothing that happens in a strip club should ever be cute...I have failed miserably. But at least I got a happy face out of you.
from jonquill :
There. A new entry provided. I'm a bit embarrassed as it's a bit overwrought and well, weird, but here's hoping it doesn't suck.
from jonquill :
Things ending in frustration...I hate not being able to download a song...
from jonquill :
I thought it might.
from jonquill :
click once more the elipse fantastic
from jonquill :
Click the elipse fantastic.
from jonquill :
Okay, got it...spinning. Welcome to my world.
from jonquill :
I've got one in mind for today. But tis odd, so...and how do you mean spinning.
from jonquill :
Good entry today...very much liked it. Especially the detail about the two lit cigarettes. Even when the biggest thing is happening to us, we can't help to focus on a detail.
from jonquill :
I wasn't assaulting your use of the term loverly, just...relating my surprise. I look forward to having a cavalcade of cycle names shoved down my throat with glee.
from jonquill :
Did you just use the term loverly?...Anyway, I can putter down to that area about seven EST.
from jonquill :
I can head down to the internet cafe this even.
from jonquill :
Sorry, not up on the biker lingo, though I did enjoy velocity vixxen. Still what was the idea you had in mind?
from jonquill :
"that hold truth in their mystery..." YOu actually have a noble horse named Winky? Or is that what you've dubbed your Boss Hog?
from jonquill :
How exactly does a Cowboy get knighted? I cannot, for the best of me, recall an incidence where royalty roamed the wilds of the west. I must say, I now eagerly await your air-freshener rimmed scribblings. But if it twill not wait, then what exactly must be said?
from jonquill :
Random question: MSN messenger?
from jonquill :
I replied to your friendster message, and I may actually have access to an unrestricted 'puter this very eve, so if you require any amount of conversation about this last trip, drop me an e-mail.
from jonquill :
Still slightly confused as to need to contemplate, but cool...mailboxy goodness. I'm somewhat amazed that every last cafe, street, and landmark you passed in Paris in Amsterdam, was seared in name, decor, and company.
from jonquill :
Why would I mind? I was quite happy to get your postcard, a few pages would be quite nice.
from jonquill :
Friendster seems utterly forboden these days so our other means of communique will have to do. (Two words in that last sentence, I'm not sure they exist.) Still, I've got your Paris journeys to enjoy, and you have my insight in the Secret Lives of Dentists.
from jonquill :
T-Day ran by standards, outside of getting to see my eight month old nephew turn beet red as he excommunicated some of his thanksgiving meal at the table. Been reading your entry. If the bathrooms had this effect, I stand with eager curiousity for your reaction to the rest.
from jonquill :
Welcome back. Rugby team? Somehow it fits that you managed to find a way to kick-ass in Paris. I did get your postcard. The Louve is closed on Tuesdays. Should have told you...
from jonquill :
Just in case you're around, friendster doesn't work all the sudden.
from jonquill :
Just in case yer still around, Friendster is suddenly working.
from jonquill :
I had a feeling...I'll head down to the cafe today and read all of it. I don't ask for crappola when I don't want to read it. No invitation was over extended.
from jonquill :
Not exactly dug, but I'm going to shoot here that either exiting the cafe should be noted in some way, or that early evening isn't exactly information superhighway time for Laura.
from jonquill :
I remember reading that, but I didn't even think of it when I wrote my little Empire State Building thing. Glad you liked it.
from jonquill :
There ya go. Not a good entry, but at least it contained no acne related discussion.
from jonquill :
Yee Shall soon see. Mmm...rhymey...
from jonquill :
Only vodka gives me the polka dots. Made it really difficult to hide my emerging alcoholism from my parents in high school. P.S. I'm glad it entertained. Yer not bad with the surveying yerself.
from jonquill :
I thank you for your leniency. Cider does terrible things to turn my ears red. I don't know why.
from jonquill :
"Well, wales don't have teeth, if I recall being informed correctly, and thus they have this screen type thing that resembles a comb and prevents anything but the smallest of scum sucking parasites into their mouths, so I'm not really sure a tootsie roll pop would make the journey all the way to their tongues - Do wales have tongues?" - two occurances of wales.
from jonquill :
Do wales have tongues? - No, but they have 'h's. I'm a bad, bad person.
from jonquill :
Yer turn to be a surveyer...or however that is spelled.
from jonquill :
Never underestimate the power of words like "Goober." IN any case, your cat must learn that this a world full of double standards, and while you can leave your nasal spray all over the walls, it doesn't necessarily mean he can leave his, and that's how things work. A long detailed description with charts helps. That's how my goldfish taught me not to poo while swimming around the tub. (Maybe it's the fact that I'm still a little weird about my nightime proliclivities being describe in public, but I've got a lot of nervous giggle energy, that keeps dragging me towards to poo jokes.)
from jonquill :
What would I do without the oppertunity to use such pithy and classy phrases like "Goober Shoes?" Warms the soul.
from jonquill :
I do not own cowboy boots, and Winky was only there to help me pick out a pair of loafers. "Okay, one neigh for fancy chic, and two for goober shoes." "Neigh! Neigh!"
from jonquill :
Mango Survey? Teeth? Me confuzed...
from jonquill :
Don't hurt Papa. He means for the best, but sometimes he can't see for the beard.
from jonquill :
You realize of course, we will all be expecting full detail the entire time. As for the smoking...since plane air is about as noxious as cigarette smoke it won't be that bad. Just roll through the motions with one of those pretzels they give you.
from jonquill :
I do, but can't even check thanks to the restrictions all up in this 'puter. When are you off for Paris?
from jonquill :
Well put.
from jonquill :
"He is a tempered brilliance stalking the lines of maturity." - May I ask from whence the quote hails?
from jonquill :
Long Live the Scuba Train!
from jonquill :
You were definately right about needing to get something out, and I actually feel better having gotten that out. Well, here goes my pride.
from jonquill :
Shouldn't require too much fear. Ellipse at the bottom of the Previous Entries Page. user name: jonquill. Password: Last word of the chorus of a poem we both enjoy quoting.
from jonquill :
I wrote something strange last night, and I need an opinion before I post it in the public forum. I just want to be sure it's appropriate. Feel like being a test bunny?
from jonquill :
Terrible isn't it?
from jonquill :
Just so you know, my company just, out of the blue blocked out friendster, so I'm back here. Whee-dom.
from jonquill :
I tried to send this via friendster, but well...<insert various international curses> So, since that's breaking down, and cutting off your message, I was going to say try me at [email protected]. I rarely use this web-mail anymore since I can't check it at work, but occationally I roll by a cafe to empty out the spam. Toss me the whole message there. As for expanding on my comment...Gotta have a little mystery to me.
from jonquill :
Twenty-four and black and white. This is me.
from jonquill :
Try giving John Hague a search, I'm sure you'll turn me up.
from jonquill :
I sit slightly amazed anyone would wander through my library of meandering thought with such curiousity. After all, I am merely a font of babbling dork-i-try. I've started to take a peak around your darkened stanza's but my internet time is rather limited here...if for some reason you do want to babble at me, I'm basically without e-mail, save my continually scanned account at work. My notes are about the best manner to bug me. Unless you have friendster.
from tiggerboo :
Hey wow you sound like an awesome person. and I have alot in common with you. Awesome profile.
from jpsteele63 :
Very nice writings Laura... I must say I am impressed. You have a deep and beautiful soul. I applaude you for bearing it in this forum.

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