messages to my-eyesburn:
(click here to add new message):

from sameoldfears :
aww, sorry. It's sameoldfears and it's unlocked! I'm on AIM now...where are you?!;-)
from imazook :
Its not that their music is bad. IT's that people get made fun of or criticized for liking them that bothered me. Everyone has their own opinions on the music, i just think it's pathetic when people judge people on their music taste is all. I would love to hang out too:( Damn 12 states between us!
from leesmry :
Hi.I just dropped by on a random wander about diaryland. thought I'd leave a note. I enjoyed reading.
from imazook :
Ill help u more with the comments sometime. Even tho I'm not much help:( That's totally rude that he got off the phone with you, but maybe he had a valid reason. I dont know him, but he doesn't seem like a sneaky mean kind of guy to just do it to hurt you. He's YOUR'S. He loves you. Brush it off and beeee happy!:)
from imazook :
I have recently chipped my 2 front teeth (minorly) on liefsavers and since then, I'm so paranoid about them getting worse. I always have dreams about my teeth falling out or getting badly chipped. Have fun today!
from imazook :
Aww...did you only say that about me b/c I'm the only one who reads this??;) JK. I was sitting in church tonight (dilligenly praying as you can tell) and thinking about how we got started talking. was it you who initiated convo? I couldn't remember. Then, I got back to praying....teehee
from imazook :
Jealous<-------me That was really cute. YOu're so lucky!!
from imazook :
That part always gives me trouble when I redo a template. I'll think about how to do it;) I haven't talked to you lately!!! Why the heck not!??!?! :(
from dani086 :
that's pretty cool. i went to warped and saw them there...they were AMAZING.
from clearance :
thanks. You like death cab and therefore you're great.
from dani086 :
how does your bf know gatsbys? that's awesome.
from imazook :
I won't tell you again: stop being jealous! Ooh, that "y" job sounds fun.
from imazook :
Glad you are back wink wink;)
from imazook :
Don't be jealous. After some of the things you tell me he tells you, it sounds like you have NO reason to be! Have fun at work.

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