messages to mystik-snake:
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from mistresslink :
thanks for joining high fidelity :)
from flufflebunny :
what's really interesting is that I didn't realise your ethnic origins...I guess I don't think about things like that. I like the way you write for who you are - and you write really well, in my humble opinion. What's black history month? Is it an american thing, because I haven't heard about it over here...
from flufflebunny :
Cheers for the note :) I am just honest with everyone, I try and just give constructional critiscm if any at all - so I hope it helped. Sorry if I was a little harsh though, you do have quite a few interesting entries - just not my sort of read, it's all just down to taste really. Example: I don't like tomatoes, but I know a trillion people who love them :) Thanks for being so nice about it too, I know lots of people would have just gone and hate mailed or something. I really respect you for not doing :) Anyway, keep up the writing - I'll probably visit from time to time to see what you're up to! Cheers, Enola.
from diaryreviews :
Hi, your review is up at diaryreviews. You can apply for a re-review in 30 days if you would like one. :) Cheers.
from caraheble :
Kel Shah and welcome to the Daniel Jackson diaryring! Thanks for joining.
from crpticshadow :
Hey mystilk-snake no problem. I guess I'm alittle relived as well. Good to now I'm not the only one who loves that "morbid" stuff
from neuroticaa :
username= neuroticaa, password=upthewall
from neuroticaa :
sa-weeet, i deflowered your notes page! =P haha, how've you been? <3

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