messages to nadnuk:
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from s-andromeda :
Thinking of you this weekend -- I hope you're safe and dry!
from arvianna :
wow! that was indeed an awesome shoutout on threadbanger.
from s-andromeda :
You're amazingly talented! I have some pants with similar issues, and now you've inspired me to do something with them!
from arvianna :
alternative evening drinks! i like really tart things, so i buy 100% cranberry juice, and cut it with water, or sparkling water like you said. reed's ginger brew is another favorite. jamaican style!
from castalia :
Hope things go well with your house/condo buying decision. It's a hard one to make. I've started looking at places myself and it's a lot of thinking.
from s-andromeda :
from castalia :
Good Luck with the house investigation! ~Castalia
from castalia :
I hope things start to sort themselves out for you! -Castalia
from arvianna :
join me on 43things! 43things is a website for goals.
from arvianna :
::huggles:: the first couple weeks on lexapro were really hard for me too
from kungfukitten :
Yea! I loved your list and how can you have self-esteem issues when you're dead sexy?! I also had to sing to myself for awhile before I figured out you were quoting Safety Dance! :)
from castalia :
Get the new palm phone. New techie gadets are always fun (and sadly more practical than shoes). This is totally the nerd in me inner fashionista is just dying to tell you to get the shoes.
from castalia :
Thanks for the comment. You're totally right :)
from arvianna :
what an awesome awesome entry. i think comraderie is right, but maybe im just partial to french spelling and theres a different way to spell it in english.
from castalia :
Congratulations! :)
from s-andromeda :
from legalacidity :
Well then you know the absurdity we put on every year. Good times! My fiancee's name is April.
from legalacidity :
I'm good friends with him...that's hilarious. Small world! My fiancee actually knew Matt's wife growing up.
from legalacidity :
Oh really? What's his name?
from castalia :
You're cake sounds delicious!
from arvianna :
::huggles:: happy belated birthday!
from s-andromeda :
I was so sorry to read your 06.02.05 entry. Never forget that you're an intelligent, capable, extremely talented young woman -- the job search is frustrating, I know, but I'm sure you'll find something suited to your interests and abilities. Take care and stay strong!
from arvianna :
I don't know if it's what you're interested in, but I can offer you a job in New Mexico. We're still looking for teachers for the upcoming school year at Saint Francis. Mid-high (grades 6,7,8) are all filled up but we still need primary grade teachers. I'm so sorry to hear that you won't be at Duke any longer ::lots and lots of love and huggles:: Best of luck in the job search.
from s-andromeda :
ouch. *hug*
from castalia :
Thanks for letting me know ~Cas
from s-andromeda :
PS -- I want Spike so badly. :-)
from s-andromeda :
re: hot chocolate. I've recently rediscovered my love of hot chocolate, and I'm with you on the potential financial problem of drinking it every night. Do you have a Trader Joe's out there? They sell these HUGE 18-oz. bars of Belgian baking chocolate (dark, bittersweet, and milk) at very reasonable prices ($2-$3, if I recall correctly). I use about 2 ounces of chocolate per batch, with a 1:1:2 ratio of dark:bittersweet:milk melted and blended with 24 ounces of milk, and it makes about 3 cups of hot-chocolatey goodness. You probably have your own special recipe, but if you can find a Trader Joe's out there, I highly recommend their cheap, delicious chocolate! And good luck with the school work and nursing the cold -- being ill and stressed out is a tough situation, indeed.
from s-andromeda :
I completely understand. My reservations about Catholicism have always been rooted in gender (and sexuality) issues. I wonder what it is about being a male that makes one worthy of the priesthood. Genes? Genitalia? Hormones? Masculinity? Could an intersexed individual be a priest? Someone who is genetically XY but has female parts because of androgen insensitivity? What exactly -is- the essence of being male? Compared to Middle Eastern society 2000 years ago, gender boundaries are very fluid today! I personally think that something has to change in this arena for the Catholic Church to have any credibility in the next century. *fingers crossed for Vatican III*
from arvianna :
dude. i still have your bridget jones dvd. give me an address to which i can send it as well as a letter!
from cheddar :
yeah, i was kinda wondering what the point of your article was?? it doesnt do much beside tell your story... is that all your going for? and i need to hear some more about this beaker thing.....
from arvianna :
hey, i still have your qmech hw, do you have an address at home to which i can send it? take care!
from arvianna :
::sends love::
from tinawolff :
Hey, thanks for the advice...its always great to hear from people who've gone through all this before. God, you diaryland people are awesome.
from arvianna :
heyo. are you moving into cp on the fifteenth? let me know where! im moving in that day too. much love.
from cheddar :
hey kt. i'm at my highschool right now, helping my mom run a summer school class. kinda crazy. but anyway... the real story here is that there is this girl in the class that sounds exactly like you. not even kidding. and she kinda looks a bit like you too... she's only 16, so i imagine her as kinda a young kt... strange, huh? anyway, just thought i'd let you know you have a twin out there. =)
from s-andromeda :
S dnyom rozhdeniya!! (that's happy birthday in russian) I meant to write a little message earlier but sometimes internet time is hard to come by here. I hope you had a great day and take care!
from cheddar :
ohhh... going to ND... i'm definitely jealous. i'm just sitting around here, unemployed... Paul is up there now, doing researh and whatnot... if you want to get in contact with him i can give you his phone numbers and stuff. have a good weekend!!!
from cheddar :
ohmy... i will be keeping you in my prayers kt. i hope you come back, at least for the fall. ND wouldn't be the same without you, you know.. keep me updated on what you're planning to do... i don't want to lose touch even if you do decide to not come back! good luck... with everything... =)
from nadnuk :
ok, so I can't seem to write an entry, so I guess that I'll put my update on this notes page...I have big news, huge news...not the best news. I'm pregnant. yeah, for real, and it's not going away. for the rest of my life, I will be a mother. I may or may not keep the child. I would really like to, I seem to think that everything will turn out right, but I don't think that I could give a child a great life right now. I am not ready to be in charge of another life, but I might be in a couple of why should I give up a child that I haven't had because I won't be able to give it the best first year of it's life...I haven't told the father...that involves tracking him down, calling at least one other person and finding out his full name, where he's from, etc. just in order to let him know that he'll be a father whether he wants to or not, he doesn't have to do anything, but his state of being will be altered. I just hate that it won't be altered as much as mine. And that he doesn't have to live with it every day of his life that one night can change a lifetime. one night, even if you don't remember it, can alter everything. My eyes are dry, my brain is fuzzy and I can't think about it anymore. I wish that I could just run and hide from everything and everybody. And I could finish my college career without having to take the Spring off, or even the Fall, too. My mom doesn't want me going back to ND. She thinks that it would be too much, too different for me and too far from my family. And she thinks that I would lose my friends, heck, I don't even know if she thinks that I have any true friends. True friends would stick by me even if I can't go out with them all of the time and even if I can't go drinking and clubbing with them. But I have people that I know would stick with me and that would be able to understand. I have to get back to work
from cheddar :
oh honey... everything will work out ok, i'm sure. i'll be praying for you...
from arvianna :
trite sounding i know, but everything will work out. you cant take program rejections personally, its not a reflection of your abilities. there are just too many factors involved to boil it all down to something like that. youre still an awesome and wonderfully intelligent woman!
from s-andromeda :
Thanks for the note! And don't worry about physics -- I think that you and I and arvianna all struggle with it at times, though I can't say anything for the rest of our class. Maybe we can form our own little support group next semester! :-) Take care.
from arvianna :
you can speak to me in french during lent! ill be slow replying in french, but ill understand if you will
from s-andromeda :
Bravo! The wonder of science and the pleasure of finding things out is truly joyful. I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing that to a committee. Carl Sagan writes a lot about that -- reading "Billions and Billions" or "Contact" might be useful in helping you articulate that without sounding too flighty. :-) -s

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