messages to nightxmusic:
(click here to add new message):

from mrmiguelious :
Things are exciting. Working at school is still the same, though with added risk of potentially not having a job at any point. The boss is a horrible man. Personal life, been single for a while, parents have split up and grandparents have died. Good times. Hope things are better for you. x
from mrmiguelious :
o hi! First diary update in two years. How rare. What's even more rare is that I actually remembered how to get onto it and read it. We should catch up some time ya? x
from tracedsmile :
Oh, reading your Livejournal and your Diaryland makes me realise that I miss you :(. I'm sorry that you're not happy where you are, even though the place an sich is good. I wish I could help you in any way, but I never know what to say as advice. So you're still with kieran.. that's lovely :). Or again? I haven't talked to you so freaking lol. Long distance relationships suck =/. How often do you usually see him? You smoke now? =/. I'm opposed to cigarettes but I can understand why you use it, I've thought about trying it sometimes too, but the fact that I have asthma is a big blockade, which helps. I know exactly what you mean, Bor is on my friendslist on Livejournal and he is on there because I do want to trust him but I can't even tell anything personal on MSN, never mind face to face. So now he thinks he knows my darkest secrets: not really though. Lies and making everything (especially myself) seeming better than it is. I'm just so horrible afraid of losing him because I am crazy. *sighs* Damn it, this got into a big rant about myself, things always turn into that =/. You may always talk to me if you wish, I won't condemn you for anything. Lot's of love <3
from tracedsmile :
oh yes, now I remember. Microscopic/Muffin was from long ago, silly me. Why is university not so great? =/. I see what you mean with my diary, I'll try to change it asap :)
from tracedsmile :
Yeah, I agree. Diaryland is just.. better, I do not know why. Maybe because it feels more anynomous then LJ is? I do not know, I am actually honest here. How is your university going? joined the korfbal team yet? ^_^ BTW, I tried, but I the username/password I thought it was isn't correct anymore for you =/ (microscopic/muffin?)
from tracedsmile :
I miss you :(. I never talk to you anymore, I should update this diary more too. I should do too many things. Anyway, the username/password is sacrament/wilderness :)
from aurorafaerie :
hey, it's sad-faerie here...I have a new diary. feel free to come read =O) same username/password as before. if ya can't remember what that was, mail me & I'll let you know, sorry about the messing, trust & pixie dust xXx
from l0stwhispers :
Hey hun! I haven't talked to you in ages. -hugs- How're you? =)
from shes-dying :
You missunderstood me, i wasn't trying to bitch at you, i wouldn't, i know you're talking sense. Sorry if i upset you. :( xx
from lostleanor :
i'm so sorry love. i miss you, i wish you felt better. :[
from ophelia2love :
thanks for still reading. xo
from lostleanor :
awww honey. i wish you weren't feeling this way. i miss you sooo much, and i wish i could just come over and give you a huge hug. so much love sug. and always remember that you're worth it; dying would be such a waste
from lostleanor :
heeey. i miss you! i had a computer move and can't remember my p/w to get in to yours :[ can you help me out?? i hope we get back in touch with eachother, i really miss talking to you. all my love is still with you. ♥
from tracedsmile :
I love you too, honey, and I really wished we lived closer =]. But this is not something you could help me with if you lived closer, I'm afraid =/.
from tracedsmile :
I love you <3
from l0stwhispers :
Holy crap. That's happening to me too. The one about Sam. 8S And yea, it's scary. I don't want it to end just like that. I mean, there's too much to treasure and he's a great guy and all. >< But it just seems like... we're drifting apart. And well, I harbour a crush for another guy as well. >< Gosh, I'm so evil. -sighs- I hope it turns out well for you. -huggles- Just know you're not alone alright?
from lostleanor :
hey sweets. I miss talking to you. My myspace was delted because of some stupid...idiotic girl. But my new one is I'd like to talk again, so if you want to, please add me. sooo much love to you, lovaface. <333
from tracedsmile :
Okay, I can completely understand that =). I hope it gets better and that we'll talk soon (and not because I would be so curious ^^)
from tracedsmile :
Honey, I wish you could trust me, but alas. Don't be worried about me, I'll be fine. What has happened that you have flashbacks of?
from shes-dying :
I wish so much i could be with you right now. Wish we lived nearer...*cuddles* love xx
from lostleanor :
you are perfect just the way you are, and if I could, I'd wrap my arms around you and sipe away every tear you shed. I'm here, though not there. love to you always. <33
from lostleanor :
I LOVE YOU. we need to talk more.
from tracedsmile :
Not .. appealing to me. You don't screw it up when you don't do it, you care for the rest of the world and you're brave when you don't do it.
from l0stwhispers :
Hey, I hope things get much better for you. And happy belated birthday! Sorry I didn't say earlier! >< *Huggles* Cheer up, hon! You can pull through this... and seriously, you have to stop with the cutting, hon. I know the going is really tough now, but try to get past it alright? On the brighter side, you're 17 now. =)
from tracedsmile :
My love .. well .. if you define normal as average, as what the most people have, well, most people do not feel those persons as you feel them. But, it's not completely unnatural, I mean, more people do experience similar things, although it's such a thing that you can't really compare because you need to be inside someone's head to experience it and no one can be in 2 persons heads. Well, it's not .. highly new for me, it made me think of the time you posted bits of an entry of your sister in your livejournal, where she talked about you and seeing things, and you've also mentioned several times about that old lady, I believe. I wish I could do anything =(. Do they scare you? Do they tell you to go and kil yourself, like .. I've heard, other people hear? I won't love you any less though. I dreamed of you one night ago. You were celebrating your birthday and I came by and we hugged and chatted and had a great birthday =). In ym dream my letter didnt arrive yet though
from shes-dying :
*holds and won't let go*
from tracedsmile :
You're worth saving, my love, so much, I love you so much =(. Did my letter arrive in time? I .. well I wish I could give you advice and tell you what I think is right, but I don't know what's right or what will be the best for you .. I'm a fuckup with relationships and chosing who you want to be with =(. Just .. when you break up you long for the person you just broke up with, and I think you'll do the same with Donna when you stop going out with her =/. I just .. well, hope she'll make you happy, and I hope you'll get to love her and realise that it time <3. I love you so much darling.
from tracedsmile :
damn. i thought it was the 23th. happy birthday =)
from tracedsmile :
A lip piercing? Wow .. sexy =]. And your parents allowed that? That's very cool =D. As a birthday present or what? Wow .. now the sex will be even better ^^. But you know what this means .. PICTARS.
from l0stwhispers :
Ooooh lip ring! Cool! Lol! I don't really fancy them, but well, yea. XP Hehe! *Tries to picture you with a lip ring* Glad you like it! And heeeey... someone's going to be 17 in like... 4 days eh? XP *Winks* Lol! Oh, btw, hope you get your hands on the HP book. Not very good, in my opinion, but still alright. =)
from tracedsmile :
You're not a screwup, you're not =[.
from shes-dying :
And i will totally be at the party...mwha!
from tracedsmile :
Oh you drunk slut .. I wish I lived close to you then I could get everything of you .. *aherm*. So .. you don't know who you want more, donna or kirk? Or do you just want them both for the lust? 0_O
from tracedsmile :
You're so pretty <3. I'm in love with your eyes. And with you.
from coeurfragile :
Sweetie, the pics are gorgeous! How in the world are your eyes so damn brown? I AM SO JEALOUS!!!! And you have the teeniest nose I've ever seen, mine is so wide and huge and sucky. And damn your beautiful eyebrows, too! xxx
from shes-dying :
Not ugly. Gorgeous.
from lostleanor :
Dearest, I absolutely adore hearing you whine. It's what diaryland is for. :) ♥
from l0stwhispers :
Lol! Cute... hehe! You're cute! XP Hehe! Guys huh? And oh.. touch their breasts?! Ew... even my boyfriend doesn't ask me to do that. O.O XP Hehe! Anyway, hm... goode lucke with you, Kirk and Kristy. XP Hope it works out somehow. o.O =)
from l0stwhispers :
Argh!!! Don't stop, dude! That's way light! Pffft! XP Well, alright, if you DO want to stop, stop, but DON'T go backwards, dudette! Or I'll seriously hunt you down... *Grabs knife and waves it around*
from tracedsmile :
Beeeeh, I wish i had bigger breasts. I bought the bikini I am wearing right now ONE MONTH AGO and allready it is not fitting anymore. *pokes evil clothes* All my clothes stop fitting all the time, but you know, I would love bang you no matter how big your breasts are
from l0stwhispers :
Oh yay for Hannah!!! =D Big breasts... nice goal. XP Hehe! =) I hope you get to it! But then, I'm sure you will. XP Hehe! =) And yea, you did start sounding like totally "happy" in the second half of the other entry. Lol! Which was pretty surprising, because you started out all droopy and sad. *Pats your head* That's the way, dudette! =) Stay happy! And smiling! XP
from coeurfragile :
It's nice to hear that you're doing well. :) :) xxx Minka
from tracedsmile :
*smiles* Oh no, this entry was so long, I am going to send myself over in the mail and rape you on the kitchenfloor <3 Getting drunk is too much fun and too awesome, I know now.
from l0stwhispers :
Oh gee... well, I hope she will forgive you for whatever you did in time. 8S I can't stand to see you hurt, hun. You're already too fragile, for your own good. Please cheer up, and don't think of dying. I seriously do not like the idea of you dead. Please dismiss that thought from your head, will you? =X Cheer up, hun.
from lostleanor :
Aww huney. If you only knew how NOT alone you were in feeling such ways. *sigh* I'm sorry it has hit you though and I wish I could make it not so. **biggest hug ever** I hope things smoothe out and you can find a center the next few days. All my love and best to you. ♥
from coeurfragile :
Life and love is complicated. Sort out exactly what you want to accomplish and go for it, because, as you stated, there's nothing that can be done to change it, and it can't hurt you any worse. Want to break up with Kieran? Do it. Yes, it'll hurt, but if you put it off it'll hurt later as well, maybe more. He deserves you to be honest with him, and hopefully someday he can see that by being honest, you were doing the best thing and forgive you. Best of luck, whatever course of action you decide to
from tracedsmile :
You don't want to come and study here in the Netherlands anymore? =(. Aw, well, what can I say besides that you can't choose who you fall in love with? I speak from experience *cough*anna*/cough* .. but yeah >_>. Well at least she does like you, but it;s a bit hard for kieran to go and be together with one of his best friends >_>
from lostleanor :
I'm so, sooo happy for you, m'dearest. x♥x
from tracedsmile :
I'm glad if you're glad that you'll be taken off, will you get others or will you not get any medicines?
from l0stwhispers :
Aw, honey, you will in time. =) *Huggles* Have faith in yourself alright?
from tracedsmile :
NOOO I meant that we're not like, in a relationship. *removes it* it sounds wrong, just a friend, im sorry
from coeurfragile :
I don't know if you use your LiveJournal anymore, but I just got an account there and I added you to my friends list (coeurfragile, the same sn as I have here).
from coeurfragile :
Sweets, you'll be okay, I'm sure. You're a strong person and you've gotten through tougher things before. These are easy peasy hurdles for you, dear. Just believe in yourself and look toward the future. xxx
from lovetherain :
YOU ARE SEX. with or without your hair =).
from l0stwhispers :
Ooooh! You permed the edges of your hair! You look so sweet! XD Red! Funkeh! Hehe! XP What "inspired" you to do that? Lol! You look so adorable in those photos. =D
from lostleanor :
You're so adorable. And your hair.... I envy everything about you. <i>BEAUTIFUL<i>x♥x
from coeurfragile :
You remind me of Gwen Stefani. And I love Gwen, so that's a compliment! Tres belle!!! xxx Minka
from coeurfragile :
You dyed it pink? Must see! I bet it looks great! Also, I chose the topic of my paper because I know so many people (both on and offline) who've been affected. It'll take 6 weeks to write, min requirements is 8 pages! xxx
from coeurfragile :
I am so glad you're okay. You do have things to live for, you do. xxx
from l0stwhispers :
I'm glad you saw the morning too. Hannah, don't do this to yourself, it just isn't worth it. It's alright to cry, it's alright to hurt, but it's all only... temporary, in a way. You can relieve the pain and you can wipe away the tears. But you can't take your life back. Although I'm not that close to you online any longer, I do hope you know I've still got you on my mind. *Huggles tightly*
from coeurfragile :
Sweets I posted that last note before I read your entry. You are a wonderful girl and you have so much to live for. If you can't live for yourself, please live for us. We are so much richer with you in our lives, you make our lives have so much more. Think of that quote, "When you think you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." The longer you hold on, even just for one day, makes it so much easier. You are one more step towards another day, a happier day. I truly believe that people get what they deserve and you deserve so much, Hannah. You've just gotta hold on so that it will come to you. xxx I will be sending you so much love and light tonight. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Minka
from coeurfragile :
Haha I tried, but the pictures turned out horrible! I can send some pictures of the dress though, I think I still have them.
from hiddensoul3 :
Oh no, Missy, don't you go anywhere *ties you down with rope and keeps you there.* Please, youre needed here, don't go anywhere...
from coeurfragile :
No one is going to make an exit, because we all want to help you. We're not going to leave you alone in this world, don't ever forget that. Even if you lose your ability to care for others, me and a lot of others will keep on caring for you and hoping you are okay. Please don't do anything to yourself, we need you here on Earth.
from coeurfragile :
I felt like that was personally directed at me, I hope it wasn't. I do care, and I can empathize with you. It's your body but I don't want to see you scar it. You are beautiful wether you see it or not, and I hope you're around for a long, long time. I will be sending you light and good vibes. I honestly hope you don't die. xxx
from coeurfragile :
I know I say it all the time but it's true: just hang in there. We all have rough patches, regress, fuck up, but we will be okay. The main thing is that you've learned to control your urges, which is an important step. I know how you feel about not looking normal again, there's a few things on my arm that have scarred beyond healing, and some places on my feet are totally unsalvagable. But keep your chin up and don't let this mean ol' world get you down! You're strong and you'll pull through :) Hope to hear from you soon! xxx Minka
from coeurfragile :
Aww, that's okay! You needed a rest from the internet, I wouldn't be offended if you didn't read :) Of course I will make you a layout! Just let me know what you want on it or the theme.
from coeurfragile :
I named one of my students Ophelia for you!
from coeurfragile :
Of course! I spend half a day at another school, and they sent buses for us early. If they send buses early, you KNOW something happened and that you're gonna go home. So it was a nice little break. :)
from coeurfragile :
Hey hun, take care of yourself. I wish you the best of luck, whatever you choose to do and however long you choose to stay off of the internet. Just don't forget to tell me when you get back, so I know you're okay. - xxx Minka
from lostleanor :
If I could hug you tight and shield you from everything bad, I would. I'd wrap you up tight in my heart. I hope you're feeling better, Love. x♥x
from l0stwhispers :
Oh geez... are you ok honey? *Huggles* Argh, if you want to say anything, I'm here. Yes, I know I'm not that close to you, but well... I don't know. I'll just be here if you want anything alrighties? =)
from rainy-daze- :
ooh i've just stumbled across your diary and noticed you have me listed as a fave.. except you've missed the last hyphen from the end which is probably why the link doesn't work.... okay i'll shut up. xxxx
from l0stwhispers :
Nope, hun, I haven't a way of getting their IP. I think? o.O O wells. No worries. I can bear with it. And yea, I hate people. Like these. Ah wells. Unfortunately, the world isn't in lack of them. *Shrugs* Hehe! And yea! The Incredibles rocks! XD You really should watch it! =D And nope, I haven't watched Bridget Jones. It doesn't really appeal to me, mostly because I didn't watch the first one. Urgh. O wells. Hehe! Glad you enjoyed the show anyway! =) Hope to see you around real soon! =D
from coeurfragile :
Don't feel that you have to update if you don't have anything to day. Forcing yourself to do it isn't going to make you feel better. I hope that you're existing for a long, long, long time and that you're really not going anywhere. It would be a terrible loss to everyone that knows you if you did not exist anymore. xxx
from coeurfragile :
Hey don't slip backwards. You're doing so well. If you need something to stop yourself, email me. IM me on AIM. Do anything. I don't want you hurting yourself, sweetie. xxx
from lostleanor :
I'm so glad you've found me! Love you lots, Dearest. -♥
from l0stwhispers :
Oh... you're eating? Or is that a whole lot of sarcasm over there in your entry? Hm... if it's the first one, then I'm glad. Very glad. =D If it's the second... then well... I'm still kind of glad. o.O Because you're still eating! =X =) *Pats your head* No one's perfect, hun. But you're as perfect as you can get to be. X� =)
from coeurfragile :
why do you say you should be going to hell? xxx
from l0stwhispers :
Aw... I hope you feel better soon, hun. *Huggles tightly* =) And well, try to talk to your best friends? Ask them exactly what's happening, what's making them so upset and all and try to talk them out of suicide? I know you've probably tried it and all, but that's the best suggestion I can think of. Sorry, dear. xxXXxx
from coeurfragile :
I know what you mean about not thinking of D-land people as 'proper friends', but I'm here to stay! Mail me anytime you need to, you know I care. I hope you're doing well. xxx Minka
from l0stwhispers :
Aw... *Huggles* Well, at least you got some time off from you razor. =) *Pats your head* That's a good Hannah. Hehe! And come on, I'm pretty damn sure you haven't gained that much weight! Even if you have, you can still shed them off by exercising or something. o.O You can do it, dudette! =D Just don't start dieting real seriously and all. 8S Anyway, welcome back dudette! =D *Huggles* Me has missed you... hehe!
from darkenergy :
*cuddles* Love you X
from l0stwhispers :
Yay! You're coming back today!! =D Hehe! *huggles* Welcome back dudette! Can't wait to see you online again! X�
from l0stwhispers :
Cool! Take care of yourself, dudette! =) Luv ya! xxXXxx
from coeurfragile :
You're going to Italy?! **So jealous ^ ** I didn't mean to make you self conscious about the not updating thing, it's totally understandable that when you're feeling good, you don't need to write. That's great. I was just very worried because usually when you didn't update, something was wrong. Have a great holiday :) xxx Minka
from sad-faerie :
hey...thanks for adding me! x

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