messages to nikkib253:
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from shygirl-1977 :
Hey Nikki, I am sorry I never got back to you. Did not know I had a note. I did a search of background. I think mines my have a link to the person I used. If not you can go to google and put in diaryland temple. Hope it helps
from candoor :
a hug for your loss... may this bring a small smile... when I get the feeling no one is reading me, I try to change my point of view cuz sometimes it's just me feeling lonely and alone and no one understands what I am going through... or else I just go out and beg for attention :)
from panjandrum :
I saw that you applied. I'm a bit of a snob in that I like for the codes to be up before I approve people. I say so in my ring rules. So reapply and put up the codes and I'll approve you. Easy peasy.
from jcesar :
So it is, I hoped every body enjoyed and got inspired I am still here, so long. Remember that nobody is going to die along with you Not even the movie, romeo an juliet
from shygirl-1977 :
I haven't been going with changing the template. WhatI have been doing is, looking on people pages that have new template for link to the site they got them from. It's usually on the side with all the other information. If it's okay, I save you to my aim buddy list. I'm northstars31
from shygirl-1977 :
Hey Nikki, Thanks for feeling out my survey. I'm also on a diet, so I know how hard it is. I'm about 95 pds over weight right now. I'm happy to hear that your doing great. Keep in contact. :) northstars31 aim

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