messages to nikkisboy:
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from ghost-song :
It's a bit late to wish you a merry christmas now isn't it, so i'll have to make do with Happy New Year instead. My livejournal is, i would love to see you there, as i miss you!
from ghost-song :
I meant that btw, about joining me. i wish you would, you're the only thing i miss about diaryland.
from ghost-song :
haha very funny! I didn't intend to stay away so long, but diaryland has such a depressing ghost town quality these days :-/ To be honest, i've sold my soul and started whoring myself out on livejournal again - you should join me there!
from ghost-song :
Hehe ;-)
from ghost-song :
I don't think it's boring - you make it interesting because you write so well. At least it's not as dull as going on about what you watched on tv... ;-)
from ghost-song :
I left a note in your comments thing but i don't know if it worked because i got an error page. Don't know what to say anyway, i'm too shocked to say anything :-(
from ghost-song :
I don't think it's stalkerish, i think it's nice. It's just that i don't like to get too close to people on the internet, having had a couple of bad experiences - as you have probably worked out, i've been recently very hurt. But i do value your friendship, you know, and i wish you would update more often!
from ghost-song :
He is adorable.
from minstrelite :
Hi Tony. I happened upon you randomly and have only read your last three entries, but personally I think that it's okay for you to go to church whatever your motivation is. Whether it's a church specifically for gay people or not is also pretty irrelevant (in my opinion) in light of the greater picture. A gathering of people together once a week is a time-honored way of removing us from our corporate isolation. So, even if you do feel that you've screwed up your life so far (which I doubt you have, seriously) the church meeting is a way of recognizing that you're among friends, and that you are not alone. Good luck to you.
from ghost-song :
Thank you, but your entry was so sad :-/
from ghost-song :
you're too sweet, really :-)
from ghost-song :
It's nice to know you're still around :-)
from vodkatonic :
I wish you would write more, but there's no point if you're not getting anything out of it.
from vodkatonic :
your guestbook won't let me sign! i only wanted to make a crap steve irwin joke anyway, but also to say something else and i can't find the right words now.

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