messages to nopretending:
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from stepfordtart :
Congratulations! s x
from neeeeek :
"never freaking ever" I meant to say.
from neeeeek :
Mhm, I'm depressive too sometimes.. cherishing the small things in life helps me quite a lot to get along. Also, the simple things like friends, sports, shopping, sex and food (such as intellectual stimulation), travel and aims are really useful against depression. Good luck on your way. Never freaking give yourself up.. you owe it to your friends and family. Suicide is selfish
from loveisbliss :
Oh, no problem. Sorry if I seemed irritated or whatever, I was just kind of in a bad mood at the time. In fact, suggestions are always a good thing, so thanks!
from gumball-slut :
Hey, this is loveisbliss. I made that ring a long time ago, when I was still in middle school and I have changed since then, actually I am pro-choice now so thats why I haven't meddled with tht ring at all since, I'm unable to delete it. So sorry if the ring isn't up to your standards...
from invernal :
Hey there! Welcome to the pretentious ring. Thanks for joining!
from blinkgurly :
hey hillary :) its karley! haha thanks for signing my guestbook on my site. i made a diary now, yours is fabulous. we really do have a lot in common :p love ya! gnarley
from blinkgurly :
hey hillary :) its karley! haha thanks for signing my guestbook on my site. i made a diary now, yours is fabulous. we really do have a lot in common :p love ya! gnarley

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