messages to perplexty:
(click here to add new message):

from schmaddie :
i am formerly allyellow. would it be possible to snag that username/password from you? i'd appreciate it ever so much. danke.
from abnormality :
thank you thank you thank you a million times over. xo.
from ingressofme :
entrance granted
from x0lulu0x :
when i saw "i'm tall (for a girl)." i had to keep reading - because i am, too. and then i realized how very, very much we have in common. (including writing lists about ourselves.) i don't really know why i decided to tell you all that, but i did.
from dontwakemeup :
from jessie02 :
Hey ~ Just wanted to tell you good luck with picking a school. I am visiting NY this weekend, I've never been:) Your life seems very exciting. Anyway, just wanted to tell you.
from ineednoname :
from abnormality :
i'm sorry that my font doesn't appear as the right size on your computer. it's been okay on every other computer i've used.. and quite honestly, i have no idea how to fix it. okay. take care. xo.
from omnistatic :
ummm, glassjaw defiently rox my world, like a superly lot....yeah!
from punkerboi46 :
thank you you are the first person to write me thanks i like your writing too if you ever wanna talk to me sn is punkerboi46
from amthystrkstr :
thanks for the note. can't help but dig on your diary as well.
from diddlebug :
i was looking through your profile and was noticing how i hadn't heard of any of the bands you listed as your favorites. but 3 of the 5 authors you listed, i did as well. and that amazed me. you have good taste.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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