messages to playnaked:
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from catspaw :
waitressing at centerfolds? Oh puleez. Not one of your best ideas. Take it from me, I've worked there but the place had a different name. Really its not the coolest place to work. The money rolls, yes, but come on... you have no idea the price. Playnaked, puleezzzz, tell me that was just a passing fancy!
from catspaw :
Dear Playnaked, Do you remember in one of Tom Robbins book's, a town called Walla Walla?
from catspaw :
Dear Playnaked, I am older than you. My entire generation knows the answer to that most awesome question you posed. The outsiders, of course. Gimme a harder one next time.
from catspaw :
Dear Playnaked, Geeze I sound like a school marm.... Anyway, whats up. Depression sucks, I know, I was for about 10 years. NO really. Anyway, I just wanted to touch base with you to let you know I am still here in cyber space and reading your diary. Here's my thought for today, Playnaked, you do not know your worth. Neither did I at 21, and we sound quite similar. Playnaked, its okay to feel like shit. Theyre just feelings. You don't need a permanent solution. Playnaked, you are valuable. If you don't know it yet, wait until you understand. You are in training. Last thing, okay, playnaked, from you cyber space sister, today, just for today, keep your pants on, and I mean that in the most endearing way.
from catspaw :
Hi playnaked, I randomly came across your diary. Hmmmm. Extremely interesting. As I am a little older than you, I believe I will read your diary to live vicarously through you. If you don't mind. 3 times a day. Good Lord. Good for you honey.
from missdahling :
oh my god, I cannot believe a guy actually lit you on fire...I thought that was only something you saw in the movies. I have not played power hour in such a long time. I miss that game. Anyway, just stopping by to say hello again.
from missdahling :
Just stumbled across your diary and wanted to say hi.
from playnaked :
oh my gosh playnaked I love to read your diary it is superlative!

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