messages to rachel26280:
(click here to add new message):
from daath : |
The idea that you are stark-raving depressed in some hick backwater portion of Canada is sad. Well, see you around sometime maybe. |
from daath : |
You're depressing my shit, darling. |
from daath : |
Respond more. I know I doused you with heavy shit, but I promise I'm still fun. |
from daath : |
I'll even settle for I still care about you. It's been 20+ years. I'm old and fucking tired. |
from daath : |
The saddest thing is that I still love you. Genuinely love you. And you went away without any explanation or word. I have nothing now. I just want some idea that you are okay. You selfish, crazy bitch. Just tell me you are okay. |
from daath : |
I worry about you. Talk to me. |
from daath : |
I forgot your UN and PW again. Tried to look them up, but the search function online is fucking up. |
from daath : |
We can always enjoy the short moments. |
from daath : |
I'm wondering when you will be on again. |
from daath : |
That was sweet, thank you. |
from daath : |
*poke* |
from daath : |
I'm just a pain in the ass. How're things? |
from rachel26280 : |
Why are you a pain in the ass? |
from daath : |
I'm a pain in the ass. |
from daath : |
Reading Game of Thrones. |
from rachel26280 : |
Not much. Making a very late dinner and otherwise bored out of my mind. You? |
from daath : |
Watcha doing? |
from daath : |
I'm curious what you've been up to. |
from daath : |
Hope you're well. |
from daath : |
If you need money to pay for equipment to do a job, and having that equipment means you can accept that job, I will pay for that. |
from omfggwtf : |
your entry about still not having a job.. i am the exact same. i hate sitting in this house doing nothing all day, so ANYTHING would do aha. goddamn jobs. hearing nothing back makes me want to cry :( x |
from daath : |
You do make me laugh a good amount. I pity most people, let along their sense of humor. So. Yay! |
from daath : |
You. Try to be funny. You sometimes are. But you do try. |
from omfggwtf : |
i understand about the sleep thing. it's bloody horrible aha. goddammit. |
from ninabean : |
Chase has done me no wrong in all my years with them...I would say its a good move! |
from daath : |
I have Chase as a function of Washington Mutual being incorporated into them. They don't try and screw you really, so I like them. |
from ninabean : |
Re: Ignorant/Racist America - I highly agree with you on this article.... so have them paint the kid in the mural green as a child of the HUMAN race, nauseous over the ignorance of discriminatory America. The melting pot is going rancid.... |
from daath : |
I'll call you tonight if you're around. |
from daath : |
I miss you. We should talk soon. |
from daath : |
It's a stupid business practice. There's a whole reason why the rental agency or people continually bug people to switch their utilities to their name--because otherwise the previous people pay your bill. But you paying for someone else's power usage? That's just bad business practice. Pisses me off. |
from daath : |
Maybe the power company would cut you some slack if you indicated that these other people had occupied the apartment. I mean if you've been living there and getting utilities under your name the whole time, this whole deficit thing really could just be their problem. As far as I recall you didn't randomly sign under someone else's lease, right? |
from daath : |
Anything major critical bill-wise until Wednesday? |
from daath : |
I got your call the other day. I was in a lab meeting or I would've picked up. I've been even busier than usual lately, unfortunately. How are you doing? |
from rachel26280 : |
Standard check-up would be about $60. That would be for the office visit and physical exam. |
from daath : |
How much would a standard check-up at the vet run you? |
from daath : |
I hope the duck was good! I love having duck mu shu with slightly sweet hoisin sauce and really thick pancakes. Merry Christmas. |
from daath : |
It was good to talk to you the other night; I missed you. Hope you slept well. Hopefully we can have that real talk sometime soon. |
from daath : |
I'm pulling another 15 hours of work, but I'm going to try giving you a call tonight, see how you're holding up. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you called last. |
from daath : |
I tried to call yesterday night, but for some reason I got a busy signal or disconnect tone. You okay? |
from purplelady26 : |
i love ur username.. my name with my fave number. ^_^ |
from daath : |
Glad to read you have something to work and look forward to (when a job comes around). I'm sorry I couldn't do anything cash-wise about the situation you talked about. I'd have liked to. |
from rachel26280 : |
Not for a little while. Probably about a year and a half or so... Not immediate. I have to get a job and save up the money first. About 4.5k for both... It's not too much, but it'll take a little while to save up once I have a job. |
from daath : |
That is crazy. A good sort of crazy, but still. When do you leave? |
from hadassah : |
Hi Rachel, If faber is a kitty cat it could be a hair ball in which case put a little olive oil in her food. Or you can go and hairball remedy stuff at a grocery store. If its a dog it could be kennel cough is it up to date on it's shots? Kennel cough is hard to get rid of unless they have antibiotics but something that is a natural antibiotic and is cheaper is colloidal silver you can get at a health food store and start putting it in the drinking water. It's very good for pets. Even people.It cures a lot of things maybe give that a try. |
from daath : |
You're one of the best friends I've ever had as well. We are busy people, so things as they are now work out. I love you too. I hope you feel better. |
from daath : |
I still care about you. You're the only person that resemble a real friend that I've got anymore. And considering that I've been forced to take a new job to get more cash to pay for useless shit like vacations, I want to help you. It's the only worthwhile thing I can think of. Let me know what works for you. |
from daath : |
Wish I could help in more ways than one. |
from daath : |
I just got a car bill for close to a thousand, but I'll see if I can find the money somehow. |
from daath : |
How much you need? |
from daath : |
I hope your financial situation gets better. I worry about you getting by and being okay. |
from daath : |
I really miss you. |
from daath : |
Lemme know if you do win the Chicago contest. That's actually within realistic driving distance, and it'd be good to meet you. |
from daath : |
Longing is a terrible thing. I knew someone once that seemed to match up so perfectly it was crazy. Somehow, though, it just never clicked or came close to it. |
from daath : |
I've been wondering for years whether I'm just shitting myself re: my career path. So while I'm generally content, I rarely can say I feel happy. There's always some qualification, or I should be happy but whatever it is doesn't phase me much. Anyway, I can relate. |
from daath : |
Unfortunate thing about Matt--or perhaps not depending. At least you're out of West Virginia, hey? |
from daath : |
You still alive? |
from firedancer29 : |
Hey, thanks for the messages on MSN. |
from firedancer29 : |
Good luck with moving. Hope everything goes smoothly. |
from firedancer29 : |
Congratulations on the apartment! |
from firedancer29 : |
Hey, I just read your latest entry and was surprised to see my name! I can't remember how I came across your diary but I found it a few months ago. I read your Autobiography sections and I couldn't believe that you'd gone through so much. You seemed interesting so I added you to my buddy list. My travelling days are over for now because I just moved out on my own (so now I'm pretty broke too!). Thanks for checking out my pictures. Oh and I do like my red hair :) Anyway I hope you're doing well. - Kristin |
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