messages to roziegrl4evr:
(click here to add new message):

from free2dream :
from freakyfroggy :
ha ha. I gotta love you, Mary. You crack me up. :) So, we desperately need to get together. Are you busy this weekend? Next week? ANYTIME SOON? So...yah. Well g2g. Luv ya LotZ! Katelyn
from seekhisface :
Thanks so much for your encouraging note, sweetie! It really helps me a lot to know that you've got my back in prayer :) and I did join teengenerationjesus, but unfortunately I haven't been on a lot lately...anyway, thanks again!
from updropsfaith :
hey sweetie! did i ever give you a password to my diary?? i'm so sorry if i didn't! here's one if you'd still like... u/n: lockbox p/w: key God bless!
from angel--dust :
Hey Rozie! Don't feel too bad about the night mares...I have them all the time. Uhhhh...they can play havoc on your whole day! At least when I wake up, i know God is still in Control! I luvs ya Lots!!!! :o)
from roziegrl4evr :
i actually have no clue... LOL! joanie ( is the one who set the journal up fer me. she did EVERYTHING! she's kinda like my surrogate mom. I'm chatting with her right now even! LOL! speaking of which, you should really check this place out: teehee... thanks for stopping by. *HUGS*
from eowynne :
The little notey thingy in your diary. What's the code for that...?
from eowynne :
Hey! How'd ya get this nifty little thingy on yer diary! I love it!
from angel--dust :
Just stopping by to let you know I Love you! :o) By the way...Christian Teens are invited to join up with the Teens & Young Adults at Website ~***~Teens Making a Difference in Our Generation!~***~
from freakyfroggy :
Well, don't I feel loved! I'm glad to know you like leaving me notes. It's not like anyone else ever does. That's okay. Thanks for praying for me! I love ya a ton! Katelyn
from teen4jesus :
from angel--dust :
I LOVE you too my Sur.Daughter...<3
from nazgul--girl :
cause you don't post in this diary anymore! you need to give it as much attention as you do your other one
from seekhisface :
Hey, I read your journal here, and occasionally check out the one at bravejournal too... See, you're not as alone as you think ;)
from nazgul--girl :
from nazgul--girl :
EEEEEEEE penpalliiiie^___^ kk, e-mail me or i kin e-mail joo^ ^ whatever way~
from nazgul--girl :
shwee, I got a note! Waittaseccond, you mean you read that whole long "today sucks" entry from 5/25?? O_O You poor person, you... hehe, *I* made you feel loved?? (what are the chances?) Would it be insulting if I asked what exactly you're praying about me? *eyebrow raisature* *hugs* n n
from angel--dust :
��Hey Rozie! My birthday is March 11 and I have the same profile as you! Since we don't have church on Wed. Nights, I'm watching AI for you! I Love You! Sur Mom��
from angel--dust :
��Hey Rozie! My birthday is March 11 and I have the same profile as you! Since we don't have church on Wed. Nights, I'm watching AI for you! I Love You! Sur Mom��
from seekhisface :
Hey girl, thanks so much for your note! It's so encouraging to get such an uplifting message from a Christian sister, and it really means a lot to me :) Also, thanks for your prayers...I just really need to surrender it all to God, cause I know He'll take care of it if I let go. take care of yourself!
from free2dream :
AWW YOU ROCCCK! relient k is cool but ur song is cooool too! =]
from brittabug :
Rozie gal? What is going on? All your entrys are wierd??
from nazgul--girl :
I see the wrists are ok. ;) hug fer ye
from brittabug :
Hey, guess who got a diary here? It's Britt/Paprika/Extactic!! Can you believe it! Anyways check out my(2 day old)diary!
from brittabug :
from angel--dust :
Actually that last note was from Angeldust, I just happened to be logged in as Rozie working on her diary! opppsssss.......
from roziegrl4evr :
Rozie, that was an Awesome bible study! It looks like you have the gift of Teaching! :) If anyone wants to find out what their spiritual gifts are go here and take the test. I Love You Rozie!!! <>)))o>
from free2dream :
from angel--dust :
Hey little fishy! Just wanted to say hi here in Diaryland! Luv u~
from nazgul--girl :
aww.. thanks for the note *hugs* <3 get your wrists/fingers/whatever/appendages! feeling better soon.. I miss joo ;_;
from nazgul--girl :
I can't say I'll pray, but I think you'll make it.. you do still seem to believe you can; you'll get through it. *hugs*
from nazgul--girl :
get better soon!
from nazgul--girl :
aww thankyu, you're so nice^_^ I just hope you'll be on more often soonish~ ^ Hopefully your wrists will get better~! (I can't believe you added me! My crazy diary?!)
from updropsfaith :
hidy! i'd love for you to have a password! lol here ya go; u/n= lockbox p/w= key hope ya enjoy! :) God bless!
from angel--dust :
Hey Rozie! I'm so glad your back! I'm praying for your wrists~ I have a feeling wearing wrist braces and a cortisone shot are what's going to help them. Just from my own experience. I Love You!!!!!
from nazgul--girl : I love the song you wrote in that entry! I'm not an amazingly religious person, but that is an amazing song. I wish I could feel the same way; I'm so glad *YOU* do!
from angel--dust :
Hey Rozie! You guy's have a G*R*E*A*T time on your trip! I'll look forward to hearing all about it when ya get back! I Love you!!!
from angel--dust :
Hey Rozie, Don't let anyone discourage you about your book! Seek out people who are dreamer's! They are always encouraging and want to help your dream come true. God said he'd give us the desire's of our heart's. Your book glorifies Him! Why shouldn't it be published?! Dreamer's never quite! they may be turned down time and time again, but keep going until they find someone who share's that dream! It may be now, or maybe latter, but don't give up on your book! ~*~Love & Hugs~*~
from freakyfroggy :
Hey Mary, maybe you should let me proof-read your book. I really want to! :) How was your trip? I want to hear all about it! Well, I'll email you! Luv ya LotZ!
from teen4jesus :
Wow, that was stupid. LOL. Just me being wierd. Well, me being me, really. LOL. Just wanted you to know why I haven't emailed in a while. LOL. I'm so wierd. LOl. Until!
from teen4jesus :
Hey hey hey! Just sayin' hey. LOL. Just leaving a note to say that I have not abandoned you! I'm grounded. Waah. LOl. Well, I gots to go. Love ya girly! Until! _Emily
from roziegrl4evr :
from angel--dust :
Hey Rozie! I added you to my buddy list. I hope your feeling better soon! I'll still be posting mainly at bravenet because of the intereaction with other's. I do like the layout though! Did you know that the hebrew word for "follow" in Psalm 23:6 means "to chase"? Cool Huh! Come by and leave me a note! Luv ya lots~ Angeldust
from free2dream :
Aw Noah seems GREAT! :) I did check out the site and I will get to check it out even MORE as soon as POSSIBLE! :) Talk to you sooon! :) God bless!
from sillybeautie :
i love your writing theres something about im gonna add you to my buddylist!
from free2dream :
Heyyy...oh wow Alex is scaring me already!! When I heard how you didn't SCREAM for your life, I was quite surprised cuz I personally would have punched him in the face. Maybe that's just the Bronx in me....but I can't believe no one said anything!! I'm glad you're okay!! :) Next time, maybe you SHOULD knock 'em down! Sometimes, that can be the only thing that works!! :)
from truthquest67 :
Hey bud... i want you to know that im praying for you... we all go through our struggles... but Jesus will always be there to pick us back up, wipe the tears from our eyes and act just like it never happend... So i hope you have a great week, God bless you :P love Jessie
from free2dream :
from godsong :
Happy birthday and God bless!
from teen4jesus :
HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN!! Hehe. Ok, so this thing is a day late. Sorry!! Well, I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! YAY!!! Come back to DiaryLand soon!!! Until!!! Love in Christ, (:Emily:)
from puregirl89 :
Yeah. *sighs* Kinda depressing, isn't it? Oh well. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. :)
from offg2004 :
Thank you for that verse. I needed to be reminded that I have a Father and a Husband that loves me dearly. I just feel so disgusting though right now. I know I was mase for so much more.
from offg2004 :
Thank you for reminding me how special i am to Him. I felt so disgusting last night. I honestly thought that guys here would be a little bit more mature. I feel so disgusting.
from freakyfroggy :
hey girly! i luv ya! i miss ya! i hope you're somewhat encouraged by the email i sent you. i hope it wasn't too heavy for ya. remember JESUS LOVES YOU! Luke 18:27 Luv ya! Mercedes
from free2dream :
HEYYYY!! I'm sorry to hear that life sucks for you...I hope everything turns out matter what you did..God still loves you and I'm glad you still think he rocks! :)
from truthquest67 :
Rozie! Well your an awesome girl, thanks for the note that you sent me. It means a lot to me, for real. I hope that everything is going great in your life. Remember not to be afraid to take chances for the glory of God, im workin on that too... Well God bless bud...
from teen4jesus :
P.S: Why did you say that you responded wrong in your diary?? You spoke the truth. And if I am reading correctly, Jesus DID sink that high. John 6:70- Then Jesus said, "I chose the twelve of you, but one is a devil." If that's not harsh, I don't know what is!! You didn't even go that far.
from teen4jesus :
Hey, just thought I would say hi. And say that I admire you for your faith and stuff. That "deathpilot" guy wrote me a note too. Crazy stuff like if I was really a christian then I wouldn't hate homosexuality, blahdy, blahdy, blah. I feel really bad for him though. You ever heard of that phrase, I am rubber, you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you? Yeah, well, Jesus said it's that way with persecution and curses. Not in those words, of course, but the stuff they put us through comes back to haunt them like 70 times in hell or whatever and we get rewards for it. I'm just glad I'm on the rewards end of that trade!! Well, I didn't mean to ramble. Just wanted to send some words of encouragement your way. Not that it sounds like you need it after how you replied to him. O well. Until. Love ya in Christ, Emily :)
from free2dream :
Thats YOUR POEM?? Amaaazzzing!!
from baileigh-ann :
heyy!its so great that u get enjoyment out of my diary! i'm glad somebody does! i've missed reading yours to i hope you had a GREAT trip! God Bless* Baileigh
from baileigh-ann :
heyy!its so great that u get enjoyment out of my diary! i'm glad somebody does! i've missed reading yours to i hope you had a GREAT trip! God Bless* Baileigh
from puregirl89 :
*sighs, then smiles quietly* I'm not really writing much anymore. :) Don't have as much time as I did before school started. You could check out my Xanga if you want (barlowgirl89), but I'm not as detailed (lol! Because people I know will be reading it) as I am here. Still. Anyway. Thanks for your note. You're totally awesome! I love how you're not afraid to be "freaky for Jesus." :)
from free2dream :
You are so awesome!! I neevr forgot about YOU either!!!
from free2dream :
Hey!!!! I've missed your updates!!
from puregirl89 :
Yeah, BarlowGirl's really cool. I love their songs. Very encouraging! God bless! Love in Christ Jesus, Madeleine
from eowynne :
Hey, where'd you run off to, girl?? I miss you!!! :-( You need to come back!!! **cries**
from yoline :
thanks sweetie for reading my diary. i really appreciate it. and i love your entried too. your sis is right. darkness has no control over you. smile through all your troubles! take care and god bless you. =)
from paigexr :
Hi Rozie! Thanks for your note! I'm glad you got a laugh!! I am enjoying getting to know you through your diary - I'll add you to my favs so I can keep up with you! Have an awesome day in Christ! Love, Paige
from paigexr :
Hi Rozie! Thanks for your note! I'm glad you got a laugh!! I am enjoying getting to know you through your diary - I'll add you to my favs so I can keep up with you! Have an awesome day in Christ! Love, Paige
from prayergirl :
Hi! I left you a guestbook note. :)
from jesuisladym :
Thanks for ur wee note. If u ever read my diary u must try and understand that it may not always sound Christian but it's because I do have some "unconventional" beliefs because I believe my relationship with God down to me and not the copy the actions of those around to feel I'm doing rite.....hard to explain but I'm really glad to hear from another Christian Lesley x
from eowynne :
Hahahahahaha!!!! LOL! I was reading that, hmmmmm... HELL Eowynne?! Then I realized what had happened! lol!!! :D Oh well, it gave me a great laugh! Didn't know you had a guestbook - will have to check it out. :) Elf gurl, huh?? Oh well, elves are cool. ~�owyn~
from prayergirl :
Who were the bad diaries? What didn't you like? There are lots of them out there ...
from eowynne :
Wow! What an awesome song! I write songs like that sometimes - just random songs that I have no clue who I wrote them to. Or I'll be really happy and in a praising-God mood, and write some song about being depressed and needing God to pull me out and save me. Doesn't make sense, but sometimes, those are the best songs I've written! Ha! It's kind of funny to me. Oh well. Have a great day - btw, I loved your note! Your such an encouragement to me! Thanks so much! ~�owyn~
from prayergirl :
I'm glad you're ungrounded! :) I'm sure your dad will find the right job - remember that God is your source, not the job. That's just the conduit. And another one will come along. Please tell your dad that if he does read my journal, to please leave me a note. :) I just like to know who's reading. I'm sure your friend situation will all work out too. It's so hard being 15. And I'm not even trying to be funny - it really is.
from godsong :
hey - i'm Jamie's friend Lisa. Thanks so much for being an encouragemnt to her. Keep praising! God bless!
from nuntobe :
Thank you for inspiring me. With God's love and mine, Jamie.
from prayergirl :
I was thinking about you last night. Since you're a teenager and I'm an adult, I think you should share my journal with your parents. If you were my daughter, I'd want to be sure that I knew who you were talking to and that the person was no danger to you. I'm pretty harmless, but I think you should mention it to your dad and see if he'd like to read my journal and the notes that I have written to you.
from prayergirl :
Well, I'm sorry you got grounded. But aren't you glad you told your parents? And that it's out in the open? I'll look forward to your return and hearing about how things went in Spokane! Blessings.
from prayergirl :
I'm not sure what you did that you're worried about telling your parents about. I think it you're going to tell them, then it should be closer to the time the thing happened otherwise, you're kind of lying to them again. Is this really something that you need to tell them? (I'm really asking since I don't know what it is.) It's perfectly normal for teens to disobey their parents. I'm not saying it's right, but it is normal. It's part of separating from them and creating your own identity. That said ... I think you'll probably learn each time that the consequences are not worth the risk.
from allyheartsu :
Hey Rozie!!!! I added a new entry! And I did read John and Luke. Today (if you didn't know) you need to read Luke 1:1-52 k? Much luvs!!!
from free2dream :
Of course I'll send you notes!! How could I not, after receiving such nice notes from you??? So does your dad know about THIS diary?? I couldn't let anyone I know read my diary. Not even my sis who I am so close to. It's way to personal sometimes!! :) God bless!!! Thanks for all the happy birthdays!! :)
from romanticecho :
Whole journal? That's crazy! You're crazy! =) You must have been bored to read about me. I found Christ and I'm happier now. I'm just at a rough spot right now. He's helping me through it, though. God Speed.
from mercymerocks :
Thank you for your note. I read a few of your entries, and your songs were awesome! I wish I had that talent. Continue to use it!!
from fan4 :
Thanks for the note. I hope you enjoy my diary.
from fan4 :
Thanks for the note. I hope you enjoy my diary.
from allyheartsu :
Hey Rozie!!! I can't wait till you get here!! Time is going by way too slow. La la la. Let's hope I don't die of boredem before you get here! :p Well, love ya muches!!!
from prayergirl :
So did your dad decide you could have an online journal? I'm glad you didn't kill yourself and that you were able to talk to your dad. So many kids can't ... you're lucky to have him. Take care of you, rozie.
from fan4 :
I came across your diary today, and liked the entry I read. When I clicked on "older entries" though, I got an error page. I also think it would be a good idea for the dates to show up on the actual entries.
from free2dream :
You asked your dad if you could have an online diary?? And he said no. And you have one?? I don't get it....I'm slow, maybe....but I still dont get it!!! God loves ya!! :)
from offg2004 :
God loves you so much. God has a great plan for you. Don't ever sell yourself short of that.
from prayergirl :
Hi, rozie. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the note. Blessings, PrayerGirl
from allyheartsu :
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm talking to you now!!!! WHOOO! Ok that's all..bye...much luvs!!!!!!!!
from offg2004 :
I will keep the positive praise coming. I will not be posting anything from Monday until Saturday morning of next week, because I will be at camp and when I arrive home on Friday night at 9:30 PM I will not have the energy to add anything.
from risingsunset :
Thanks for the touching note. It meant alot!!
from offg2004 :
Yes I did. Continue to read mine if you would like. I have no problem with anyone doing that. In fact I want them to be encouraged by it. some of the things I say aren't always positive, but at least I am real. Keep reading, and feel free to comment.
from free2dream :
Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!! Love the pink/black combo!! I dunno why but I'm lovin it!!! Go Jesus Freaks!!!
from ocean-apart :
Thanks a bunch. It always boosts someone's day when they're words are actualy read. Good to know you're a jesus freak too. not enough of thoughs nowadays. Best of luck and life to you. -Michael
from iamblessed :
you're just so cool! AHH!! I love you already! I'm getting all excited and jumping around in my chair .. thank goodness no one's home to see me! Love ya chickie! -Courtney
from iamblessed :
Hey! Sorry I didn't write you back sooner! I guess I've just been really busy lately. Thanks so much for the note, that's an awesome verse! It helps me with what I'm going through right now actually! I'll be reading your diary cover to cover today, I'm sure .. Love the song you wrote by the way! It's awesome! Love ya bunches! -In God my Protector I trust, Courtney
from allyheartsu :
Oh my golly! It's Rozie!! I haven't read any of your stuff yet, but don't worry! I will as soon as I figure out how. :D MUCH LUVS! ~Ally~
from leadme :
thanks for the note! It's nice to have a little encouragement once in a while! Love in Christ - Jennifer
from free2dream :
Thanks for your note!!! I'm lovin your diary!!
from truthquest67 :
Hey!!! Thank you for the note that you sent me. You seem like a really awesome person. Thank you for praying for my daddy... It really means a lot to me. I'll be praying for you. God is soo awesome and i just hope that you would continue to live totally for him. Love, Jessie
from eowynne :
Hey! I came and saw your note to me and it really touched me! Thanks! I love it when people do nice things like that! You are an awesome person and keep living for God! In Christ's Love, �owyn
from godfireistru :
Hey! I like your diary! We'll have to keep talking. By the way, my name is Jen and thanks for those webpages.

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