messages to russface:
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from retro-cat :
Hiya Russ! Glad to hear that you are doing well! I'm doing good, looking forward to the summer. Take Care :)
from retro-cat :
Oh wow man, that is a grooovy video!!! Love the song and you play a wicked guitar!!:)
from retro-cat :
Hiya, i tried to send you an email but i got a note saying that message was undeliverable or something like that. Do you have another email addy?
from retro-cat :
Thanks for the link! Your band looks AWESOME!!! Hope you guys won the battle?
from retro-cat :
I went to your myspace page..there were no videos, i would love to hear what your band sounds like :) Oh, i have a livejournal page now Yeah i miss your blogs!
from retro-cat :
how is your band coming along? haven't heard from ya for ages. hope you are doing well!
from cccerberus :
welcome back. your diary name still lights up on my "buddy list" you could try writing something small every day if you will- that may help with the writer's block...
from cocoabean :
I haven't yet, but I'll let you know when I do!
from retro-cat :
hiya, groovy 2010 to ya! Thank you for the invite, and yes if ever i get down to MKE, i will certainly look you up! Yay for the Raconteurs!! Check out Jack White's new project The Dead Weather!
from cocoabean :
I was just wondering where you were the other day!
from retro-cat :
Hiya Russ, wherever you are i wish you a Groovy Christmas and Wonderful 2010!! I miss ya!
from retro-cat :
Yup, love the kinderwhore look too! its great to see African drumming! They used to have the World Beats Show in Ottawa where you could see acts from all around the globe and there was this incredible steel drum band playing calypso, they would always get the crowd dancing.
from retro-cat :
I loooove Babes In Toyland!! Haven't seen their videos in ages..thanks! :)
from cocoabean :
a lot of people are going to wordpress.. its pretty easy to use, but the templates aren't real easy to customize....
from retro-cat :
Now i've got that song in my head.."Baby, you drive me crazy.."..The Sonics rock!! Also loved seeing Mono Men..great stuff dude!! You should check out some Gruesomes videos..i wish i could post those on my page. I think you'd like them too.
from retro-cat :
hey dude, love the Troggs video a lot!! yes, i can now view your videos..yay!!! :) when you were in England, did you try any hobnobs? those are so good!
from retro-cat :
how many guitars do you own?
from retro-cat :
Hiya, hahaha..yeah that creepy bald guy at the showers. You sound like a perfect gentleman, and you would've fixed the shower head, wow! That is awesome what your dad said about mosquitoes! but yeah im a big scaredy-cat when it comes to bugs, i was stung by a yellow jacket and also bitten by a spider last summer and those bites hurt like hell. There are some bugs i like, the ones that don't bite.LOL.
from retro-cat :
Oh and i hope that you get that house!
from retro-cat :
I didn't know that Public Enemies was filmed! the acting was great in it especially Christian Bale playing the criminal buster. yeah drive-ins rule!! you definitely should go see films there. Are there drive-ins around you?
from retro-cat :
That 24 hour bike marathon sounds like fun! I wanted to go biking today but its raining and only 12 degrees over here.
from retro-cat :
erm..whats wrong with Led Zeppelin?? i happen to love them loads and its a good thing i messed up the timing..i guess sometimes things happen for a good reason coz i've heard that the guy is really bad news so im relieved now :) oh and yeah im soo old-fashioned in that way but i would never buy a guy a beer, im too much of a lady :)
from retro-cat :
yeah i totally agree with you! its the same if you want to use public swimming pools. we always swim in the lake but last year we couldn't go because of the salmonella and e.coli warning which sucks!
from retro-cat :
yes, its very expensive to play tennis have to belong to an exclusive club, as far as i know, i haven't come across any free public tennis courts yet. congratulations to you for being 4 days smoke free!
from retro-cat :
what on earth are Moscow Mules?? do you belong to a tennis club? over here its soo expensive to play tennis or golf.
from retro-cat :
phew! that was some scary moment you had there! glad to hear that you are okay! you are one brave dude to dive in the ocean..oceans scare me for some reason although they are beautiful and i do love octopuses/octopi.
from retro-cat :
Hiya, you must've had tonz of fun in Turkey! I love those cave towns. I'm not too familiar with Turkish food apart from their delicious Turkish delights. farts..that made me laugh!
from retro-cat :
im sorry but i've tried and tried to download that program and my computer wont let me. when i have the time during the summer, i will take my computer drive and get it updated. im sure there are lots of people who are enjoying watching your youtubes and hopefully some day i will be able to see them too :)
from retro-cat :
Hiya, what is the song that you are trying to learn on your guitar? ohhhlordy lordy, i can't stand thongs! haha.
from retro-cat :
Panasonic products are great! I make a habit of always buying Panasonic vcrs..they last longer and i have to say that my JVC kaboom box still works after all these years, so i guess i should say that JVC is also good quality.
from retro-cat :
hiya, i tried to email you but i keep getting an error message..i typed in spamdump59@g but is it g.mail or or
from retro-cat :
Milwaukee Brewers just came to my mind. My name is actually Julia but Jules is what all my friends call me which is cool :) I've also been known as Jessie in friendship booklets, but Jules is what i love best. Is Russ short for something? I think your name is groovy! Never came across anyone with that name here in Canada. Your last entry made me mucho hungry!
from retro-cat :
i live in a village where everyone's got their own septic tank in the gets really bad when the snow starts melting or we get lots of rain! you have sandstorms? that is so interesting! do you live near a desert? yup, Iron Maiden are a British metal band. I'm not very familiar with them either, i've always been a big fan of AC/DC (especially Bon Scott), i guess thats as far as my heavy metal repertoire goes, although i do have some fav. songs by some metal bands (i can't remember them at the moment).
from retro-cat :
yeah we've got tons of laundry backed up too but its because of the problems we've been having with the septic tank, so we have to conserve as much water as possible, its been an on-going problem in the community. Anyways, i hope your washing machine is working now.
from retro-cat :
hiya! thankfully soldier boy has left the building! i'm sure he's gonna scare the heck out of anyone wherever he goes. I've heard that San Francisco shops are groovy..wish i could be there right now! i would be sure to wear flowers in my hair.
from retro-cat :
hahahaha..yeah soldier boy can be very creeepy! theres a whole bunch of cable cars in toronto, they run on Queen, Yonge and Bloor and i've never been on one yet! ive had the non-pleasure of riding on their subway and i will never again do that..subways scare the heck outta me.
from retro-cat :
hiya! i loove San Fran soo much! my dream some day is to drive along that awesome coastline! And oh wow! you saw Nina Hagen in concert..lucky! a few years back i was so close to buying a ticket to her show..i wasn't allowed to go though, major bummer!
from retro-cat :
hiya! oh i went to Burlington to visit with my uncle and cousin. btw..Monty Python rules!! :)
from withouteven :
yes, i am a mean drunk. i pick someone to pick on that night. usually it makes everyone laugh, including that person, but i wake up the next day feeling like an asshole. heh. i'm a great catch!
from cocoabean :
Belgium? That's almost Fredonia! LOL!! I left my alcoholic ex in Fredonia which is why I moved.. plus I have a few good friends here, more than I had there. SD is much more relaxed than WI and a lot warmer!! NO SNOW!!!
from cocoabean :
a very small town within 30 minutes.. Fredonia. What are you doing in dubai???
from retro-cat :
Have a Groovy Christmas and New Year :)
from retro-cat :
i have no clue as to why my computer doesn't want to play vids, i do have to take it in the new year to update it and i'll ask why my computer refuses to download the flashplayer that i should have by now. yes, it is partially used for work, thats true. It's fascinating that you mentioned Ghost World, becuz that is the film that introduced me to this type of music too. I went out and bought the soundtrack afterwards, i also like the old bluesy stuff on it. Have you checked out the Darjeeling Limited soundtrack? its got amazing Bollywood film tracks on it. I usually watch Hindu tv just to hear this sort of music..loove it!!
from retro-cat :
beautiful tree! and yeah you should totally go for the Bollywood dance class! i've heard its a loads of fun. one of my fav. Hindu songs is Jaan Pehechaan Ho by Mohammed gets me dancing like mad all the time :)
from retro-cat :
what is kaat? never heard of it.
from retro-cat :
Gaaaaaa!I'm so jealous that you are heading to Kenya!! Have a groovy and safe trip!
from withouteven :
i've tried to bring porn in but i find it doesn't actually help much with his technique. i was a porn star before watching porn and he was too embarrassed to go with it. it's hard to cope with when one person is so horribly ashamed of sex and the other isn't. i'm working on the weight, but i don't know if it will help. thanks though.
from retro-cat :
i can hardly wait for the Gus Van Sant film "The Kool-Aid Acid Test" to come out in the new year!! it would be interesting to see rare footage of Ken & his Merry Pranksters on their cross country road trip. you might already been to this groovy website, but in case you haven't, check (their poster art section is amazing to look at!)
from retro-cat :
thanks for giving me that website, it was really groovy..we did try to do the Kurt Cobain face but it became a big mess. the peace sign pumpkin we did turned out pretty good though.
from retro-cat :
haha..i read the comment you wrote about me.. "hello wisconsin!"(Cheap Trick's That 70s Show theme song just popped into my head) which is a good thing since i'm a big fan of the show. i read that letter you wrote about George Michael..gawd, i never could stand him! so cheers for the letter! Canada has VirginFest which showcases lots of good upcoming bands, its sort of like a mini Glastonbury Festival (i don't know if you are familiar with this British festival?).
from retro-cat :
I always love to cook gourmet and international foods. As an artist, besides creating stuff on canvas, i love to be creative with food too. I did work in a restaurant as one of the sous chefs, but now i just do cooking as a fun hobby :)
from retro-cat :
oh nooo, you could never be anything like that creepy guy, you are too groovy!! yes, i've already added you on my friend's list for a long while now, thanks also for adding me too:)i wish i could view your vids but my computer has a problem to play them for some reason which is a total bummer!:(
from retro-cat :
paella is one of my fav. dishes to make! i havent made it since the summer. i usually make the Valencia paella which is made with chicken instead of seafood. groovy peace :)
from and-darling :
My ex girlfriend named her bird "Ringo", due to his bowl-cut head feathers that resembled Ringo's hairstyle fairly well.
from revolution3 :
oh, you know... things like this just happen by chance :D actually my dad raised me on some pretty cool junk.. you know, beatles, stones, various other british invasion acts. not to mention some great great motown and soul. and it started from there! [I think the yardbirds are almost solely responsible and kinda planted the seed of the tree that would.. help me.. branch out?] hahaha and now, it's 100% garrraage for me.
from revolution3 :
hello darling. I see you like the sonics :D as do I, except I'm a teenage girl. poo
from russface :
Somebody message me.
from itsmejohnna :
I am here.

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