messages to sailorcosma:
(click here to add new message):

from forever-saku :
Heh, it's just randomness. Basically, I as just going through my head what would happen if someone ordered me to read one of those new teen fiction books that hardly have any merit to them.
from forever-saku :
There's a secret translation in the HTML coding. You can find it there. Name my fishy? But I'm not good at naming pets, especially fishes!
from forever-saku :
Ah, thank you. How'd you figure that stuff out?
from forever-saku :
What? How do you get those dragon eggs? I made an account long ago but alas, "no dragon eggs were to be found." How do they die?
from fireplanet :
I'm alive. Don't know how long it'll last, but I am.
from sweetmiser :
Too true! What was the cure for ARD? And whatever happened to all those diseases we made up and put in a binder?
from sweetmiser :
Well, except for tsetse flies, but that's 'cause of their poop.
from sweetmiser :
Yes! We must band together to rescue our precious nation from the clutches of those infernal nasties! Seriously. They're gross -- I don't care how many flies they eat. Flies aren't poisonous.
from sweetmiser :
Ghahhah! This part of the book is supposed to be all sad and nostalgic, but I can't interpret it that way because Hatter did it with Weaver in a cave!
from sweetmiser :
Oh my gosh! I just love this book!
from sweetmiser :
Shhhh! You're going to ruin the corruption that Disney provided me with! But I'll read it, anyway. Is it orange-juicy?
from forever-saku :
Sorry much.
from forever-saku :
Oh, if you really must know... I locked my old entries and threw the key quietly and obstructively away. But in essence, I just actually made a new diary (ss-blog) and use that for my entries since my new diary layout is crazy and requires a lot of frames. So... if you want any updates, subscribe to ss-blog, but I don't really want anyone to go visit that diary as it's quite boring to look at. Ciao!
from sweetmiser :
^^ I wish there was a more obvious place to put them. Hey, I read your diary entry. I'm sorry I wasn't there! I wouldn't have left you all alone if I knew Cherish wasn't going to be there either.
from sweetmiser :
What do you mean, "The real ones?" I have archives, if you're talking about the old ones. Thanks! :)
from sweetmiser :
Actually, I'm excited, not "exited."
from sweetmiser :
Whahhh! My brother, my mom... pretty much my family. Yeah... that's pretty much how it went, though. I'm so exited about today!
from forever-saku :
Wooooo! That came as a huge surprise! I wasn't expecting a layout change after ... four years? Man! But still, it's basically the same except for the lay of the page. I mean, the font's still the same, the navigation's the same... Andrew doesn't like change very much does he? Plus, there's too much white... I guess he hasn't fully accepted the "different-color, different-font" aspects of webdesign, eh?
from forever-saku :
from fireplanet :
Gimme a guy's name.
from fireplanet :
I've started writing a story in my diary. (Finally, right?) I've locked it too, so I'll send you the password if you like.
from footprince :
Yes, they're fun while you're there and a bitch afterwards. I guess it's a lot easier to get caught up in the moment than to carry it with you into the next.
from jackthripper :
Thank you for your waves via footprince's notes, love.
from aequus :
It's alive!
from footprince :
Actually, I'd had a wonderful time for the past two and a half weeks. As you may or may not have realized, Charlie took me to one of her religious retreats, and I was simply amazed by the close fellowship that I experienced there. Honestly, everyone was really accepting to the fact that I am gay, but of course the whole point of my going was to attempt a -- how would you say it? -- reformation.
from meowangel12 :
the same... just doing work... and thats about it...................... .. ..... ... @(*.*)@
from meowangel12 :
lol. nope, i dont intend on failing. and yeah, ill email u the password. so what have u been up to these past few months??
from meowangel12 :
heyyyyyyyyy!! im back, for now. so whats up?? WoW, it really has been awhile since ive been here. well ttyl. maybe ill see you up @ south sometime. kjindahouse.
from footprince :
I was reflecting upon my notes, again, and rediscovered the second to last one you left me. It warmed me to think that someone was interested in me for purely my personality. To think that I have something worth keeping up besides my appearances; that will carry me through today, and perhaps even a few days after that. So, thank you, dear. The soul of my existence has been based upon carnal endeavors; I am pleased to realize that you can dig up something more.
from footprince :
Mmmm, yes; I believe I was drunken with sleep, that night. Or the lack thereof, rather. I would love a 'saphire dragon.' They happen to be one of my favorites. ^.~ As for humor, I find that a certain user called explicitINK tickles me endlessly.
from footprince :
Humorous, aye? I am curious as to how you have concluded such. Oh, and I came to aquire a key; it is only fair after all, am I correct?
from footprince :
Yes; I m thoroughly in love with it; you must have known about it, since you two are personally aquainted. Have I given you my password? I don't mind leaving it in your notes. Something--Precious Good day, my dear.
from footprince :
Hello, dear. How are you, this evening?
from forever-saku :
Ah, darn it. It didn't separate the gigantic block of text into paragraphs. >.> Sorry about that!
from forever-saku :
Oh, dear Tayler! I know this is going to sound cliche or whatever you want to think, but it's not the end of the world, you won't die, and I'm a hundred percent sure you know that. I'm going to attempt to say this the best I can, because it's a lot harder to write it out than say it. Once again, I'm going to tell you to trust God. He's got someone wonderful planned for you if you'd just wait and listen to His instructions. I know you won't do anything stupid, but listen to me. I do care about you very much, as does your Heavenly Father, and we only want the best for you. I'm not going to tell you to get over it or find someone else to pine after. I'm going to tell you to wait. You've probably already have heard that before, but trust me, it's the best thing to do. Go to God in prayer, this I've already told you, and He will listen always. He knows what you're going through and He wants to help. He's ready to surround you in His loving arms and take the pen from your hand. Listen, wait, and obey. God will help you as no one else can. I'm no expert in this field, and neither are you or anyone else in the world. God was the one who created love and all the joys that come with it so it's logical to let him do all the seeking for you. I know we're at that stage where boys are supposedly everything in our life, but we don't have to fit that mold the world's created. Feelings will come and go and we'll think we're in love, yada yada yada yada, but True Love is forever. No, I'm not talking about the Disney Fairytale "true love" but the one God has planned for us. You're a wonderful person, Tayler, and you're special to God. He knows who you are inside and out even if you don't and He'll pair you up accordingly. We may fall for the boys we know, but don't let it ruin your thinking or corrupt your heart. Think of Naomi! Her husband died and she decided to live with her mother-in-law, much unlike her sister-in-law. Ruth's God became Naomi's God and Naomi listened and obeyed His commands. And what happened? God gave her another husband because of her obedience. Don't think you're left out of the world just because you don't have a boyfriend or someone to snuggle up with at the movies. Do you know Romans 12:2? "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." God loves you, Tayler, and so do I. Listen to Him and let Him make all the decisions. It'll be easier and there will be no mistakes. This is what I've done and still am doing. I'm waiting just like you and we'll get through it somehow. That doesn't mean I'm not attracted to some (not stupid) boys at school, but I try to not let my feelings or imagination get away with it. It's just infatuation and nothing happening at all is much better than crying your eyes out after the millionth breakup. Boyfriends aren't wrong or anything, but it is teaching the young people (how, I sound old =D) how to divorce and all that stuff. I say as long as you're smart about a SERIOUS relationship, then it's fine. Just don't get caught up in the moment stuff. Be safe, smart, and trust God. The love He will give you and your future husband is something wonderful that should last until death do you part (and possibly long after that). No high school relationship can be that strong or wonderful as when two people are married by God's will. Don't fall for the imitation. Wow, that was longer than expected. But remember what I said, m'kay? Well, there's a lot that I've said so I'll sum it all up. God loves you, so do I, and if you give him the wheel, then it'll all be fine. =D
from jackthripper :
thank you for your prayers, love. we need them.
from jackthripper :
Hello, sweetheart. I don't believe I did get that e-mail. Everything has been a forward. But to answer your question. broken heart.
from forever-saku :
Oh, that's right! Snoelle told me you went to a MercyMe concert!!! Lucky!!! They're one of my favorite bands. =) Tell us more!
from forever-saku :
Alright, it will change to red and go back to black IF you have the wright coding. And, by the way, you don't. ^^;; It's this: <p onmouseover="style.color='red'" onmouseout="style.color='black'">Mouse over this</p> instead of what you put down in your note. Do that and it should work; you can see it in action in my newest entry. Good luck, and if it doesn't, tell me so I can do some research on it. =P
from fireplanet :
That sounds good. And this is the last note today, I promise.
from fireplanet :
Do you think it's supposed to go black (or that blue on my diary) when you move the mouse away?
from fireplanet :
Yeah, that's how I have it.
from fireplanet :
Sorry, I'm no help with the book thing. I got that mouse over thing to work. It was missing a < or a > somewhere.
from fireplanet :
I'm doing fine. Bored with school and all, but nothing major. What about you?
from forever-saku :
Wait, was there a mistake in the grammar/spelling? O_o I promise I proofread it! I did! I just didn't catch all the mistakes. ^^;; Seriously, I can find a million mistakes in other people's writing but none of my own! ... -_-' Thanks anyhow.
from twilightaura :
I'd appreciate it; I swear on my guitar's rosewood neck. That's a big swear, my friend, and if it doesn't suit you, then I'm out of good things to swear on. Also, you haven't scared me. Why would you?
from twilightaura :
Thank you! I'm going to take a wild guess that those to people are Evie (Spanish Moss; you may know her as "chica") and Cherri? I don't know anyone else who actually reads, but you are welcome to! I see that your own diary is locked. Perhaps another day, no?
from fireplanet :
Just saying hey, I haven't left you a note in a while.
from forever-saku :
And whoops. I added a note under my and Snoelle's new review site username. Yes, we decided on "Omniscient Reviews," and that was too long so omnireviews it is.
from omnireviews :
Oh, wow. You got a note from Inuyashafox too. I'm guessing s/he is just going around randomly for the sake of making online friends. Anyways, I should be able to change my lunch from C to A, and thus my days at high school will be alot more bearable. I'll be praying that all of us have strength for this year.
from inuyashafox :
Hey, I am bored and reading random user profiles. :) And you seem pretty cool, so I thought I'd leave you a note. Fox
from forever-saku :
Well, I don't know if it's illegal or not. So I guess you'll have to wait for it until school starts. Did you get your individual pictures?
from forever-saku :
Eh? Illegal? Is it really? I doubt it, as I know some people do it all the time.
from forever-saku :
School starts the 25th. I'm thinking it would be better to wait till school starts as you probably don't want to send money through the mail.
from forever-saku :
Yeah, I've got the pics. The camera dude said it was put under my name. So do you want me to send them to you (+ your money - :P) or wait until school starts?
from forever-saku :
How could I have known about Lauryn attending South if you didn't? I just heard it a few days ago when I e-mailed Lauryn about our Spring Pics. How'd you hear? Yeah, our Spring Pics from school are in. And apparently they were ruined so I got my many back. But I also got the pics and they're fine, so I don't know what happened. But I'm glad we got the pics and our money back!
from forever-saku :
Oh, erm. Sorry for the grammar error in the last note. It should be, "I'd love to see your new glasses," or "I'd love to see them." See? I was trying to use two sentences at the same time!
from forever-saku :
Yes!!!! I heard Lauryn's coming to South!! ^_^ Yay! Anyways, fancy glasses, you say? I'd love to see your them. Yeah, my glasses have no glare and are transitions (they've got a mind of their own! XD), but you should've known the last part. ^^ I love my THICK glasses!! Shows how much of a weird geek I am. lol
from forever-saku :
New layout? Hmm, it's kinda nice. But I'd have to say I like the other blue one better.
from fireplanet :
Hello! Just wanted to say Happy 4th of July! Hope you're doing something nice. I'll probably just sit and read or watch some tv.
from raveneys- :
Thank you, sailor. Thank yo so much. I just hope he listens to you. No doubt he will.
from raveneys- :
He is trying to make sure I will be happy? Does he not realize that his being in my life IS what makes me happiest? Sailorcosma, could you please do me the smallest favor and tell him these things. He never responds to my messages. I know you can't give me his password but a message passed along would mean very much to me. If not, it's alright. I will find another way. Thank you.
from raveneys- :
No, it's alright. I understand what it means to have proper loyalties. I respect that in you. I really just need to find out how he is as I have not seen nor spoken to him in quite a while now. Thank you anyway, sailorcosma.
from graffitihart :
Well, no, nevermind. After I left you that note, I read your new entry, and have come to an understanding that you plan on having a completely boring summer. Have fun anyways! Oh, and I wish you could have seen New Orleans before the tragedy. It was so magnificent; so beautiful; like a sort of heaven for party-ers and anyone who loves a great view and the best seafood on the planet. That's a bloody terrible comparison, but it's all I have right now. I haven't seen what has been restored to her, but take pictures of it all, love, if you will. And mostly, imagine what she used to be like, and have fun!
from graffitihart :
Aww, that's sweet. Actually, I started feeling terrible that I hadn't spoken with the people I used to chat with frequently on here. It was a nice change, too, to finally have a conversation. I'm sorry it had to be so breif, though. Unfortunately, I work weird hours and go to school most of the rest of the time, so I don't have the luxury of instant messaging you guys when I want to. And I trust you'll be having a summer chock-full of fun and crammed with exciting adventures, no?
from forever-saku :
I'm a bit crazier? Whoa...wasn't expecting that. O_o Um, it was a Child Evangelism Fellowship training camp. I was taught how to teach the gospel to kids and led a child to Christ, etc. It was pretty strenuous, as we had classes every waking moment (almost, we had breaks and meals and stuff). But it was fun too. Yeah, so that's all I can think of!
from forever-saku :
Oh, hey, yeah it's me again. I feel clingy right now, leaving you two messages (pfft, likem I haven't done that before! XD). But yeah. It's a few hours after I left the other one but I'm pretty bored right now and somewhat lonely (just A BIT! I DO NOT yearn for human presense that numbers 150!). Uh huh. Bored... bORED... boRED... bOrEd... BoReD... BOREd... borED... Okay, I think that's enough for today (today, ye hear? Just TODAY! Wait to see what I do tomorrer!! lol j/k). Ugh... I'm using chat talk!!! O_O Slap me the next time you see me.
from forever-saku :
Helloooooooo! ... I forgot what I was going to say. Yeah, I read your entry and was going to leave you a comment. And then I read Snoelle's "bell-bell" diary (lol), left her a note, tagged on her "box," and then totally forgot what I was going to say to you! Yeah I just totally forgot what I was going to say-- wait! I remember! w00t!!!!! *cough* I'm fine. Your "You'll Never Guess..." entry was what made me think of this. 6-6-06! Did you know in Brazil, there was celebration after celebration on that day? They're into witchcraft like there's no tomorrow and heck, that's the Devil's day (aside from Halloween). So I was thinking, "They're having celebrations on that day?! Heck, we thought the world was ending!" Pretty ironic, don't you think? It was funny to me at the time but I guess it's not that funny (what the heck am I talking about?).
from graffitihart :
Hmm, graduated, are we? Congrats!
from forever-saku :
Whoa, I left you a comment as cherri-girl. THAT only happened because I was editting my cherri-girl layout (to redirect them to forever-saku). Go see what I wrote at if you want, and even go to (there's not that big a difference anyways). Hmm yeah. But you've got a glitch in the coding of your new layout. I'm guessing when you installed the coding you changed a part. "<a href="">me</a> <a href="">fans</a> <a href="">notes</a> " was where you changed it, ne? I assume the original URLs were like" and you switched "username" with "sailorcosma," this getting If you do that, it won't work (it'll work for your profile, just not your notes). You can either a) change it back to %%username%% or b) take out the %%. That'll work.
from cherri-girl :
Nice design! Although, if you wanted another layout I couldn't made you one (but you might have been swayed by the length of time it takes me to actually MAKE you a layout - XD). Yeah, but it really is a nice design! Oh, and smart thinking on the part of saving the coding for your Sailor Moon layout - I don't have the coding anymore! But I could recode it if you wanted (with less messier and more professional HTML). Uh huh! Summer! Although I have to go to camp right after school ends on Friday! >XP
from forever-saku :
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I love your last two entries!!!! w00t!! Why does it seem that the end of the EOG testing period is more fun than "Discovery Camp?" What the heck are we discovering anyways?! If you ask me, math and Social Studies is more fun than "Motown" or however you spell that crap. *roll eyes* WeeEeEEEEeEeeeeeEEEe!!! Revel in our craziness!
from fireplanet :
Hey! Got tired of my template... look at the new one!
from forever-saku :
(Ha, another note! Chess! *cough* Ehem.) Yes, I'm pretty sad since Spring Break is almost over. And Ms. White won't reply back since I need her to sign this stupid application form and whatnot. Anyways, yeah I'm sure you love Jack and Donna. Tell Donna I said good luck with her new life and...Jackth. What about him? I guess he's doing okay. Glad you got your braces off! ^_^ Short hair? Not my thing. Anyways, I love my glasses. It's the only way I can actually see and I can't get contacts until I'm 18 or so because I'll have to get the "hard contacts" and it's not best for younger people. Something about my eyes being "football shaped." ...What? O_o I also wouldn't worry about J and D not talking to you in a while. Remember that everyone has an offline life and they need space and time and all... Hmm, I wonder what I'm talking about... XD (Offline life? Do I even have one?!)
from forever-saku :
Wow, you're the first person I've had interaction with since my b-day party. Well, not exactly since I've had chain mail and I talked with Snoelle on the f-o-n-e (teh evil!). XD Anyways, I don't mind all the notes. Actually, they were pretty funny (and I haven't had humor for a while). You remember that one long note I left you? About the *stupid* AIG class with a word bank? Yeah, just needed to rant! ^^ And you do remember I took that note and made it an entry right? Oh, would ya lookit that? A long note. ^^
from forever-saku :
Ah, so sorry about the bad performance. It was the 7th graders, wasn't it? I heard they suck; so that must've been your downfall. ^^ So sorry, once again! Mr. B shouldn't have used ALL the 7th graders, because their reputation proceeds them well. Anyways...better luck next time. =)
from lilkitty069 :
lol ya its almost one tired....i want some chocolate...hmmmm i wonder if theres any ice cream leftoO...
from forever-saku :
I gots 21/30 on that Brain Twister test on Tickle!
from lilkitty069 :
lol actually for awhile i did until noelle told me to go to da site and then i remembered^^ just glade da computer remembered my user name cus i lylas/Dodo^^
from forever-saku :
Oh, don't be sad about Jack, Tay! ._. Yeah, you should go to the summer camp, that'd be alot more fun! And yeah, alot of people would prefer Elizabeth to all of us, so don't be sad about that either! TGIF~!!!! =^____________________^=
from spanishmoss :
�Mi madre es bonita, s�?
from forever-saku :
You are SO lucky! YOU didn't have to take the spelling test on Friday. No, I'm not complaining about the spelling test itself--I would never do that! (it's way too freakin' easy!) No, I'm talking about what the heck happened because of it (yeh, I know my sentences aren't making much sense, but "go with the flow" for now. XD). You know all the stupid people in Language Arts? And even the "smart" people in Language Arts? They wanted a word bank! Of all things!--wait, that's not surprising, is it? Either way, it's still dumb. 'Member Mrs. G wasn't there? Yeah, we had Mr. Toby and NO ONE would shut up during the reading of "Parallel Journeys" because no one has the capacity to understand the meaning of "Speaking is forbidden!" in German or even the meaning of "SHUT UP!" in English. So anyways, RYLEE (I am 99% sure it's her) asks, "Are we going to have a word bank?" during the spelling test. That is SO like her, innit it? Then Mr. Toby's like, "I don't read anything about a word bank here"--referring to the instructions Mrs. G gave him--"but do you usually have one?" Well OF COURSE the whole class--okay, maybe not the whole class, excluding me, Snoelle, Chelsea, Lauryn, and Elizabeth (not sure of anyone else)--takes advantage of a substitute and says, "YES! WE ALWAYS DO!" I felt like skewering a few people right then and there! I'm serious! So about everyone agrees we do have one and I'm like, "No, we don't! They"--referring to the stupid people who wanted one--"are just acting...stupid!" But we have one anyways and I'm fuming through the whole thing (which didn't last long because "I'm so smart" [according to Sheena] and I already know the answers). But still! We're in AIG Language Arts class and we need a WORD BANK? Even Mr. Toby said that! I am SO going to kill WHOEVER MADE UP THE STUPID WORD BANKS DURING A VOCABULARY TEST--if they weren't already dead, dang it! *mumbles* They're lucky they're already dead 'cuz I would've killed 'em! *end mumbling* Am I'm so mad after that! Alot of things happened after, including a small confrontation from Rylee about "Why do you not want a word bank?" My reply was along the lines of, "Do you not know how to spell 'available'?" because that was one of our spelling words. (AVAILABLE, of all things!! Do you not know what available means or how it's spelled? YOU INCOMPETENCE IDIOTS!! WHY AM I SURROUNDED BY STUPID, IDIOTIC, DENSE, MORONIC IMBECICLES???????????? WHY??? WHY ME???????? -_-') I know we weren't supposed to have a word bank and I'm going to e-mail Mrs. G about that. Anyways, hope you did well at All County!
from forever-saku :
'Ello, friend! How have you been? I heard from Ambo that you had that sickness that I can barely say and I know I can't spell. XD I wanna let you know I'm praying you'll get better and come back to school soon! ^_^ Oh, and yeah, we had a test in Math and Science today. ;) Get well soon! =)
from spanishmoss :
si, I shall.
from fireplanet :
I never have anything to put in my diary either... I'm thinking about posting little bits and pieces of my imaginings, fantasies, and begginings of stories I wish I was able to finish. In fact I think that's exactly what I'll do! Until the drama begins... ~Fireplanet
from forever-saku :
Ah, you're not the only one who wants to write like Anneliese Marie Frank. I feel exactly like you do about writing in a diary... Yes, my mom can be a heck of an annoyance when we get in a fight... I had more to say, but I'll do it in my entry. ^^;;
from forever-saku :
You actually go to people's diaries and check their notes? Really? XD I consider it a waste of time, seeing as most of the time you only get half of the conversations. ^^
from fireplanet :
HI! I'm bored.... bye!
from spanishmoss :
from forever-saku :
Who's "they"? Because if it's who I think it is (*cough*PPL at school*cough*), I could care less what they think. ^.~ Wooooo! Sleepover at the asylum!!! XDD
from doggygirl11 :
I'm fine.
from forever-saku :
Your dollies look purty!! =^_^= I wanna live at your asylum!! ;;
from fireplanet :
I love the doll you made!!! It's soo cool how the symbol gradually forms. (in the e-mail) too bad it doesn't do that in ur diary!
from doggygirl11 :
I'm fine.Just got back form vaction.How are you.
from scarletmoon- :
I'm not using this diary anymore... never anything to put in it... but I was tired of it being sooo ugly... so i did get a new template... check it out
from fireplanet :
Merry Christmas to you too!!
from forever-saku :
Trade moms? Sounds like a good idea but I'll have to decline. ^^;; Well, at least your mom seems to care about your day. Anyways, Merry Christmas! ^_^ I got 4 CDs and lotsa other stuff...G2G!
from forever-saku :
Actually, the candy cane was shaped to remind us of Jesus (upside down, the candy cane is supposed to look like a "J"). Go to to read more!
from fireplanet :
from forever-saku :
I know!! ^_^ I was just sayin'. Weeee! We have two snowdays in a row!!! Hope we don't have a make-up day. >:(
from forever-saku :
I'm not tormenting you!! >:( It's just really fun to use smilies. ^_^ See? You do it too... It's an easy way to show emotion without words (especially if you can't spell! XD)! =)
from fireplanet :
Hi! It's so cold outside!! lol, no clue why i said that but it is! XD talk to you later.
from raveneys- :
It takes me awhile, but I always come back, if only to let whoever happens to read me know that I am still alive, just as you said. Hehe. Best to you, SC.
from fireplanet :
hey! i'm fine... and bored/boring as usual. I'm going to write a poem or something, if only I could find the time...
from forever-saku :
Eh? Your "To-Do List" entry shows up twice...weird. NEways, I hope you can pick meh up for Erin's b-day party! ^_^ Fun!
from forever-saku :
I took the test before and got...SAPHIRA!! Yes, the most <3ed dragon of all time!! ^o^ XDDD w00t!
from forever-saku :
lol You know me and Aequus were gonna make your test on Annabel Lee! Edgar Allen Poe has some problems...I mean really.
from forever-saku :
'Ello, Sailor Cosma! This is right after I signed off of Y!Messenger since my bro kicked me off to play comp games!! Yes! That time I sent you my doll I made at!! And I switched it to my avy bit it got cut off a bit. ;_; Oh well! See you Monday!!!! "Do you remember when you were 15 and the kids at school called you a fool, since you took the time to dream!" ~Innocent Eyes
from jackthripper :
It's been a long time, love. What is it you are trying to say? there something you need to say that you feel you cannot?
from meowangel12 :
yeah. its so cool. noelle helped me find it. bye.
from fireplanet :
hey, oh sorry. i haven't left you a note in forever and ur like the only one who leaves me any... anyway. um.. seems like i had something to tell you... oh! I have a new layout.. and it's pretty.
from cherri-girl :
NO FREAKIN' WAY! is LOCKED!! :'( That's not nice!! The webmistress must be doing something with it, otherwise I have no idea why it's password-protected. ;; See you at skool! ~Cherri
from cooki-dough :
it's [email protected]... two underslashes.
from cherri-girl :
XDDDDDDD That was SOOOO funny when Mrs. G said that!!! XDDDDDDD I wonder what WILL happen when she gives birth!! ;) Don't worry, you're not the only one who hates the schedule change. -_-'
from cooki-dough :
I don't mind - I'm nineteen.
from cooki-dough :
Thank you. :)
from graffitihart :
hmm...thank you, my dear. It took me forever, so it's nice to know that someone likes it.
from cherri-girl :
'Sup, Tay. It's 9:30 and I'm still doing homework. *sigh* So much to do, so little time. Saw you @ that 8th grade trip thingie. So how are you? I read your last post about the dragons. ^_^ Dragons ROCK!!! ^O^ Oh, and you messed up the link. You put <a href="" target="_blank"> When it should've been <a href="" target="_blank">. See, "http://" is for when you're linking to a different site from your own. Since you put just, it linked it as instead of just I'll explain @ school if you want. *yaaaaaaawn* See you tomorrow! TGIF!! <3 Cherri
from lilkitty069 :
hi taytay^^........i finally came bak on....i havent been on in awhile......soo if u where wonderin y i havent emailed ya bak yet thats kinda y...o and im soooo srry that i havent mailed u ur b-d card yet..i need more stamps...o and im sendin noelle some pics when i get some if u want to c ask her...mayb yall can make copies^^
from meowangel12 :
hi Tayler. its me kayla. i am now able to get back on diaryland. hope to talk to you more. bye.
from fireplanet :
i fixed my diary. look at it.
from mystrygrl201 :
Hi!!! This is Amber!!! I wanted to say HI!!!! so i did....whats up!!!! BYE!!!!
from fireplanet :
yay!!!!!!!!!! donna is alive!! donna is alive!! yay!!!!!! anyway. tell bloodbath i will look for more, and no I do not run around with my pants on fire.
from cherri-girl :
Wuz up? Yeah, sure, I guess I'll be a member of your blog. On the dashboard (go to and log in) find your blog on the list and click on "change settings." It should take you to another page on the tab set as "settings." Then, click on "members" right under the tabs. It'll take you to another page and click on the big orange button labeled "Add Team Member(s)." Another page: where it says "New User(s)" there will be a few blank fields there. Add my e-mail (forever.sakuranbo{at} -> replacing {at} with @) and / or add a message and then click "Save Settings." You're all done! When I get the message I'll accept right away! =D See ya's on Monday!
from cherri-girl :
Yay!!! Happiness. :D Anyways, did you go to the TMS AIG blog? All it said was to vote for TMS to get better comps, so go vote! Now!
from cherri-girl :
Hey, Tay! You were complaining about not having anyone contact you and such. So I thought I'd leave you a note! ^_^ Guess what? Monday was my site's birthday (Sprinkle Starr's, not my diary)! Anyways, I hope you made up with Snoelle. ">:(" if you didn't!
from fireplanet :
from cherri-girl :
Hiyas, Tay!!!! Happy belated birthday!! ^_^ You being the second youngest of us all (poor Chelsea, she took your place when she moved here). XD Anyways, hope you have a great day! See you tomorrow at our acursed school!
from fireplanet :
Actually I don't have an e-mail address at the moment. My old one wasn't working so I just canceled it since I hadn't given it to many people. When I get one I'll tell you.
from fireplanet :
p.s. can i have the password?
from fireplanet :
just sayin' hey. do you know of anyone to ask about graffiti's whereabouts? because i'm really worried about her now. lets just keep our fingers crossed...
from cherri-girl :
Oh my gosh, you password-protected your diary and didn't tell me the password?! XD Yeah, so you have to tell me or I can't see the link you made! Congrats on learning so quickly and by yourself (you autonomous learner - ;D), that's basically how I learned! ^.~ See you tomorrow at your party!! Love, ~Cherri
from cherri-girl :
Hey, Tay! Having a B-Day party? Cool, I'll come!! =) I have a song that I want you to hear. I'll give you the URL to download it later. Bye! LYLAS, ~Cherri
from graffitihart :
Hey, I changed my template again, and got a new cursor. The site I got the cursor from has a lot more than strawberryheavens and soupfaerie put together! And they're all so cute! And they have banners and quotes that changed colors and everything you could think of. Just go to my diary and click on "extras"
from graffitihart :
It's not about current entries anymore. Some days I don't even read his diary because I always end up crying. I shouldn't care that much about what he does but I just can't help it. Long ago, I made the mistake of deciding I had compassion for that man, and it's killing me. I just need to stop handing out compassion like it's a free prize or something...
from graffitihart :
If it's about the entry...I'm fine. I just feel so dead and all I want to do is cry because I've hit rock-bottom and I don't know what do do! I don't know what's going on between Jack and me anymore. Maybe it wasn't ever anything, but I'm so worried for him and it's consuming me whole! It's his life, and it's none of my business what he does with it, but some days I just want to jerk all his hair out and make him listen to me. Arm-hair included! I just can't stand to see him throw it all away like he does, but I keep my mouth shut because I'd be a hypocrite if I told him to change. But at least I'm trying! I'm finally trying to settle down and I wish he would too. Or at least just stop leaving me out in the rain, wondering what we've become. I'm being selfish, but I can't help it! I've tried to comply for as long as I possibly could, but I just can't anymore...I'm gonna have to let it out sometime...
from graffitihart :
Glad you're back!
from cherri-girl :
Hey, what's 'sup? I got all these e-mails from Megan. Hey, do you know Noelle's pastor's daughter? Katherine (or however she spells it), well she goes to our school and I'm doing a 5-Day Club at her house. Call me something on weekend if you wanna know more. Hope to see you @ school!! BFF's, ~Cherri =D
from fireplanet :
Hey. Love your template, I used to watch Sailor Moon. My favorite was Sailor Mars. Where did you get it? I'm looking for some welcome signs.
from cherri-girl :
Oh my gosh, MEGAN?! HI!!!!!!! ^o^ I haven't heard from her in a long time!!!!!! Why is she with you? She still there??!! Tell her Hello for me!!! =D
from cherri-girl :
Why does it seem other people are enjoying their summer more than me? Is it the fact there's nothing to do but go on the comp and annoy the heck out of my online friends? Or is it the fact that my mom's not here (she went to a church conference) and my dad's at work so there's no one to take me anywhere? Or is it the heat? I can't decide. -_- Talk to you later, ~BFF's, Cherri
from purfectcat7 :
Hey! Guess what? I'm still alive! :) ne-ways, Now that we're out of school and everything I've been swimming like practically every day cuz this heat is slowly killing me. But, my dad built us a rope swing and its REALLY fell like ur fLyInG. Just so ya know, I'm hyper beacause I had sour gummi-worms and...well you get the point...hehehe. I think I had toooo many(if thats possible.) ~Well I Gotsta Go~ ttyl
from graffitihart :
are you coming?
from graffitihart :
yes, I was. I can't swim though! I don't know how! jk, lol! I'm on chat right now, if you'd rather...
from graffitihart :
stop by sometime, I'm on chat a lot more often
from graffitihart :
Oh, I actually thought it was rather humorous...
from graffitihart :
I'm really sorry...I didn't mean to make it seem like I don't care, I've just got a lot going on right now and not a lot of time to notice things. Trying to balance is really hard, these days, and I think I might be going off the deep end. Scratch that, I AM going off the deep end...So how's your life in the realm of normalicy?
from cherri-girl :
Hi, I'm feeling bored, so I decided to drop you a note! I barely have a life offline. So what's up with you?
from cherri-girl :
Hey, Tay. So sorry I haven't been on D-Land in the longest time!! ;; Girl, you have to post at for me to notice you're on! What's wrong? Why do you feel so bad? Come on, I'm here! E-mail me, I'll ALWAYS reply. If something's bothering you, talk to me. I want to help you, so you can ask anything of me (as long as it's SANE and GOOD). Hey, so I'll see you in 8th grade. And also, thanks for the money for my 300 Hour Famine! *hugs* Talk to ya later, Cherri
from lilkitty069 :
huh? me confused...............
from graffitihart :
I'd love to keep in touch with you, dear. You have an AIM instant messenger, right? I think someone told me you did....but then, I think "someone" told me a lot of things. Well, if you do, my username is: FireyMaiden99 and feel free to just strike up a conversation any time. Goodbye, sweet girl, I look forward to our next chat.
from lilkitty069 :
HI!!!!!!!im not that hyper.......i just had alot of candy.....and do-do's r always hyper remember????well ok thanxs 4 the template and stuff......i dont kno how? o well i gots to go......BYE!!!!!!
from lilkitty069 :
HI!!!okie.......sure i really dont care who does......i would but i dont kno how-_-.....o well i dont get on everyday but ill try to put some more entries in...well ill try....but hav u went on yet???its really KOOL!!!!theres lots of groups u can go and sing on alot^^plus u can put in entries there and they will show up on ur profile so lots of ppls can c them^^i dont hav to much on them tho......o wells i gots to go.....ttyl.....BYE!
from jackthripper :
I was never mad at you, dear.
from lilkitty069 :
hey!!!!!!noelle said that u both worked on it so thanx!!!!i luv it!!!!!um im ganna try to make it up 2 u both by tryin to keep my entries updated....but im still tryin to get used to this tho....o well.....ttyl...lylas...BYE!!!!!!
from graffitihart :
Look, I'm really sorry. I've just been caught up in so much lately that I haven't even had time to add an entry. But if you'll put all the things I didn't answer in one note, I'll try and get back to you.
from sailorcosma :
i know people are busy and all, but i didn't have a single day last week that i didn't have something extra to do. like piano and band and church and the band concert (and we have another one tomorrow, but no judges this time)and yearbook staff twice! but i still got on here everyday and read people's new entries and answered notes. SO WHY THE HELL CAN'T THE REST OF YOU?! some of you have answered them though, so thanks.
from purfectcat7 :
Hey Tayler! Sorry I haven't left u a note in forever, but I've been busy cuz I've had to help my mom prepare for her surgery. She was in the hospital all of monday and thats where i was too. The whole day i was walking around getting lost with my brother. We kept on turning the wrong way. Bye I g2g.
from xbelladonax :
:O I see that you like Buffy...ohhhh...i mean..Spike. I'm not a great fan of Buffy and Angel, but I really love the song themes they have. Darling Violetta, that's the band that created Angel's and Buffy's theme, I think they are great. And humm...yeah, even when I don't like the show that much...I have to admit that Spike is one sexy bastard. ;)
from xbelladonax :
No, I think they don't realize they are destroying the world, and if they do....they frankly don't care about it. Ha! =( I would also like to live in a forest, there's something about loneliness and silence that fascinates me to a certain extent. Have you ever seen the Blair Witch Project? If you have, that's the kind of forest that I see in my mind when I say that I would like to live in one.
from xbelladonax :
Thank you for your kindness =). Yes, I love her deeply, almost as much as she deserves to be loved. I read your entry too, it seems like your grandfather got a really nice house. One day, when I get old, neurotic and sick of people, I would like to live in a wooden house, but I highly doubt that there are any trees left by then. I'm being pessimistic, but you have a great day. ;)
from cherri-girl :
Wish you all good luck! =DYou had better invite me to you house soon! You owe me $15 for the 30 hour famine! Yeah, Snoelle got to her PM's earlier than you did. =/ That's a first!
from cammella :
Bye! have fun!
from cammella :
No, the chat has been down for a few months now (right when I get my computer fixed)I love silver, I always said when I get a car I'm getting it in a dark silver.Green is a great color (neon green is yummy) I love it, but purple has been my favorite for a while now.
from cammella :
Haha, yea I've been online all day. I like Yellow in bright shades, pink is my least favorite and there is a difference between seafoamgreen and aquamarine!
from cammella :
Hahahaha! True, you can tell alot about a person from their favorite color. Mine's purple. Heh, I guess I should ask you the same.
from wasgood :
glad to know that you're still alive. you always remember to say hello. keep living and stay away from the hannahs
from cherri-girl :
Wow, only 9 days left?! O_O I would've thought till the end of May! He he! Me and my bro have been out of more than a week! ^^;; I feel sorry for you guys.
from cammella :
I'm flattered you were interested in getting to know me. I noticed you know Jack. He's a good friend of mine.
from graffitihart :
Thank you, dear. I've been going through a lot of tough sh** lately, but you bring out the sunshine in me. And don't say I'm pretty - I'm blushing as it is! ;)
from graffitihart :
*sigh* Cole is...dead. I'm so sorry - I should have told you sooner, but so many things have been sidetracking me and I haven't had the heart to scarcely even utter his name. But let's move on, dear. It's time for me to forget the past. You asked of my hair? Auburn. And my eyecolor? Amber. What I meant by "it's been a while" is "I haven't seen you in a while" a very, very long while. How is everything? I mean, I haven't really seen you since... a long time, but...oh, I sound like a child - I should stop. I'm just filling the blank spaces in my head with words that make no sense. Don't listen to me, child, I'm being morbid and delirious. And stupid. Most of all, stupid...forget it. Just...let me sleep...
from graffitihart :
It's been a while...
from cherri-girl :
Oh, oh! I choose C!!! lol
from cherri-girl :
'Sup, Tay? Meh, update here too and not only at, girl! Peace out BFF, ~Cherri
from jackthripper :
May I be so bold as to ask...why are the constant notes so important?
from scarletmoon- :
i'm alive. did you e-mail me back, i don't think i got it if you did. ah well, i will see you around some time. all my love - scarlet
from graffitihart :
i probably won't be out much...Falcon is sick, and it worries Apollo...
from graffitihart :
oh, um, ok. I'll remember, yeah.
from graffitihart :
I'm just...having a time, is all. But thank you, darling, for your concern.
from graffitihart :
What is going on? I'm torn...I should never think these things...I see now-in life you cannot hit Edit, Undo...
from cherri-girl :
Like your new layout? lol Leave me a note and M-2-M tell me what you want for your layout. =D ~Cherri
from scarletmoon- :
thanks a bunch, i love them. but i cant get it to work right, everytime i go to change it, the server limit stuff comes up. but i'll get it one of these days. i have to go, i will e-mail you later, if i have time.
from graffitihart :
I sent it to the [email protected] did it not make it? If it didn't I can try again. But I've already deleted the picture, so could you ask noelle?
from meowangel12 :
from meowangel12 :
hi. yes yesterday we were here and logged into Noelle's u-name. did you check out the cool pics. see you @ school
from jackthripper :
Nel sole ho trovato un cuore rotto nel dolore e nel bisogno di amore di guarire esso una volta ancora. Le cicatrici nere e calde incendiano la pelle sopra i miei occhi. Lei porter� di nuovo la collera nella mia anima? Consider yourself noted.
from graffitihart :
*Grins REALLY wide* mmmm, cofffeeee.....I hate coffee.... too much.....can't seeeeee straight.
from cherri-girl :
I'm here! (4:50 on Apr. 11) Hope it works!
from cherri-girl :
Hey, forgot about clicking on the button that says, "Change the layout!" Just highlight everything in the textarea and paste it into the textarea to change your layout! Do that for the older entries too!
from cherri-girl :
Hey, is is Made-2-Mosh Noelle? Tell her to e-mail me if it is!!! >:( By the way, I'll just e-mail you the coding for your layout! ^_^
from meowangel12 :
yeah i know where you got them but how did you get them. please help me i'm confused.
from raveneys- :
I will say hi to Jack for you. You don't like the rain? I have always loved it. For many reasons, I think. It's peaceful.
from meowangel12 :
oh noone important just me. can you help me get pretty backgrounds to.pretty please
from meowangel12 :
from cherri-girl :
Yup, I'm done with it! Just reply to the e-mail, and click on the URL to see it. =D Hope you like it, it was really easy to do and fun! I don't think it's very rainbowy, but tell me what you think and if you want me to change it! BFF, ~Cherri
from purfectcat7 :
Hi! I saw ur profile taylor and I'm not going to be convinced to join in the chicken : )
from meowangel12 :
ya. i'll c you @ school 2. so i'll c you la8er.
from graffitihart :
i'll try and take your advice, dear...things seem a bit messed up around here, though...
from meowangel12 :
hi i know that theres 1 day of spring bwack( or however you spell it)anyway i'll see you at school. bye
from cooki-dough :
Got your note. Thanks for thinking of me. I hope things with you are going great? No, I haven't got any emails from you, but then again my hotmail isn't as great as it should be. Sorry this is so short, but I have to go. I'll talk to you later hun - Shani
from cherri-girl :
I'm almost done Taytay! (Reply to e-mail) I read some of your other posts. YOU want to talk to Megan? REALLY? I have not heard from her for the longest time! Hope she's doing okay. =D Wonder if she has another boyfriend. Lylas, ~Cherri
from jackthripper :
Insanity is the spice of life, my dear. The insane are my favorite kind of people.
from scarletmoon- :
hello cosma. i was leaving jack a note and saw one from you. i hope you are doing ok. talk to you later -scarlet
from jackthripper :
I will be sure to look into the "chicken talk". I remember reading about it in scarlet's note once, wondering what it was. I think I figured it out but I'll go see for the real thing. Merci for dropping by, dearest. Much love to you and your sweet friend.
from raveneys- :
I'm doing good. I should really get on here more. It's like I'm missing the whole world pass by.
from cherri-girl :
Sup, Taytay? Did ya get my e-mail? Waiting for a reply! =D
from graffitihart :
For everything. For listening to me bitch and complain...You seem to understand me in such a way that few do. And I hold you very close to my heart, never forget that, and never have a second thought about it. I know you think life sucks, and it bloody well does, but only when you let it, cherished one. Keep your head held high and remember you've got friend that care. I'm always here when you need me, darling. -Donna
from meowangel12 :
hi. i can tell you like these.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. happy Spring Break. go to darkdemon3. my cuz. tell Chelsea how to get here notes set up so i con leave her a note. bwack or however you spell it. Bye. meowangel12
from meowangel12 :
hi. i can tell you like these.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. happy Spring Break. go to darkdemon3. my cuz. tell Chelsea how to get here notes set up so i con leave her a note. bwack or however you spell it. Bye. meowangel12
from jackthripper :
Hey! That was a scary movie!:) It was good though. Damnit. I saw Ring 2. Not scary. Maybe Im still in shock from The Grudge. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
from graffitihart :
heh heh. Yeah, I was happy to see your diary up and in running condition last night/this morning! I kept wondering when it would pop back up and voila! You're diary is all nice and colourful...Noelle mentioned you liked butterflies...I hate to chrash on the rainbows but here's a pretty template with butterflies: I don't'll probably like your current one better, but I thought you might like this one if you feel the desire to change the brightness! Well, gotta run!
from rebellious99 :
Woo, I see Donna was happy to be writing to you! Did I ever give you my password? I was wondering that this morning while changing my template. By the way-I like yours.
from graffitihart :
from purfectcat7 :
Happy Spring Bwack! -c u l8er after sping break SPRING ROCKS! I LUV KOALA WALA!!! AND HE LUVS AUSTRALIA!
from meowangel12 :
HI!!! The servers are actually working. Now i can leave you a note. SO bye for now. KAYLA.
from meowangel12 :
disregaurd the last note. I promise I didn't do that.
from meowangel12 :
hey girlfriend, how are you doing have a Merry Christmas.
from meowangel12 :
hey Taylor. so glad you were able to read my diary, and that you got my note. see you in school. bye the way Happy Late St.Patrick's Day!
from jackthripper :
Dear heart, it takes a lot to scare me. I don't think you could if you tried:)
from scarletmoon- :
i haven't communicated with him officially. i left him a note and so i wait for the answer. he does seem very interesting though. i think we should get along splendidly.
from scarletmoon- :
hello dear, i do love your welcome signs and such, i went to get some my self.
from meowangel12 :
hey Taylor. this is Kayla. Just came to say hi.
from jackthripper :
I apologize for the extreme lateness of my response. I did read your note (a couple times). I wasn't quite sure how to respond as I have never heard of such a thing. I was flattered and laughing my rear off at the same time (in a good way). I thought it was cute. I wish I could sit and watch the two of you play with your food and candy the way you described. By the way, Gabby said it's fine that you use purple for his hair.:)
from rebellious99 :
hi. yeah, sugar does that 2 ya!
from jackthripper :
Ya, the movie did give me the heebies and the jeebies. It still does, I confess.
from cherri-girl :
Hey, Cosma! Everything going okay? I read your lastest entries and was wondering if something was wrong? I'm always here if you need to talk. By the way, I'm going back to public school. See you in 8th grade!
from twidderpated :
As fine as this heart will allow, and that's all I ask. Thank you for asking.
from jackthripper :
Thank you for the sweet note:) By the way...The Grudge scared the hell out of me.:)
from graffitihart :
Hey! I'm totally and completely aggitated at this psycho stalker person and it's driving me insane! faerie thought I was dead! Can you believe it? And no I'm not exactly sure what's with Jack, but I'm pissed that I can't read about it!
from cooki-dough :
No idea, alot. There are 118 entries, so I guess just put them into word and see how many it ends up being. That sucks about your computer- I hope it ends up working good again.
from twidderpated :
Oh dear. I believe I accidently left a message on the wrong page. I'm so very sorry. But hello anyways. :-)
from twidderpated :
Where have you been? Where are you darling? Come back! Gr-OWL. ;-)
from cooki-dough :
Hey again. Nice to hear from you. That sucks about your internet, but I'm glad that it's all fixed. -hugs- see you around.
from rebellious99 :
Hey, I see you've met Donna! We go WAY back, and she mentioned you, so i thought I'd check out your diary.
from graffitihart :
Hello, love. I hope to meet with you as soon as possible, but as far as my computer goes, I might not have been able to. It had like twenty different viruses, and it was ancient anyway... But I got a new one, and it is a lot more dependable. Hopefully my meltdown days have ceased. I know you have been having trouble with your computer, I thought maybe something truly dreadful had happened. Will you email me when you get the chance?
from jackthripper :
Email me if you want the password to my diary [email protected]
from cherri-girl :
Taytay, I'm sorry for not leaving a note sooner! I've been really busy with school and stuff. And right now I'm making a new layout for my diary AND my website. Hopefully you'll visit some time! ( is the url, but I'll be moving it soon. ;) ) If you need any help on HTML, I might be able to help. :) Bye!
from graffitihart :
ok! It's me, donna, im sorry the url is not silvertears, it's graffithart! buhbye!
from brokninside :
Oh, I forgot to tel you! My new username is silvertears. I knew I was missing something when I wrote that last note! The password should be in your email, take care!
from brokninside :
Yes, I did like the new trenchcoat. I think we can meet again not this upcoming friday, but the next...
from antidrug420 :
I am highly unreligious so I can agree with you on not liking gospel. *yawn*
from cooki-dough :
Just sayin' hi. Hi. :)
from brokninside :
hello, darling heart. I am un-hospitalized, and doing well. i await our next meeting...
from brokninside :
dear, I wait in the chat room for such a very long time for you. i shall have to pick a luckier time...
from sailorcosma :
ok, i was reading the note that i left before this one, and it sounded kinda mean, wasgood, antidrug, yu are my friends too, really you are, you just werent on my mind at the time. SOOOOOO SORRY bye
from sailorcosma :
ok, why is there the sudden shortage of notes for me? I mean, I don't expect one everyday, but I would like one every month or so. Jack, Donna, Cherri, Noelle, Shannon, isleofmay, you are my friends on here, please leave me a note, even if it's just to say hi. Thanx, bye, luv ya all!!
from wasgood :
hey sis, remember me? this headache is killing me, but i hope you're having fun!
from antidrug420 :
I love music. I'm not that picky about what I listen too, but I prefer rock. My favorite band is definitely System Of A Down because their music is sooo fun! What about you?
from brokninside :
Oh, dear, it's quite alright, I understand. I only hope you did not get into trouble with your mother. She's a bit protective, don't you think? Well, have a nice day/night, whatever it is where you are. Email me sometime at [email protected]!
from brokninside :
sorry about the chat room! The internet disconnected me!
from antidrug420 :
Hmm, I have nothing to say but I feel like I should be writing back? I'm hungry as always and I'm watching They, not that you care, but hey it's conversation. My favorite colors are black and red. Black makes me mad because it makes you look super pale, but it brings out my eyes, and red just has way of catching my attention. It's so pretty. What are your favorite colors? Wow....the colors conversation, very original.
from antidrug420 :
I was reading your profile and it's ironic that you put down Pirates of the Caribbean as one of your favorite movies, because I'm watching it right now. But then again, who doesn't love that movie? Yeah, so hi.
from brokninside :
Hello, dear. I came back just to say hi. I find your diary a lot more normal than many others in this mortal realm. I am very glad for you though. You have no major hardships in your life. Lucky child. Email me at [email protected]
from brokninside :
hey, faerie told me about you. you seem really cool! Should i just call you cosma? you cn call me Donna. Feel free to leave a note any time!
from isleofmay :
Sorry bout that, I got kicked off. I'll be on soon though, I just got to finish some chores. BTW, I'm gonna list you as my friend, okay?
from sailorcosma :
from sailorcosma :
hey everyone. leave me a note!!!!

back to sailorcosma's profile
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