messages to santacruzer:
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from okrasalad :
I've always wanted to teach English overseas; that's so cool that you've experienced that lifestyle. I was looking at your profile; I also love "The Power of One." Good luck with your adventures and travels.
from lilpeanut80 :
you are a tiger. rawwwr. Biscuit agrees.
from lilpeanut80 :
give me the darn recipe!!!! Love Always, Can Can
from lilpeanut80 :
what what? Tell me the loverly details of your new Cambodian career! Did some body say Cambodian Vacation for Can Can? Woo-hoo? ckb
from save-a-cow :
yeah, they're great! the Reverand is famous at my school. He's a "psychic", and he's hilarious, but unfortunatly he's doing time for dealing pot...
from save-a-cow :
Hey you are from Santa Cruz, huh? Actually I'm just assuming that because of your screen name...but, anyway, I'm from there too. Great place. Especially all the crazy people downtown...
from biscuitdino :
hello. I don't know much about you, but mom says that you are pretty great. If you had a CATbodia diary ring, I would be sure to join. Too bad though.
from lilpeanut80 :
hey girl! I am glad you are on diaryland now. This can be like group internet therapy. It will be great. I'm enthused. ckb

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