messages to scaredofdark:
(click here to add new message):

from kawaiinoir :
I used to be "nyriad" on this site. My writing/self have changed a bit but you might still want to read. :)
from final137 :
I see you became a member after all. Merry almost Christmas to you too..
from confusedpain :
Welcome to confusedpain. You can link us if you wish, but you're in no way required to. Just post as much as you want. I'll update the members list soon!
from fitofdestiny :
I just want to hug you.... *hugs*
from myluv4cory :
Hi, I was reading your diary, and I was wondering if you wanted to talk sometime. I'm sort of having this dilema where my best friend who is also ana, is deciding to ditch me and stop her ana ways! Aaw what a dilemna! Anyways take care, Amaris
from confusedpain :
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. You're welcome at Confusedpain. If you'd like your name on the members list, note me back, if not, I wont put it up.
from simplyrayne :
I gave you a few hugs hehe, because they're always nice. Hope you don't mind me adding you, you have a beautiful diary. Take care x
from bookbear :
hmm. I Love animals. Dogs are cool to, I just have him there because he's from Men in Black. MIB2.
from bertaet :
Love the site! I can't be scared of the dark. It's the only time I look skinny!
from reviews-only :
I can't find a link. Please link my site and I will then review you.
from candora :
I really didn't leave two notes, I clicked on a banner and it took me to a weird error page and I clicked the back button and it refreshed and copied the note and ... well, two wishes for a speedy recovery are better than one, so... nevermind... I did leave two notes, really I did (and hopefully at least one laugh :)
from candora :
I don't know much Spanish, but I'm really enjoying Gloria Estefan at the moment and hoping you feel a whole lot better real soon :)
from candora :
I don't know much Spanish, but I'm really enjoying Gloria Estefan at the moment and hoping you feel a whole lot better real soon :)
from confusedpain :
Hi! I'm a new diary for survivors of anything. If you've survived, you're welcome. We're an anonymous diary where you can come to vent, and no one has to know who you are unless you want them to. We also have a feature where you can become a regular member. If you plan on posting more than once, you have the option of having your name under the members list on the entry pages. All you have to do is leave a note and I'll put you in.
from knowthyenemy :
you had left a note on my dairy so I thought I'd return the favor =P ,I read some of your diary-you write beautifuly,hope your doing well;best of wishes xox jamie.
from fatalbreath :
I never seem to be doing well enough. ha. Anyway, I'm still reading your diary. Thanks for the note. ~Aly
from reviews-only :
Sorry about the delay for the review, I will for sure get to it within the week, maybe even tonight. Your on the pending list now. :) ~Pink
from xpermanent :
no problem <33
from bloodystains :
Thank you so much!!! : )
from bloodystains :
I was wondering if you would be willing to sign my cutter support petition. I know it sounds stupid, but after recieving an extremely rude not today regarding my cutting issue, I felt the need to do this. Your support is greatly needed! please help : )
from pink-circle :
Next chat: Monday at 7pm eastern time. I hope to see you there. >>Vote for the next writing workshop subject- there are a lot of great suggestions this time. :) Hope to hear from you. ~Pink
from pink-circle :
Have I told you that your layout is gorgous? Welcome to the circle! Congradulations on the joining of the ring, and offcially becoming a member! To make your bio page, go to the right hand part of the screen, and you'll see an option that says "add an entry." Things you should include in your bio page; Your name, A link to your diary or diaries if you have several, and maybe a short poem if you have one. Feel free to add in other things like what kind of music you like and such, but try to keep it simple. Hope you have a good day! ~Circle Counsil
from pink-circle :
Have I told you that your layout is gorgous? Welcome to the circle! Congradulations on the joining of the ring, and offcially becoming a member! To make your bio page, go to the right hand part of the screen, and you'll see an option that says "add an entry." Things you should include in your bio page; Your name, A link to your diary or diaries if you have several, and maybe a short poem if you have one. Feel free to add in other things like what kind of music you like and such, but try to keep it simple. Hope you have a good day! ~Circle Counsil
from pink-circle :
I found you because you're in a poetry diaryring. :) Funny how that works, eh? If you want to join, join the diaryring called circle. Upcoming Event: Diaryland Chat, thursday in the dl chat rooms. If you have not been in those chats yet, I advise you test it out - and make sure your browser settings allow you to view it. Thank you for your reply and your interest! ~Pink
from pink-circle :
{Circle Invite} Hey, I've noticed you're shown interest in poetry. The circle is a writers group, and we would like you to join. If you are interested, check out the site, and leave a note to this account. Thank you for your time. ~Circle Council
from apple-cutter : join my new SI site today and tell friends please!!! stop cutting/SI/meet people/
from chunkycow :
I've heard that small meals are better for you's just my problem is knowing when to stop. usually i go into a pointless binge or a b/p session. totally annoying because it means i either maintain or gain weight.
from cuttersclub :
Of course. Joined. <3.
from ginko :
Hola and welcome to the ringaddict diaryring!
from fatlinda :
Hi. Thanks for the note. :-)
from ls8fl :
hilo!!! guess who?
from silkscars :
Your never on anymore;; sweet. I love reading your diary. Talk to me if you need help;; 'kay? xoxoxoxoxo
from silkscars :
aww. It'll be okay. -snugs- I'm sure you'll be treated more tenderly know that they know. I'm always here for you.
from caspia :
Thanks for joining the ilovenerds diaryring!
from catz-eyes :
hiya, just wanted to say welcome and thank you for joining the 'Nightmares' diaryring. =^..^=
from im-a-freak :
Hey. Thanks for the idea. It doesn't work aswell as cutting, but it's worth a go. x0x
from darkenergy :
My friends are assholes. Sorry to lock you out, here's the user: Kill and pass: Me
from darkenergy :
Thanks for the note *hugs*
from darkenergy :
Thanks for the note *hugs*
from im-a-freak :
Sure, leave me a note with your email address and I'll send it to you...Love Katy x0x
from sevaowen :
Hey! This is Federica from Italy! How are you? I tried to reply to your last mail 2 or 3 times, but I got it back > <;; So I left a note here! I'm sorry for late, if you still want to talk, send me a mail or leave me a note! Kisses ++Fede++
from britta09 :
You are AMAZING and I LOVE YOU! I cut too and its CARAZZZY cuz i totally relate to alot of what u write...U have GREAT poems...I Love to write poems too, And I am a FROSH in high school...I would really like to chat with ya..U seem perrrtty awesome so dont be shy to IM me, Leave me a note, or drop an email...I am adding u to my favortie list...And I never add anyone too it...So ur just SPECIAL ;) ...Much Love gril...***BRITTA***
from flowerlaces :
So many thing I want to say, they can't possible fit in a small little note; can they? We're cut form the same cloth; girlface. Your first entry screams me, or maybe my whole diary screams you, I don't know.///But I do know I have found another that erases. Isn't it perfect; just to erase yourself into nothing; because then you'll finally be nothing; because then maybe you can finally get some sleep?? [[ I want to kiss your scars away. ]]

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