messages to shannonk:
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from gkoster :
yeah, notes aren't as good as that other thing that used to work. the email thingys or whatever they were. Anyhow. HELLO FROM DUBLIN. Sorry for shouting, but it's a long way away. Great recent entry about the "Yoga" shirt. Hope you're performing. That's some good shit.
from hebba :
Where ya been hiding? I miss your updates!
from mnvnjnsn :
Why is it no one but me uses your notes? Anyway, I'm only going to let you use "Swaddled Messiah" if you use it for your next book of poetry. "Crotchpoint" should be your *Nom de plume*. But only for True Crime novels and cookbooks.
from mnvnjnsn :
Yay! You have a banner! I clicked it just for you. Yay!
from mnvnjnsn :
I just checked out your bio at Hyena Comedy Institute. We *are* dopplegangers, except you have better teeth. Spooky!
from mnvnjnsn :
Did Katielea-b *really* hang out with Surreal Neil? Or is there some other Neil Diamond impersonator in the SF Bay Area? I'm dying to know. And that is a real rock star-- you should tell her (since she doesn't have her notes turned on). Hey, and I recently got back into product as well. Nothing sexier than coming to bed with blue cream all over your face.
from mnvnjnsn :
Oh, THAT'LL do!!!
from mnvnjnsn :
I will be releasing my geek findings at the end of the quarter. You would rank up there except for that whole "legitimate award" thingy. That's *so* not "Third Place Drum Major."
from mnvnjnsn :
My sister has three shows coming up, if you're really interested: Armagetiton at The Pound in SF on 7/18; Space Vacuum at The Stork Club in Oakland on 7/24; and Space Vacuum at Tempest in SF on 7/25. You should let me know how they are. They never do gigs when I'm in town.
from mnvnjnsn :
My boyfriend was a communications majot in college, which is funny because he never speaks. A belated thanks for filling out my survey. I wish I could edit the damn questions! I was so young when I wrote that. I cringe every time I read it. Thanks again.
from indie-snob :
hello there! i just added a review for the most recent New Pornographers album, which features Neko Case as a band member and thought you may be interested. I have lots of other concert and album reviews there too. check it out! thanks!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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