messages to silvaciv:
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from cnotefwb77 :
Oh! I was wondering who that stranger was!!! Good to know... I'll go look at your page now. :)
from cnotefwb77 :
Here's the URL - Hopefully that'll get ya to it. :)
from cnotefwb77 :
Have a great first day of school!! And congrats on reaching 2 years with your boyfriend. It sounds like you guys still like each other.....and after 2 years, that's an accomplishment!! :)
from thaichic :
I'm still reading too. :)
from cnotefwb77 :
I'm reading!! I've finally started to get caught up on some diaries - and Im caught up on yours - so keep writing!
from thaichic :
Thanks for the information on nursing. I'll look into it. As for having a friend like your "psycho" one, just kidding, I don't think I have one but have had one. You're not being mean. You're giving him obvious hints you are not interested and he's taking advantage of your friendship by persuing it more and more. What kind of friend pursues another when they know they're taken? My advice, stop the friendship all together, but I don't know all the details. You two could have a past and just breaking it off is easy for me to say, you know. Good luck. I hope everything works out.
from thaichic :
I would love information on nursing! Thank you so much. I just don't know where to start. Really thank you!
from thaichic :
So you're going to be 23? Woohoo! Congrats! Well early congrats. That's awesome you're doing your masters at your age. We need more women like you around my town.
from cnotefwb77 :
Hey girl! I just wanted to let you know that I had to change my diary - in case you didn't know already. My new diary is cnotefwb77 and the password is the same as the old one. And I'm currently trying to catch up on's really hard when you don't have a computer in your room! but anyway, hope you can keep to you later!
from thaichic :
Hey girl, this is Silverscorp. I moved to thaichic.
from cnotefwb :
Hey there! I think you were talking to me in your last entry - am I right? Well, if so, then I'd love feedback. And thank you very much for your concern. If you weren't talking to me then I'll just be completely embarrassed and there will be nothing I can do about it. :)
from cnotefwb :
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm locking up my diary for a little bit. If you would like the password - just send me and email at [email protected]. Thanks!
from silverscorp :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites. I have added you and look forward to getting to know you. Hope your wedding weekend was fabulous! Take care ~ Jen

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