messages to son-of-man:
(click here to add new message):

from strippedmind :
hello,i like what you said about the ladies. im not gettin any either but that might be because i like men. hmmmmmm.... dont do it the internet comes up with normal people, who are just not weird enough. have a peechy keenish day, brittany
from capt-jim :
Hosannah Hosannah, you're back!
from punkhippy :
He he. Is good. Me like.
from vanoonoo :
hi :)
from aprilinparis :
I came here for one man. Simple as that, and his name was a three letter word. I am leaving now to live my life. I want to see him again, in the flesh. And he is the only one who will cross my bridge. Good to see you.
from nakedpride :
You are the best diary ever. And even though I don't believe in your father, I still think your diary is awesome.
from souldoubtnow :
err, i think this idea has been done before? yers is better though, but as far as shock value (if that's what yer going for)...well, that's a no.
from rice-milk :
you are one twisted lad :p

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