messages to souldream:
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from greenpearl8 :
souldream, I've enjoyed reading what you've written for a while and was very happy to see that you had come back, but I went to read your latest update and you had locked it. Will you give me the password?
from candora :
I am inspired by your positivity :)
from annieangel2 :
Thank you for adding me to your favorites! Check out my diaryring Bohemian.
from ciulionn :
You're on the right path. You're an amazing person whose heart and mind and soul deserve to be celebrated and protected. Keep believing. *love to you*
from ciulionn :
Hi! My favorite bar/hang-out spot is the Thin Man on 17th between Race & Vine. It's a small bar with no juke box, no pool tables, no television, no pitchers of beer. Very laid-back, old school, Speak Easy type of a place where the bartenders remember your name and you end up knowing at least five new people by the close of the evening. It's great for the intellectual misfits of the world, e.g. ME. I work for myself now so I'm free anytime that's convenient for you, except for this weekend when I'll be in San Francisco. Just let me know! You can email me at [email protected]. :)
from ciulionn :
Wow... I'm so flattered by your note. Your entries sound sooo familiar. I don't know how much of my diary you read, but I also left the high-stress corporate rat race last year and have spent the time relaxing, spending every dime of my savings, playing, selling everything of value that I worked so hard to attain, and just getting back to *me*. It's an amazing journey, not all of it pleasant, but all of it necessary. Anyway, I'll be reading your diary, and if you'd like to get together for a drink sometime, I'll show you my favorite hang-out spot in Denver.

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