messages to squatter66:
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from artofliving :
dude!! you take those shots, kitty kat!! Have a rip-snorting good time too because you only have so much longer to be laying on the bathroom floor because you're drunk until you're laying on the bathroom floor because you broke a hip...handle it, woman! p.s., you TOTALLY get the super-mom award for the month for being up at 1 a.m. and baking...TOTALLY-THE-BOMB!! smooches
from artofliving :
thank you so much for understanding. i was so worried that i was doing the wrong thing but i've stopped worrying because i realize now that if i am, and this doesn't work, so what? i know i'm strong enough to leave and be totally fucking great now. i had to prove that to myself.
from artofliving :
it's been a motherfucker of a day for me too girl...let's leave.
from artofliving :
at least you were smart enough to pull the car over. I would have caused a MASSIVE ACCIDENT trying to get the bee out from under my ass. I so wish you could have seen those kids faces. OH! and that bastard, "What's she on?" ugh!!! I have good news! my brother is coming back from CAlifornia for a week for my birthday! you let me know if you wanna come party with us!
from artofliving :
Sweetness, thank you for updating
from artofliving :
omigod about the 40 hour long distance call. let's see, if it's .05 cents a minute and there's 60 minutes in an hour....hehehe!! i'm jsut joking! i'm sure everything will be fine!
from artofliving :
by the way, the youngest would usually get in bed with us in the middle of the night. i'm very annoyed by that and for a while worried that it was awful of me to be annoyed by her wanting to sleep by us but i am anyway. I talked to her about it every morning and explained to her that now that she's a big girl, she has to sleep in her own bed until she grows up and gets married. she was cool with that and now she only comes during thurnderstorms. She usually hops in bed with us when she gets up in the morning but i did that too when i was little.
from artofliving : i know!! I'm indescribably dissappointed that after almost 21 years of life on this planet, the only nickname I have acquired is "B.L.T Lady". Why couldn't I get something like "Hot Smart Girl" or like..."Tater Salad" something that at least kinda sounded cool. sigh. What if I die tomorrow and am only remembered for that one goddamn sandwich that I ordered.
from artofliving :
it's been rough lately, love. I'm fine, though. Thank you so much for checking. I have to go check on you now and see if you have updated. xoxox
from maeve-arie :
But he DID change Iron Chef. And he came to bed with you because he knew you were upset...he just didn't know what to do for you because most of the time guys don't know what to say. Sorry, I know this is your place to vent...take what I say with a grain of salt and feel free to tell me my info isn't welcome. :) Maeve
from artofliving :
oh dear. How I love your tales from work. "piss" on "Kathy". Because "who" the "hell" spells "kathy" with a "k"? ya "know"?
from artofliving :
oh shit...i dont know how i did that. i'm very sorry. now dont i look ocd?
from artofliving :
hahaha!!! YOUR shopping cart story was fucking awesome! don't feel bad about leaving it in that kids yard, somebody laughed about it, believe me...i know i would've! i got a great mental picture of a bunch of people running across the street with a buggy full of beer and giggling! it made me smile and for that, i thank you!
from maeve-arie :
Good luck.
from maeve-arie :
Take it from a girl who used to work in a factory printing isn't about you. Porn is an addiction, just like smoking...just like drinking. *Disclaimer: No medical background for this, it is just my opinion, take it as you will :) * Think of it like this. As relationships get older one becomes accustomed and comfortable. Intimacy grows more regular and consistent. Now lets say you were single, would you be happy masturbating to the same fantasy for the rest of your life? Probably not, it takes a change of pace, the thrill of something new to make it exciting, and sex is that, exciting. Your husband loves you, more than any prepubsecent teen spread, or raunchy fetish video. You are his cornerstone and he needs you to help him with this. A little therapy for addiction? Or work it into your love life...instead of bolting back to the bedroom after finding him alone, go help him out! Ask him what turns him on about the images, and then harness that energy back into your own bed! Sex is all about openess and the ability to communicate desire...understand his need for change and arousal and he will come to you, shut him down and he will become more distant. Love to the waitresses! Have a great day! *Disclaimer: Once again this is just my opinion and a bit of history with the subject*
from artofliving :
OH! xoxoxo times infinity! it's so weird!! i'm going thru the same fucking thing!! last night, as a matter of fact, i woke up to find him missing and when i found was obvious. it happens ALL the time like that! try to understand though, it isn't about us. as hard as that is to believe, it isn't. if you want to talk more about this, e-mail me...i'm wary about discussing such things on note boards. [email protected]
from artofliving :
love, i understand how shitty that makes you feel...i have a cell phone full of the same kinds of people and i call them affectionately "friends". It will only get better after you do, indeed, kick their ass. until then, gorgeous. p.s. they really are much nicer after you punch them square in the jaw.
from artofliving :
HAHAHA!! i just read your entry!! you poor thing! i was once very drunk when leaving a seedy little bar that i wasn't supposed to be anywhere NEAR and i backed into a car in the parking lot. (there were no goddamn lights, i tell you!) i TOTALLY fucked it up. i couldnt look at it but i made everybody in the car go look and report back to me. when i finally did get the courage to look, it was my ex's car!! we broke up because he lved that car more than anything in the world and it was utterly obnoxious! needless to say, we laughed so hard we almost didnt get out by the time he came out to see why his alarm was going off!
from artofliving :
thank you for your concern. i'm okay in the big scheme of things i has just gotten to the point where re-evaluation is overdue in some areas of my life. i am very sad that this is something i have to do, but i would rather do it and find the truth than ignore it and get hurt again. thank you! I MISS YOUR UPDATES, DARLING!
from artofliving :
it saddens me when you don't update but i absolutely loved your entry...i used to be a waitress favorite was a guy who ordered "fah-gi-ties". to english speaking people, this translates to fajitas...
from artofliving :
thank you for snooping. it makes me feel nice!! =)is your diary locked? i can't seem to get into it. if it is, i would love the password if you dont mind.
from say-good-bi :
ty for taking my boobies survey ( o )( o )

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