messages to steviek:
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from iseemonsters :
hello there. this is your new biggest fan. can i have your autograph or perhaps just one night of groupie fun?
from tv-dinners :
sorry, stevie. it's a bit much for me right now. i'm still reading, but the writing... it's a long story full of heartache and stupidity; i'll tell you eventually maybe, if we're on IM at the same time. for now, over and out.
from lyds5 :
Hey, thanks for the nice note. I've been checkin you out too, now. Sounds like stress abounds! And the Sims are seriously taking over my free time. I just really, really have to get all the promotions. Please help me.
from tv-dinners :
Re: Livin' Large: Love that vibrating heart-shaped bed. Once, I left a couple of my Sims alone for about 6 hours, then came back and found 6 children with nowhere to sleep (they were taking turns using the couch and fainting onto the ground). LOL.
from tv-dinners :
wow! talk about coincidence. i've been listening to Blur all week. i got my first subscription issue of Bust in the mail. and my cousin gave me BtVS season 2 on DVD for an early bday present!
from tv-dinners :
bourne identity! so you saw my British guy, the next good Bond--Clive Owen, whom you may have also seen in Gosford Park. Mmm, Clive.
from tv-dinners :
ooh la la. venice? i ought to get out of glendale more often. and i think i'll even see bubble boy (hey, what's the good of having a netflix account if you don't use it to watch movies you'd normally never see?)
from tv-dinners :
ohhh. i finally watched donnie darko on dvd. so good. i'm going to have to watch everything jake gyllenhaal has been in/will be in. i put the "Mad World" video on repeat for an hour while i was typing online. plus, have you seen pictures of richard kelly? he should be on both sides of that camera, really...
from redapple :
i was outed by a family member. it was scary and i'm still not sure what to do, but thanks for asking. and rivers? i know, who does he think he is, neil young?
from tv-dinners :
Yeah, I've read Mona in the Promised Land. Love it. I started Gish Jen's book of short stories but I'm not sure I got all the way through. I haven't read any Murakami but I've read a few of Banana Yoshimoto's books. I'm stuck on Asleep, I actually keep dozing off during that one, no matter how good it is.
from kittyhead :
I've updated!
from frootjoos :
I wonder what Buffy will do for money now. I mean, they didn't clear-cut the Buffy-quits-DMP scene, but I find it hard to believe that the Slayer would go crawling back to them. I also find it hard to believe that they would let her stay after her little vanishing act. If they'd let "The Doctor" get away with his get-rich-quick scheme, they wouldn't be in this mess. Okay, so a few small countries would get chomped to bits. But at least Buffy wouldn't have to come home smelling like the undead.
from frootjoos :
howdy, fellow flakstress. thanks for checking out my diary. i'm glad to see you've changed your diary design; much better than the ol' templates!
from riatsala :
So I love the redesign. Oh, and isn't the rhyme "that's when friends were nice / to think of them just makes you feel nice" frickin' brilliant?
from linaynay24 :
ay, what part of chicago land are you from?? stop by my page.
from riatsala :
Yup, I think your diary's pretty cool. Thanks for stopping by mine!
from toothbrush :
Thank you for what you wrote in your profile about me! It's so nice when people actually say something nice and substantial instead of the standard "brusha brusha" and numerous references to oral hygiene -- although I'm still happy either way that they read what I write. I shall definitely delve into your diary soon!
from harvardlsd :
nice choices: sedaris, shins, bowie... you rock!

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