messages to tearheartout:
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from job23-10 :
Hey, this is Job23-10 just droppin in to say high. Just makin some friends since a lotta people seem to need them. Read my diary at job23-10. Thanx
from sparklejaxie :
hey hey - thanks for the nice note! :) I'm from Upstate NY - Albany area, most specifically, Schenectady. :) (BORING!!) Went to school at SUNY Purchase last year though. THAT was interesting. ;) I find it interesting that you want to go into Creative Arts Therapy. One of my friends suggested I look into that for my own career - how weird is that!! And yes, you do look like Mena Suvari. There is one picture though where you actually reminded me of Brittany Murphy, whom I love and think is so beautiful. Maybe it was just the look. Or maybe I'm just a tad obsessive. :D heheheheh. Anyhow, I'll look forward to reading ya. :) I'll add you onto my buddylist 'cause hey, New Yorkers are fantastic. :)
from euphorically :
i am really glad you like my diary. you don't have to pay to get layouts (though some very experienced people may charge, but usually not.) often you have to host the images you use, eg put them on your computer somewhere. its best to search diaryland for templates, which is basically the name for layouts. lots of people design them and you just use them.
from false-apathy :
Hm, you're so pretty (I saw your pictures). Thanks for stopping by my diary, it's nice to know that people do come by.
from fatally0urs :
haha, thanks for the note! I am in love with your diary. That song made me smile! :] Haha.
from kellyssecret :
Thanks for reading my diary...I know its lame. I read your's, your last entry about your smoking habit, I guess, if it was me I would try my best to quit. I understand its hard believe me, just know that he does this because he loves you and cares about you...there is no other reason why he would want to torture you into quitting. Kelly keep reading.
from tearheartout :
You will leave me a note, won't you? Don't waste your life in a sugarcoma.

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