messages to teop:
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from zeroreverb7 :
thank you for the note you lovely woman...I had oreos the other day too...imagine that...Love and Peace
from breadisdead :
thank you for the lovely note! yahoo. the real world is just a program on MTV right?...a little internet wave to you from northern ireland XO
from zeroreverb7 :
Thank you isnt sufficient but thank you for the lovely notes. I think you are quite possibly the most beautiful soul in the universe....reallllly...Hugs Hugs Love and Peace
from floodtide :
Hey, darlin' - just locked for ten days or so while I'm out of town. Back around Jan 9 or so, and you're not missing anything 'cause I'm not updating. Merry Christmas! And much love, ft
from pandionna :
Thank you, dear Teop! I have to say, I really admire your telling your friend how you felt. That takes courage. I don't think I could do it. I've been crushing on a co-worker for MONTHS now and about fell over yesterday when he patted me on the arm, but I just can't let anything show to him. (Although he may know, anyway. Long story, one I won't bore you with.) That you let your friend know speaks volumes about you, and how much heart you have. As for your Latin lover, you GO girl! ;-)
from vancookie :
dearest teop, i'm here. i'm fine. no lovers, just my right hand. ongoing battle for my soul, my time, and my attention has my job winning and my diarying losing. my drinking winning, my money-saving losing. my weight-gain winning, my sex-life losing. same as usual, just less verbose. i'll be back. recent communiques from girlsdontcry, jennyj, and now you are waking me up. thanks for it. xxx.
from zeroreverb7 :
love to you peace
from pandionna :
No sweat, Teop! D-land is funny sometimes.
from seastreet :
You must have missed the "PSYCH!" at the bottom of that page. OF COURSE I didn't vote for Nader. I'd give you my password, but it's looking more and more like I'm going to depart Diaryland altogether, and I haven't added anything to seastreet since I locked it this morning (due to possible stalker issues.) I'll be offline for a couple days, in any case. I hope you're having a good time down there, enjoying the movies a few months late, and doing whatever it is people do for fun in Venezuala!
from seastreet :
Were you referring to the Licht Judicial Complex? Heh! That's what I love most about RI- it's like they took all of America's most gorgeous architecture and crammed it into the smalles state.
from seastreet :
Nice girls DO do that sort of thing on occasion, or so they tell me. (I guess I don't know any nice girls. Hee!)
from floodtide :
Thank you, sweet friend - for the dedication, the note, for your generous and loving friendship. I am thinking of you as you prepare for your adventure. Much love, ft
from seastreet :
I am allegedly a Playboy. Random Gentle Sex Master. Ha! Anyway, if you happen to obtain an account, my handle is seastrada.
from breadisdead :
given the chance i would probably make lots of fun of someone for calling Pop Idol :D ..but you made it seem cool. yay you.
from vancookie :
try wowsah yowsah
from seastreet :
My condolences on Opal's untimely passing.
from floodtide :
Yeehah! TEOP's 39! Happy happy birthday you beautiful brilliant wonderful friend. Today we celebrate that you were born, that we are lucky enough to have you in our lives. Damn I wish I could hug you in person. And I was really punched in the gut by the Venezuela news. I am happy for you but bewildered! Can't wait for the details. Much much much much love, flood
from doomedboy :
thank you so much and thanks to your cat. i will take your good advice, you are beautiful teop. -doomed
from seastreet :
Congrats! Where overseas do you favor? And thank you so much for the eloquent note. I'm feeling much better now, and in no small part because of nice people such as yourself.
from floodtide :
Congratulations on the successful turducken - I haven't yet gotten up the nerve to try to make one of my own. Much bigger and more heartfelt congratulations on the composition of such a beautiful, honest, extraordinary poem. Biggest and most loving congratulations of all for having the courage to get up and present it publically. Sounds like you did so successfully, with beauty and grace and class. I am so proud of you, and so happy for you. I only wish I had been there to see and hear. Much love, flood
from breadisdead :
i haven't read "Diary", YET..CAN'T WAIT! Girlfriend, not that i know anything about anything, but you are so cool for seizing the opportunity and having lunch with that guy. For reals. You do the coolest stuff. Salut!
from breadisdead :
dude! josh ritter AND damien rice! my heart pangs for you! oh to be in the discovering stages of such lovely music again! ..maybe you might be interested in The Frames. happy listening :D ..also, i just reread "Choke", i want to learn it off by heart! daaaaaamn he's good.
from floodtide :
Hey, Beautiful - I lost all my e-mail addresses in the computer "upgrade." Would you please e-mail me yours again? I have something I want to send you. Much love, me
from breadisdead :
you are wahey too classy to not add to my favourite list- may i? it's nice, we like lots of the same things, yiiippeeee.
from dumb-john :
"Shall I part my hair behind? Dare I eat a peach? / I shall wear my trousers rolled and walk along the beach. / I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. / I do not think they sing to me." then something, something, something, some other lines I don't remember; and then the last line: "'Till human voices wake us, and we drown."
from dumb-john :
I've got an angry inch!
from thisuser :
Thanks for your note. :) And thanks for posting your thoughts also.
from floodtide :
Your eating-disorders entry was beautiful, powerful, honest, beautiful, and beautiful. I'm glad you shared all that, and glad that your diary led me to mr. perceptions. Two gifts in one. Glad you're back more regularly these days; I always miss you when you're gone. Love, me
from floodtide :
Your eating-disorders entry was beautiful, powerful, honest, beautiful, and beautiful. I'm glad you shared all that, and glad that your diary led me to mr. perceptions. Two gifts in one. Glad you're back more regularly these days; I always miss you when you're gone. Love, me
from damn-reviewz :
Hey I was just wondering if you would like to be reviewed? Let me know! -Amanda- :)
from seastreet :
I scored Economic Left/Right: -5.88, Authoritarian/Libertarian: -7.95. So yes, we're pretty close neighbors, although I guess you're slightly more likely than I am to vote for Ralph Nader, and I'm a tiny bit more likely to smoke pot at an orgy. Although, it seems, not much. :)
from floodtide :
Happy birthday, beautiful! I didn't read yesterday, just found out this morning - I'm so sorry I didn't know to send greetings on the actual day. Damn, damn, damn. So: happy greetings and much love a day late. I am thinking of you. ft
from xcitada :
I'm only a freshman in college. You seem very interesting and perhaps a little wise. It's always nice to read writing like yours.
from floodtide :
Hey, Beautiful. Sorry I've taken so long to respond to your note. I'd LOVE to work at Oregon Shakes, and I have met (and auditioned for) the casting director, David, a couple of times. He is a sweetheart, believe me. He likes me and my work, and I like him, so he's said flat-out that he'd like to have me there someday. (One of my NCSA students had been a protege of his, and he confirmed that David loves me. Nice to hear that it was said behind my back.) But they're a resident company and new openings are extremely scarce, with lots of actors hoping for spots. Someday, perhaps, I'll get there, and we can meet in person. Come back and write more, please! Love, Flood.
from floodtide :
I'M so glad YOU'RE back online, because I have missed YOUR writing so much. I'm so glad you're back! God, I have missed you. Sorry about the cannabilistic mice. Love, me.
from floodtide :
Hey, Beautiful - I loved your entry about the mouse. But then I love all your entries. I really did miss you while you were away. Have a wonderful holiday break, and a Merry Christmas; I will be thinking of you (and missing you again). Travel safe. Love, Flood
from floodtide :
Hoo, boy - did I miss you while you were gone! I'm glad you're back... Love, Flood.
from floodtide :
Hey - Thanks for your lovely note. Is that from a song? I always think of it as what Former-Chief-Inspector Dreyfuss says over and over in "The Pink Panther Strikes Again." You're more song-literate than I am. Congrats again on the closing. More soon. Love, Flood.
from floodtide :
from floodtide :
Hey, sweetie - Do what you WANT to do: gift yourself that gift. If you want this house then you can't let yourself be swayed by concerns that aren't really about YOU and YOUR LIFE, no matter how real or large those concerns are. Sweet beautiful little girls sad to see you leave? Very real, and in fact very large, but not about your life and the quality thereof. Sewer line cracks? Very real, and very large, and possibly very expensive, but not necessarily related to house age. Give up some travel options for a year or two while you get the house in shape? Just might be worth it in the long run. Give yourself an ENVIRONMENT; I have a feeling that having a nest is important to you. And charm and comfort go a long way in making a nest. If the costs of getting the house secure prove prohibitive, then keep looking. But newer houses are sometimes so shoddily built that they don't really wind up saving you any money. Oy, enough; I don't know anything about buying houses. I just don't think that these are insurmountable obstacles worth backing down for. Let me know...
from thisuser :
Hey, your entry really spoke to me, all that stuff about being tired of ones current situation, but still not able to or not ready to make a change. I can relate. Damn, it makes me wonder what I would be like if I was born rich. Hmm, you�ve seen the musical fiddler on the roof right? In the song �If I where a rich man.� The singer speaks about what he would do if he was rich and in one part he says. �All day long I�d � dee dee�� (He starts making up nonsense words because he really can�t think of what he would do all day if here where rich.) That, is both funny and kind of touching I thought. I can�t quite put my finger on why. Of even for that matter why I brought it up. Oh, yeah, jobs take up time and keep us busy, and bills keep us working. But idle hands are the devils workshop right? Sometimes I think that although I tell myself I�d spend my riches on self improvement and bettering society, in actuality I would probably do little more then visit a few friends from out of town, take pals out to eat, sleep late, buy things I don�t need, drink to much. And ultimately be just as discontent with my lot in life. Oh and your comments about the importance of music to you was, well interested me. I sadly have never developed that appreciation. Not the extent that you seem to. I was raised in a rather strict religious environment where we where discouraged from listening to secular music. As a result of that I really wasn�t exposed to the wide range of music out there. All I heard was religious hymns we sang at church. (We weren�t allowed to watch TV or listen to the radio.) So, well I left the church at the age of 17 but I seem to have never quite developed the ability to appreciate music the same way those around me have. The closes thing to it is the fact that in the few times I have been in long term relationships I have started to gradually appreciate the songs that the girl I am seeing liked. But, always when the relationship ends, the songs become painful to hear, like I feel depression sweep over me when I hear them. Argh. Anyway!!! Sorry about this long message, but your entry is touchingly honest and open and invoke this from me. Keep writing I am really enjoying reading.
from thisuser :
Hey! Thanks for the "Wow" that made me happpy! Um, I'm reading your diary and the "tech support tech support!" line cracked me up - you saw vanillia sky right? When I saw that in the movie I was like - I can totally relate. Oh and "Someone earlier today asked how I was doing as I walked by...."fine" I replied, but fine is just another way of saying F*!#ing Inarticulacy Never Ends." is right on. I like your diary also! :)
from thisuser :
Hey! Thanks for the "Wow" that made me happpy! Um, I'm reading your diary and the "tech support tech support!" line cracked me up - you saw vanillia sky right? When I saw that in the movie I was like - I can totally relate. Oh and "Someone earlier today asked how I was doing as I walked by...."fine" I replied, but fine is just another way of saying F*!#ing Inarticulacy Never Ends." is right on. I like your diary also! :)

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