messages to trancelation:
(click here to add new message):

from xbrokendollx :
hi, i just wanted to say that i switched my diary due to complications, to cats-scratch, feel to love that diary as well
from srch-n-dstry :
Do as the prompt tells you to do and remember: Search And Destroy.
from avasays :
My tear glands just rock out (lol) Good entry.
from avasays :
good times, noodle salad.
from soulsurvivor :
ingredients: caffeine, paxil, nicotine. shake well. you're better than even that.
from musikpol :
hey~ could u go to my site and take my pollz, it only takes like 5 minz or probaly less.. thanx so much!
from avasays :
So, when I played softball I sucked really bad. I mean really bad. And my dad used to get so frusterated and red in the face when I would get up to bat, just knowing he was there made it impossible to hit the f'ing ball. He called me Ray Charles at bat. How's that for self esteem? lol.
from xbrokendollx :
i do like cool musik, and do so u obviously:) did u go to the NOFX show this summer?
from zoestylee :
*sssshhh* don't tell anyone this but the right side of your face is cute...
from avasays :
Happy Thursday! I was going to leave a sexy message from your secret admirer, but alas! It automatically puts my name up. So happy Thursday!
from yourheroine :
you're great .nods. yes.
from xbrokendollx :
yr silly for thinking im hot. but thank you ever so much. compliments make my world go round
from xbrokendollx :
why would u think iam hot? booya! u added me to yr favourites list, i like being someones favourite.
from zoestylee :
holy cow! you must be psychic cause you (so far?) have scored highest on my quiz about me. unless you are a stalker. unless you follow me around everywhere i go, watching my every move, peeping into my window, hiding cameras in my kitchen. aha! i've found you out! busted!
from xbrokendollx :
u live in portland? u ove my best friend, grrrl razor, i was reading yr diary over her shouldar and i thought u absolutely rocked. kevin smith-we love him-we rule
from avasays :
I know, I know, I bombard your notes section. Just a quick one: if you left I would be sad. So please don't. And I've yet to discover why you are a loser, though we haven't known each other long I am starting to suspect that are you are, in fact, not one. FAKER. Piss off. lol.
from avasays :
from zoestylee :
hmmm, found you cause you read henry rollins. just wanted you to know i have a gay nurse mom too. peace <3
from avasays :
I am still laughing my ass off about the novelty letter from the gay mom. You simply crack me up. Can you believe the doctor situation? I have fallen asleep and landed in a special kind of hell. A prescription for church! I just keep saying that, shaking my head. Nice new layout. Much better. Keep writing, I love it.
from genesis-nc :
Congratulations, on being a real person :) None of that, "Today I washed my cat and took a nap. At around noon I called my mom." bullshit. Thanks for helping me feel a little normal :) This note is probably weirding you out, so I'm going to shut up now.

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