messages to viciousoreo:
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from snugbug69 :
Yeah, still alive. Just in a really bad spot right now. -Em
from hannahgirly :
Hey Tory, are you still going on RAGBRAI? I know you are in Oregon right now having fun not working and not being in Ankeny, but the only other people I know who are going are all middle aged, balding men (aka, my uncles and my dad). I need a pal to ride along with me!! Let me know hun! I miss talking to you by the way chica!
from nostarlight :
wow, talk about a tear jerker. i've never forgotten all that but boy, i hadn't thought about it in a long time. It's amazing that we could make something like that up. I miss those barbies really. It was rather fun, if not perverted and soooo over our heads. I think, if I remember right, it was "S.T." don't ask why we decided on that for what we were going to call sex, but that's what it was. Someday, i'm going to pull out those barbies and actually play with them again. Lol, that'll be a funny day. And I totally agree with the last paragraph. FOrever and Always. Allie. ((or Kiwi, as the last Barbie-of-Allie was called))
from tasu :
its true. We remember what happened to Mr Bojangles. I dont care if I mispelled that- I never knew how
from tasu :
Hi there dollface. I misses you Times a magillion plus ten
from modernapollo :
You're my favorite hello, You're my favorite good bye, You're my favorite smile, And my favorite cry, You're my favorite night, You're my favorite day, You're my favorite tomorrow, And my favorite yesterday, You're my favorite hit, You're my favorite miss, You're my favorite touch, And my favorite kiss, You're my favorite winter, You're my favorite spring, You're the best of all worlds, You're my favorite everthing.

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