messages to zerobucks:
(click here to add new message):

from mangoshy :
i was in gainesville and st augustine (FLA) this past weekend for my friend's badn's show. they did this huge puppet show of vikings vs pirates. total DIY. i thought about you kris - well and i thought i'd tell you. p.s. come visit florida. thank you,dannii
from nations :
hi kris jorgensen, this is jenn nations. i just got back from spain and wanted to say hi, but i don't know your email address and forgot to ask kari. my email is [email protected]. p.s. i did splits with sister cara tarullo who is currently serving in my home ward. she goes home this week, but she asked about you and wanted to say hi too. hasta pronto
from joloppy :
im living in raleigh --we need to hang out like 4reals .. isaac
from stupidmuffin :
dear kris, merry christmas. love & rockets, kelsey p.s. i hope you and kari got some matching clothes for christmas so you look even more like twins.
from sickidivall :
Kris- I like your professor. While you are in florida, say hi to my parents. They are there this weekend too. love Rachelle
from vesselland :
hey! just came across through a link on theearthfish diary and wanted to say hello. maybe i�ll step by from time to time. anna
from adelie :
kris, you're never going to believe this: i met this dude from bowie, maryland last night. his name is steve and he is 24 and he was in our stake. he was friends with the escolopios. remember aaron? he was the drummer for good charlotte until recently!!! weird.
from quentincaddy :
oh kris how i missed you. we used to make great music together. email me at [email protected]
from paperfriend :
that was my favorite entry of yours.
from sleepynoise :
i enjoy reading your diary. it's lovely.
from firecircle :
hi kris
from mrbelvedere :
hi kris. i am glad you are writing more frequently these days. from, the real jobless chris.
from s-j-crumb :
i liked the staple entry - you are such a good writer kris
from kimhardy :
dear kris, i was the last one to leave you a note. i think that is kinda wierd. oh well. i am at work just playing on the internet. actually i am talking to a guy in IM who is sitting in the same room as me. i think that is kinda funny.
from kimhardy :
dear kris, how are you? how is your job working out? have you ever wanted to teach high school? think about it. let me know what you think about high school teachers in general. i might be one someday soon.
from kermitp :
kris. you still rock. THE REAL KERMIT!
from virtu :
wow. I really liked your entry today. The one about the light-rectangle. It seemed so pretty to me, somehow
from mrbelvedere :
dear jobles kris. thank you for the numerous shout outs. from a differen jobless chris.
from kimhardy :
dear kris, i was glad to hear from karl that you are still alive. i am glad to hear from you that you are going to peace rallies. i am glad that you decided to go to grad school. how is the application process going? i don't think i am going to get into BYU because i didn't get all the letters of recomendation that i needed. i am moving back to texas this summer. will you please come and visit me? i will let you use my swimming pass to barton springs. kim
from zoodude :
from theearthfish :
Chris what is the story with you and Washington? Get back to me on this one. Tata NO hard feelings, don't live in the past and stew over small irrelevant things Life happens, accept that. Kermit
from theearthfish :
How long are you going to quivvle and snivvle about the shower thing? We didn't do it on purpose to hurt you or to lock you out of your house, we did it because we wanted privacy, and your hate and your small indiscrepencies are only alluticating how irritable your behaviour is right now. Quit crying, I am not going to apologize, I am not going to say I am sorry, because I already did, I forgive myself, and you can't forgive me, but rather you stew over it, come on man, wake up, wake up. Your grim reality is starting to fade. I still want to be friends, why can't you forgive me? You know I am not hiding anything from you, yes I love amber, yes we do sexual things, yes we shower together, yes, we are happy, Choas Kermit
from kimhardy :
i am still confussed about your art exhibit
from sickidivall :
I am going through reading peoples diary notes.
from textsiberia :
I got a job at a dining facility on campus and now I work in the coffee bar there making lil expresso drinks with special foams. I kind've miss being jobless in Provo though and how good Betos was when we sold clothes to get it. Oh for the days when I could only see money in terms of bean burritos. And cilantro, and green sauce. I don't even know what that stuff was.
from viciouskitty :
hey, I really like your diary. I sorta stumbled acrossed it on a random name search and I really thought your username was interesting. So, um, you seem pretty cool and stuff, and i can't think of anything else to say... my diary can be found by searching for viciouskitty if you ever wanna check it out...

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