To Aid An_ Cage

you can never really know, but I can only try to tell you. I live here and you live forever in the opposite direction, with mountains of subjectivity in between. Read me, write me, learn me, know me, love me, hate me, feel me, teach me, and I will live.

My favorite diaries:

film-grrl profile - diary

My favorite music:

Jeff Buckley
comments: He changed/saved my life/mind, and I am an avid fan and collector of what he left.
Tom Waits
comments: Wow, and now never not listening again.
Joni Mitchell
comments: I'm torn up inside because of what she has given me in depth of emotion and comprehension.

My favorite movies:

comments: The first film that made me say, 'This medium deserves some attention.' I still like the way it comes around.
Apocolypse Now Redux
comments: It isn't only because I saw this in the theatres on mushrooms that I like it so much. The concept of the journey that is folded into our minds is aleviated through the viewing of this piece.
Blue Velvet
comments: This gave me the right feeling I would want to receive from cinema. When else can you imagine yourself breaking into a crazier plot? The first time in is the best. mommy...
The Conversation
comments: I don't think I can say very much about this film. It left me so speechless, I can only ask, "Who started this conversation anyhow?"
Donnie Darko
comments: Until I listened to the shitty director's commentary and realised it was more flukey than fate, I really thought this was pushing a deeper level out of existence. A good flick no less.

My favorite authors:

Dennis Johnson
comments: I started with Jesus' Son, and just got hooked. He is brilliant, but take in small doses. The way he writes is hypnotic.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
comments: HE was the first beat who really struck it home for me. I fell into a beating universe, when I read Coney Island of the Mind, and I liked it so much there I decided to stay.
Fyodor Dosteyevsky
comments: I'm looking at things differently now and it's kind of worrying me. You really should read at least one of his books. C'mon!
David Eddings
comments: Nothing can compare to spending the most important time of your neotenous incubationary childhood with your head shoved so far up a fantasy series that your mind bleeds metaphor. When did reality start?
Stephen King
comments: I've read a few of his books, and I've heard mixed things about his work socially, but I like the way he captures characters inside their own heads. Freaky!

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last updated: 2011-11-23 15:49:51
this user's total entries: 495
user since: 2000-12-16

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