

My favorite diaries:

contradict profile - diary
comments: unang basa ko. kaya nga ako nagdiary ditrix eh.

My favorite music:

cranberries, carpenters
comments: anything about war, death and children. i love.
sarah m., jewel, tori a, enya, bjork
comments: extraordianry. airy. soulful. new age. i could die the next minute.
pearl jam, nirvana
comments: since daughter. before the suicide.
barbie's cradle, 10,000 maniacs, tracy chapman
comments: suburban sound with sensibility and femininity
smashing pumpkins
comments: you badddddd!!!!!!!!! 1979!!!!!

My favorite movies:

something about cats and dogs
comments: something about telling the truth
sleepless in seattle
comments: i love the mush.
city of angels
comments: to give up forever.
comments: to my own death.
finding nemo
comments: for the lost and downcasted.

My favorite authors:

lualhati bautista
comments: She can make me laugh and thump my head on feminity and rights.
han suyin
comments: anything magical goes with her.
anne rice
comments: anything that has something to do with death and mystery.
gamalinda and rilke
comments: i love gamalinda's spaces. and rilke's darkness.
rhys lloyd
comments: anything sad and bitchy.

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last updated: 2016-09-06 03:40:26
this user's total entries: 503
user since: 2001-09-16

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