Because when life hands you lemons, you have to wonder why they're hogging the bowl of cherries.
My favorite diaries: |
kiss-a-frog profile - diary |
comments: Surprise, baby! MxPx is in our Honeymoon Suite! |
kissmyargyle profile - diary |
comments: Kissmyargyle is the new ihearthockey! (Take that, lockout!) |
notasock profile - diary |
comments: Right. Very, very right. |
waterstain profile - diary |
comments: dear smokers who come in and ask for twelve different kinds of cigarettes: will you please die a little faster? thank you. love, bethany |
imaginated profile - diary |
comments: Dee was born in a small big city in the a time when Michael Jackson was Bad, but not crazy. |
kittenkatie profile - diary |
comments: K-K-K-Katie is C-C-C-Canadian. But I don't hold that against her. |
littledjblue profile - diary |
comments: Little... DJ... and blue. What more could you want? |
girls-suck profile - diary |
comments: 'Boyfriend' is the only job I know of where having no experience will hinder you a bit, having a little helps muchly, and having a lot finds you standing in the unemployment line for months on end. |
sh0rty143 profile - diary |
comments: Like Doug, she wears her underwear on the outside of her clothes. |
mr-knowitall profile - diary |
comments: Politically correct. |
pattymelt profile - diary |
comments: Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. |
mikeygal profile - diary |
comments: Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. |
kooklafran profile - diary |
comments: Reporting what's new in fashion and entertainment on the Barbie scene. |
seducible profile - diary |
comments: I Heart Young Republicans |
momenchance profile - diary |
facepunch profile - diary |
straysparrow profile - diary |
largeglass profile - diary |
coffeeorder profile - diary |
taliana1 profile - diary |
comments: The first entry I read sounded familiar enough to add her to my buddy list. |
project2501 profile - diary |
bagelbean profile - diary |
blackpanty profile - diary |
anothermatch profile - diary |
haddock profile - diary |
comments: She's back! |
ncrebel21 profile - diary |
ihearthockey profile - diary |
comments: Old Keri |
My favorite music: |
MxPx |
comments: I don't care how old they are. They still have wicked catchy stuff. |
Serious Gastric Disturbances |
comments: The first punk band to employ the use of a calliope. |
Menstruel and Pregnant |
Pinecone |
comments: Covering Gridlock (Covering Bon Jovi and Def Leapord) |
Who is Diaryland kidding only giving you five fields? |
comments: Slick Shoes, Side Walk Slam, Dogwood, The Cootees, Arthur, Last Tuesday |
My favorite movies: |
Goodfellas |
comments: Ever since I can remember I've always wanted to be a gangster. |
Falling Down |
comments: [Comparing hamburger to the picture behind the counter.] Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture? |
American Beauty |
comments: Are you trying to look unattractive?/Yes./Well, congratulations. You've succeded admirably. (I love this movie because he wins. He dies, but he still won.) |
Dude, Where's My Car? |
comments: Is it possible we bought an entire lifetime supply of pudding and forgot about it?/I'd say it's entirely possible. (I know I just lost the respect of a lot of you, but that's okay. I didn't like you much anyway.) |
Primal Fear |
comments: Yeah, I'm Martin Vail, from the public defender's office. I'm handling the Aaron Stampler case./Hmm, The Butcher Boy./Yes, thank you, I forgot his real name. |
My favorite authors: |
leave a note for asdotcom
diaryrings which asdotcom belongs to
diaries which list asdotcom as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-12-01 01:20:20
this user's total entries: 1136
user since: 2002-07-08
AOL IM name: anonymssuperhero
ICQ number: 172417215
Yahoo Messenger name: anonymoussuperherodotcom
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]
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