
I'm also known as Olive Oyl you can know more about me on my Blog 360 and profile under olive_oyl_1111 on Yahoo.

My favorite diaries:

i-am-jack profile - diary
comments: I came across your diary , your writtings are very entense and deep , you can almost feel what your writting ,I'm impressed You have a gift for writting .
curious-me profile - diary
comments: I've really enjoyed your entries , I like the way you describle the monster in your closet , I'm afraid of noises in the dark too especially if it came from a closet . Good luck catching that little critter .
hulamoons profile - diary
val922 profile - diary
bluelights profile - diary
comments: Best wishes to you and your hunny for your wedding
thegrapevine profile - diary
violet311 profile - diary
kungfukitten profile - diary
comments: I like your entries
bizzarro profile - diary
moonshine76 profile - diary
headinacloud profile - diary
hamiltonian profile - diary
comments: Your diary is well written and I cant help notice the entries you wrote about of your and your family's experiance with the hurrican. My heart goes out to you all , take care .
phantom4life profile - diary
invisible-k8 profile - diary
breakthedark profile - diary
comments: Your poetry is absolutly amazing , Your gift for writting is truely unique.
sunnflower profile - diary
frozen-words profile - diary

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

Pirates of the Caribbean
Lord of the Rings
The Notebook
The Matrix

My favorite authors:

V.C. Andrews
Stephen King
Betty J Eadie

leave a note for brightxxeyez
diaryrings which brightxxeyez belongs to
diaries which list brightxxeyez as a favorite diary
last updated: 2012-12-19 20:08:59
this user's total entries: 431
user since: 2006-02-07

AOL IM name:
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Yahoo Messenger name: olive_oly_1111
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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