
Married with dog...and two stepsons in Canada. Always seeking control but never getting a good grasp on it! I can fill out the hobby portion of any application now without making it up. Court reporting is work, beading is bliss!!

My favorite diaries:

junkmel1 profile - diary
comments: Best friend with great ear and shoulder, but has bad habit...beading!!
loki-katt profile - diary
comments: Shared many a Mardi Gras...
lizzzygizzzy profile - diary
comments: I'm still waiting on her autobiography, but journal will do for now.
unclebob profile - diary
grizmom profile - diary
comments: My frirend's cousin. Friend has cooties and is NOT the prettiest...I am!
shear-madnez profile - diary
comments: Dill pickle juice? ...can't make self do it :)
weetabix profile - diary
pattypat profile - diary
ladyloo profile - diary
smartypants profile - diary
nitpick profile - diary
cocoabean profile - diary

My favorite music:

Diana Krall
comments: ...with a glass of is good.
Most country
comments: Who doesn't love to exaggerate the twang while singing?!?!
comments: Good old rock, not that electro-techno stuff.

My favorite movies:

comments: Make me laugh, you got a friend forever!
comments: No blood and gore, but the kind that makes you jump and grab a pillow!

My favorite authors:

leave a note for cinzel
diaryrings which cinzel belongs to
diaries which list cinzel as a favorite diary
last updated: 2009-10-05 15:16:09
this user's total entries: 309
user since: 2005-06-09

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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